St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800






















Year Name Tract Name Acres Source Hundred
1705 O'Bryan, Mathias Scotland 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1705 O'Bryan, Mathias Bryan 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1670 O'Bryan, Thomas Clare 250 Patent Record 14, p. 202
1675 O'Daly, Bryan St. Patricks Hill
Will, O'Daly, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1675; 13th Dec., 1675 St. Michaels
1675 O'Daly, Bryan and Adree St. Patricks Hill
Will, O'Daly, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1675; 13th Dec., 1675 St. Michaels
1668 O'Neal, Hugh Desert 700 Patent Record 11, p. 401 Chaptico
1747 O'Neal, Peter Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 62 Patent Record TI 4, p. 186 Resurrection
1754 O'Neal, Peter Crackbournes Purchase 60
1736 bef Oakley, Lionel

Will, Bullock, John,St. Mary's Co.15th Oct., 1736; 16th Nov., 1736.
St. Clements
1705 Oaklye, Lyonell plantation
Rent Rolls
1649 Obert, Bartholomew and Dominick Obert Shepherds Fields (Obert) 200 Patent Record 2, p. 607 New Town
1705 Obert, Bertman Little St. Lawrence
Rent Rolls New Town
1770 Oden, Vincent Odens Fortune 16 Patent Record BC and GS 43, p. 399
1752 Oliver, John Archies Hills 65 Coldham
1753 Oliver, John Cornelius 39 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1753 Oliver, John Fortune 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Oliver, John Perth 62 SMC Debt Books St. Inigoes
1753 Oliver, John Fortunes Outlet 16 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1754 Oliver, John Archies Hills 65 SMC Debt Books
1755 Oliver, John Cornelius 39 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1755 Oliver, John Fortune 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Oliver, John Perth 62 SMC Debt Books St. Inigoes
1755 Oliver, John Fortunes Outlet 16 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Oliver, John Archies Hills 65 Coldham
1760 Oliver, John Cornelius 39 Papist Lands St. Michaels
1760 Oliver, John Fortune 30 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Oliver, John Perth 62 Papist Lands St. Inigoes
1760 Oliver, John Fortunes Outlet 16 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1760 Oliver, John Archies Hills 64 Papist Lands
1640 Oliver, Roger St. Peters Key (Van Swearingen's Point) 65 Patent Record 1, p. 72 St. Mary's
1715 Oliver, William Juxta Stadium Aureolum, land adjoining 50 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1688 Orowley, Anne Morris Mount, 1/2 50 Will, Orowley, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1687; 21st Apr., 1688.

1688 Orowley, Bryan Morris Mount, 1/2 50 Will, Orowley, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1687; 21st Apr., 1688.

1688 Orowley, Bryan Morris Mount, 1/2 50 Will, Orowley, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1687; 21st Apr., 1688.

1688 Orowley, Mary and Ann Morris Mount, 1/2 50 Will, Orowley, Bryan,St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1687; 21st Apr., 1688.

1720 Osborn, Ann Clarks Rest 300 Rent Rolls New Town
1788 Otley, James Poplar Neck 40 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1673 Overton, Thomas Broad Chalke 182 Patent Record 17, p. 521 St. Clements
1656 Overzee, Simon St. Johns Freehold 1000 Himmelheber, Peter St. Mary's
1658 Overzee, Simon Rotterdam 550 Patent Record Q, p. 439
1665 Owten, Thomas Calvert Manor 300 Patent Record 9, p. 95 CC

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2001 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).