Important Hosting Note

This website is being hosted by the St. Mary's County Historical Society (SMCHS). Upon her passing, Linda Davis Reno bequeathed all her historical and genalogical research to SMCHS. Her website, "St. Mary's Families" is presented here as it was transferred to SMCHS, and is hosted "as-is". SMCHS is hosting this website with the understanding that it will not be updating, making corrections, or in any way maintaining it. If you have questions, you may contact SMCHS Webmaster

Last update: 04/2006

Welcome! The purpose of this site is to share with you some of the very rich history of St. Mary's County, Maryland, the third English colony established in the new world. For too many years, the historical importance of this area has been overlooked. In recent years, real progress has been made by the St. Mary's City Commission in recreating the original capital of Maryland. Their primary focus is on the original settlers and how they lived at St. Mary's City. Our focus will be on the people who lived in St. Mary's County or whose roots were here over the past 367 years.