St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800






















Year Name Tract Name Acres Source Hundred
1676 La Mare, Thomas Fishing Place 50 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1677 La Mare, Thomas Fishing Place 50 Patent Record 19, p. 481 Resurrection
1796 Lake, David Unknown 17 Alienations and Transfers
1730 Lake, John Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 160 Rent Rolls New Town
1789 Lake, John Unknown 55 Alienations and Transfers
1751 Nov Lake, Justinian and Elizabeth Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 25 Rent Rolls New Town
1731 Lampton, Mark Lamptons PLeasure 360 Unpatented Certificate 268
1798 Lancaster, Jeremiah St. Johns Landing, (Joshua Grave's Estate, Round About)
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1753 Lancaster, John Hilly Lee 250 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1753 Lancaster, John St. Clements Manor 400 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1760 Lancaster, John Hilly Lee 250 Papist Lands St. Clements
1760 Lancaster, John St. Clements Manor 400 Papist Lands St. Clements
1744 Lancaster, Mary and Anne Neal Hilly Lee
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
St. Clements
1744 Lancaster, Mary and Anne Neal Canoe Neck
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
St. Clements
1648 Land, Phillip Fresh Pond Neck 500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1648 Land, Phillip Fresh Pond Neck 500 Patent Record 2, p. 419 St. Michaels
1684 Lane, Charles Rounton Ramour 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1684 aft Lane, Charles Rounton Ramour 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1685 Lane, Charles Rounton Ramour 100 Patent Record NS 2, p. 43 St. Mary's
1707 Langhorn, Daniel Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Langhorn, William Hatfield Hills 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1789 Langley, James & wife St. Helens
Alienations and Transfers
1709 Langley, John Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1750 Langley, Joseph (cousin) Halleys Grant 190 Will, Cole Eliz., SMC 11/1/1750; 1/19/1750
1736 Langley, William Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1798 Langley, William Hen Coop 40 Alienations and Transfers
1798 Langley, WilliamLangley, Susanna Hen Coop 40 Alienations and Transfers
1707 Langly, John Brooke Chance 81 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1741 Langly, John Brooke Chance 81 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1673 aft Langsworth, William Ingsburth Addition 140 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1694 Langworth, Ann Mills Marsh 150 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, Ann plantation 150 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, Ann plantation 150 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, Elizabeth St. Barbaras Addition 120 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694 St. Clements
1681 Langworth, William St. Barbaras Addition 120 Patent Record CB 3, p. 121 St. Clements
1694 Langworth, William plantation 150 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, William Mills Marsh 150 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, William Highpark 240 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
1694 Langworth, William St. Barbaras Addition 120 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694 St. Clements
1700 bef Langworth, William Ingsburth 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1725 Lant, Lawrence Osfield 72 Rent Rolls
1734 Lant, Lawrence Osfield 72 Patent Record EI 2, p. 203
1736 Lant, Lawrence Osfield 72 Rent Rolls
1753 Latham, George Mitcham Meadows 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1755 Latham, George Mitcham Meadows 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1754 Latimore, James Hopewell 146 SMC Debt Books
1758 Latimore, James Hopewell 89 SMC Debt Books
1796 Latimore, James Westham (Wardners Rest, Bedford) 172 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1707 Lawrence, Daniel Fair Fountain Delight 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1639 Lawrence, Henry Lee 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1754 Lawrence, John Frog Marsh 100 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1753 Lawrence, Joseph Frog Marsh 100 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1721 Lawrence, Robert Smoot 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
1724 Lawrence, Robert Smoot 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
1724 Lawrence, Robert Blewstone Run 150 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1787 Lawrence, William Little Recovery of Birth Right
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1731 Leake, John land bought of John Baptist Carberry
Will, Leake, John, innholder, Leonard Town,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Oct., 1731;
14th Jan., 1731

1741 Leake, Joseph Morgans Delay
Unpatented Certificate 313
1741 Leake, Joseph Leaks Chance 94 Patent Records
1753 Leake, William Hatfield Hills 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
1732 Lecompt, Nehemiah Stratford 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1796 Lee, Charles St. Elizabeth Manor 8 Alienations and Transfer St. Inigoes
1640 Lee, Henry Lee 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1642 Lee, Henry Blunt Point 100 Patent Records New Town
1663 Lee, James Delahays Chance 300 Patent Record 5, p. 335
1753 Lee, John St. Clements Manor 200 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1735 Lee, Luke St. Jeromes 400 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1783 Lee, Philip St. Dorothys, 1/2
Will, Lee, Samuel, SMC; 19/1780; 2/7/1783 New Town
1749 Lee, Richard Lees Adventure 172 Unpatented Certificate 269 St. Georges
1799 Lee, Richard Sallys Neck 50 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1687 Lee, Robert Low's Gift 200 Will, Lee, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,28th Dec., 1687; 4th Jan., 1687
1753 Lee, Samuel Well Close 82 SMC Debt Books St. Inigoes
1753 Lee, Samuel St. Clements Manor 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1755 Lee, Samuel Well Close 82 SMC Debt Books St. Inigoes
1755 Lee, Samuel St. Clements Manor 105 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1783 Lee, Samuel St. Dorothys, 1/2
Will, Lee, Samuel, SMC; 19/1780; 2/7/1783 New Town
1783 Lee, Samuel St. Dorothys, 1/2
Will, Lee, Samuel, SMC; 19/1780; 2/7/1783 New Town
1680 Legatt, Thomas Parnassus 75 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1683 Legett, Thomas Parnassus 75 Patent Record SD A, p. 35 Resurrection
1789 Leigh, Ann Nichols Gallaway
Alienations and Transfers
1789 Leigh, Ann Nichols Paris 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1787 Leigh, Charles Little Recovery of Birth Right
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1790 Leigh, Charles St. Elizabeth Manor 95 Alienations and Transfers St. Inigoes
1791 Leigh, Charles Small Discovery
Alienations and Transfers
1736 Leigh, George Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1736 Leigh, George Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1753 Leigh, George Innis Reserve 25 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Innis Choice 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Innis Chance 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Bettys Folly (Bettys Delight, Betty's Holly, Galloways) 50 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Innis Reserve 25 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Paris 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Leigh, George Inclosure 170 SMC Debt Books
1755 Leigh, George Innis Chance 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Leigh, George Gallowith 50 SMC Debt Books
1755 Leigh, George Innis Reserve 25 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Leigh, George Paris 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Leigh, George Inclosure 170 SMC Debt Books
1756 Leigh, George Herberts Invention 109 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1756 Leigh, George Good Yielding 86 SMC Debt Books
1756 Leigh, George Good Yielding 67 SMC Debt Books
1760 Leigh, George Turners Chance 100 Papist Lands
1760 Leigh, George Gollwith 50 Papist Lands
1760 Leigh, George Turners Reserve 25 Papist Lands
1760 Leigh, George Paris 150 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1760 Leigh, George Inclosure 170 Papist Lands
1787 Leigh, George Innis Choice
Will, Leigh, George, SMC; 8/5/1787; 6/10/1788 St. Mary's
1787 Leigh, George Innis Choice 3 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Leigh, George Innis Choice 100 Will, Leigh, George, SMC, 8/5/1787; 6/10/1788 St. Mary's
1799 Leigh, George Perch Hole Marsh 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Leigh, George Little Yielding
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1787 Leigh, George H. Clarks Rest 187 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1788 Leigh, George H. Gardiners Neck 200 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1791 Leigh, George H. Hogpen Neck
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1797 Leigh, George H. Clarks Rest 187 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1724 Leigh, John Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 70 Rent Rolls New Town
1736 Leigh, John Innis Choice 495 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
St. Mary's
1736 Leigh, John Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1736 Leigh, John Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1736 Leigh, John Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1736 Leigh, John Bettys Folly (Bettys Delight, Betty's Holly, Galloways) 50 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1797 Leigh, John Clarks Rest 187 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1757 Leigh, Massey Town Land Enlarged 117 Patent Record BC and GS 13, p. 418 St. Mary's
1776 Leigh, Massey plantation
Will, Leigh, Massey; St. Mary's Co, 9/5/1775; 4/2/1776
1798 Leigh, Massey St. Elizabeth Manor 1 Alienations and Transfers St. Inigoes
1795 Leigh, Walter

Alienations and Transfers
1787 Leigh, William Unknown
Alienations and Transfers
1788 Leigh, William L. White House
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Leigh, William L. Neglect
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Leigh, William L. Williams Addition
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Leigh, William L. Town Land
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Leigh, William L. Sisters Freehold 150 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1790 Leigh, William L. Eyre
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1792 Leigh, William L. Massom
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1792 Leigh, William L. Eyre
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1675 Lemaister, Richard Toombett 50 Patent Record 19, p. 214
1649 Letchworth, Theodore, assigned Crackbourns 350 Rent Rolls New Town
1657 Letchworth, Thomas Crackbourns 350 Patent Records New Town
1658 Letchworth, Thomas Letchworth 290 Patent Record Q, p. 6
1639 Lewger, John Lewgers Plain 300 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1639 Lewger, John St. Johns (St. Johns Freehold) 300 Patent Record 1, p. 36 St. Mary's
1639 Lewger, John St. Johns Freehold 200 Patent Record 1, p. 52 St. Mary's
1639 Lewger, John White House 63 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1640 Lewger, John St. Ann Manor 1000 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1640 Lewger, John St. Johns Freehold 200 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1640 Lewger, John St. Ann Manor (Point Ann) 1000 Patent Record 1, p. 108 St. Mary's
1657 Lewger, John Scotland 200 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1658 Lewger, John Philips Purchase 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1658 Lewger, John Grade 200 Patent Records
1658 Lewger, John Grade 200 Patent Record Q, p. 50
1658 Lewger, John Philips 100 Patent Records New Town
1705 Lewger, John St. Johns Freehold 200 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1650 Lewger, John II St. Johns Freehold 1000 Himmelheber, Peter St. Mary's
1683 Lewis, Henry & David Lewis, assigned Aisquith Folly 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1683 Lewis, Henry & David Lewis, assigned Aisquith Folly 100 Patent Record CB 3, p. 416 St. Mary's
1718 Lewis, James Frogg Hall 300 Will, Coode, John,St. Mary's Co.,20th Apr., 1718; 29th Apr., 1718 St. Clements
1743 Lewis, John Bachelors Purchase 76 Unpatented Certificate 59
1686 Lewis, Thomas and David Aisquith Folly 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1640 Lewis, William Lewis Neck 30 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1722 Liewellin, Jane Green Spring
Will, Liewellin, Jane, widow,Charles Co.,7th Aug., 1722; 22nd Dec., 1722
1722 Liewellin, Jane father —– Orrell's estate
Will, Liewellin, Jane, widow,Charles Co.,7th Aug., 1722; 22nd Dec., 1722
1789 Lilburn, William Cross (Marys Hope) 2 Alienations and Transfers
1799 Lilburn, William Hunting Neck 3 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1657 Lindsey, Edmund Gloucester Point 200 Patent Records New Town
1652 Lindsey, James, Willan and Richard Snow Hill Manor 900 Patent Records St. Mary's
1665 Lingan, George Buttingham 380 Patent Record 9, p. 260
1671 Lingan, George Long Looked for Come at Last 50 Patent Record 14, p. 301 Resurrection
1753 Livers, Arnold Rev. Little Brittain 750 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Livers, Arnold Rev. Brittains Outlet 43 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Livers, Arnold Rev. Brittains Outlet 43 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Livers, Arnold Rev. Little Brittain 750 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Livers, Arnold Rev. St. Inigoes
Papist Lands St. Inigoes
1760 Livers, Arnold Rev. St. Georges Island Manor 3000 Papist Lands St. Inigoes
1789 Llewellin, Charles Harrow Hills 5 Alienations and Transfers
1789 Llewellin, Charles St. Marys Hope
Alienations and Transfers
1789 Llewellin, Charles Heards Lott 2 Alienations and Transfers
1798 Llewellin, Charles Penryn 200 Alienations and Transfers
1785 Llewellin, Charles, John and Richard St. Clements Manor, land in
Will, Llewellin, John, SMC; 9/17/1785; 11/5/1785 St. Clements
1722 Llewellin, Jane Bromley
Will, Liewellin, Jane, widow,Charles Co.,7th Aug., 1722; 22nd Dec., 1722 St. Clements
1680 Llewellin, John Gallows Green 4 Patent Record CB 2, p. 132 St. Mary's
1744 Llewellin, John Bachelors Rest 500 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1751 Llewellin, John Basford Manor 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1753 Llewellin, John St. Clements Manor 400 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1753 Llewellin, John Basford Manor 75 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1754 Llewellin, John St. Clements Manor 400 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1722 Llewellin, Margaret (dau.) Bromley
Will, Liewellin, Jane, widow,Charles Co.,7th Aug., 1722; 22nd Dec., 1722 St. Clements
1791 Llewellin, Mary Bromley
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1791 LLewellin, Mary St. Clements Manor
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1791 LLewellin, Mary Bromley
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1711 Llewellin, Richard Poplar Hill 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
1714 Llewellin, Richard Fortune, Addition 250 Rent Rolls New Town
1714 Llewellin, Richard Bachelors Rest 500 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1715 Llewellin, Richard Poplar Hill Addition 74 Patent Records Poplar Hill
1715 Llewellin, Richard Bleakes Creek Neck 261 Unpatented Certificate 75 Poplar Hill
1715 Llewellin, Richard Poplar Hill Addition 74 Unpatented Certificate 31 Poplar Hill
1719 Llewellin, Richard Fortune, Addition 250 Patent Records New Town
1720 Llewellin, Richard Brooke 2 Rent Rolls St. Inigoes
1721 Llewellin, Richard Fortune, Addition 300 Rent Rolls New Town
1798 Llewellin, Richard St. Clements Manor 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1666 Lloyd, Richard Penamsez 100 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
1667 Lloyd, Richard Penamsez 100 Patent Record 11, p. 137 Poplar Hill
1754 Lock , Elizabeth Cold Wells 65 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1787 Lock, George Narrows 53 Will,Jordan, James, SMC; 1/25/1787; 2/13/1787
1787 Lock, George St. Clements Manor 53 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1792 Lock, George Hulston 120 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Plains of Jericho 24 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Hulston
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Trumans Hunting Quarter
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Trumans Lodge
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Edwards Discovery
Alienations and Transfers
1792 Lock, George Prices Lott
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, George Plains of Jericho Addition 206 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1775 Lock, Jesse Locks Meadow 27 Patent Record BC and GS 49, p. 259
1787 Lock, Jesse Kellys Luck 138 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1788 Lock, Jesse Luck and Fortune 223 Unpatented Certificate 286
1788 Lock, Jesse Kellys Fortune 210 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1792 Lock, Jesse Luck and Fortune 233 Patent Record IC G, p. 161
1796 Lock, Jesse Long Looked for Come at Last 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1796 Lock, Jesse Long Looked for Come at Last 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1797 Lock, Jesse Mill
Alienations and Transfers
1797 Lock, Jesse Millseat
Alienations and Transfers
1797 Lock, Jesse Little Yielding Addition 19 Patent Record IC M, p. 313 New Town
1795 Lock, John D. Doe Park 13 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1795 Lock, John D. St. Thomas 400 Alienations and Transfers
1743 Lock, Meverell Trumans Lodge 87 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1745 Lock, Meverell Trumans Lodge 63 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1753 Lock, Meverell Hulston 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Lock, Meverell Trumans Lodge 150 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Lock, Meverell Keech and Prices Rest 58 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1768 Lock, Meverell Narrow Chance 33 Patent Record BC and GS 35, p. 250 Resurrection
1769 Lock, Meverell Lot 35 Patent Record BC and GS 39, p. 90 Resurrection
1707 Lock, Philip Burroughs Gift (Burrs Gift) 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1713 Lock, Philip Hulston 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1714 Lock, Philip Good Pennyworth
Patent Record RY 1, p. 348 Resurrection
1722 Lock, Philip Good Pennyworth
Will, Look, Philip,St. Mary's Co.,23rd March, 1717-18; 16th Aug., 1722 Resurrection
1765 Lock, Philip Penny Worth Addition 43 Coldham
1765 Lock, Philip Pennyworth Addition 43 Patent Record BC and GS 23, p. 489 Resurrection
1790 Lock, Thomas Keech and Prices Rest
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1790 Lock, Thomas Trumans Lodge
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1790 Lock, Thomas Edwards Discovery 199 Alienations and Transfers
1714 Lock, William Fairfield 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1738 Lock, William Fairfield 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1742 Lock, William Locks Venture 49 Coldham Resurrection
1743 Lock, William Locks Venture 49 Patent Record LG B, p. 672 Resurrection
1750 Lock, William Fairfield 50 Patent Records Resurrection
1754 Lock, William Penny Worth 50 SMC Debt Books
1754 Lock, William Fairfield 50 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1754 Lock, William Locks Venture 49 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1792 Loker, Arnold Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe)
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1665 Lomax, Thomas Lomley (Lamley?) 450 Patent Record 7, p. 579
1679 Lomax, Thomas Rich Neck 500 Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1679-1680/1, Volume 69, pp. 313-315 St. Clements
1787 Long, Charles Partnership 121 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1787 Long, Charles Partnership 50 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1722 Look, Philip Hulston
Will, Look, Philip,St. Mary's Co.,23rd March, 1717-18; 16th Aug., 1722 Resurrection
1651 aft LOP Basford Manor--Bachelors Hope 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1660 bef LOP Mattapany (Mattapanient)
SMC Chronicles, Vol 4, No. 8, p 48 Harvey
1666 LOP Rich Neck (Governors Gift, Little Eltonhead Manor) 2000 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 4, No 8, p 218 Harvey
1666 LOP Rich Neck (Governors Gift, Little Eltonhead Manor) 2000 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 4, No 8, p 218 Harvey
1670 LOP Gravelly Hills 220 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 10, No. 12 Chaptico
1671 LOP Chaptico Manor
Patent Record 16, p. 397 Chaptico
1671 LOP Gravelly Hills
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 10, No. 12 Chaptico
1675 LOP St. Leonard's 2400 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1679? LOP Bachelors Hope (Basford Manor) 300 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 16, No. 8, p 212 St. Clements
1683 LOP Bachelors Hope (Basford Manor) 300 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 16, No. 8, p 212 St. Clements
1683 LOP Notleys Addition
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 16, No. 8, p 212 St. Clements
1707 LOP Snow Hill Manor 1800 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 LOP Wheatleys 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1707 LOP Intack 57 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 LOP Chapel Freehold 25 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 LOP St. Peters 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1684 aft LOP, escheat Rounton Ramour 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1648 bef Lop, escheat, no Reynolds heirs Fresh Pond Neck 500 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1665 LOP, reserved Beaverdam Manor
LIBER No. 9, folio 506.
New Town
1665 LOP, reserved Chaptico
LIBER No. 9, folio 506.
1698 Lord Baltimore Notley's Addition 400 Will, Doyne, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,10th Mch., 1697; 16th Aug., 1698 St. Clements
1733 bef. Lord Baltimore Trent Neck 2354 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1796 Love, Charles Formby 80 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1776 Love, Jesse Love's Adventure 40 Patent Record BC and GS 52, p. 311
1753 Love, Samuel Partnership 100 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
1695 Love, Thomas Love's Adventure 136 Patent Record C 3, p. 126
1695 Love, Thomas Love's Enjoyment 311 Patent Record C 3, p. 133
1687 Love, Thomas and William Watson Freestone Point 324 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1688 Love, Thomas and William Watson Freestone Point 324 Patent Record NS 2, p. 700 Chaptico
1694 Love, Thomas and William Watson Partnership 260 Patent Record C 3, p. 63 Chaptico
1754 Love, William Partnership 100 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
1701 Low, John Brothers' Joint Interest (PGC)
Will, Low, John,St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1698;
15th July, 1701

1701 Low, John Guardian
Will, Low, John,St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1698;
15th July, 1701

1701 Low, John II Brothers' Joint Interest (PGC)
Will, Low, John,St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1698;
15th July, 1701

1717 Lowe, Ann, Elizabeth and Henrietta Maria Golden Grove 1300 Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 New Town
1717 Lowe, Ann, Elizabeth and Henrietta Maria Golden Grove
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 New Town
1718 Lowe, Anne Golden Grove 500 Will, Lowe, Anne,late of St. Mary's Co., now of Prince George's Co.,14th June, 1718;
23rd May, 1718
New Town
1718 Lowe, Anne Golden Grove 1000 Will, Lowe, Anne,late of St. Mary's Co., now of Prince George's Co.,14th June, 1718;
23rd May, 1718
New Town
1717 Lowe, Dorothy New Design 1300 Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 Harvey
1717 Lowe, Dorothy New Design
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 Harvey
1729 Lowe, Dorothy Golden Grove
Will, Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co., 22nd May, 1729 New Town
1694 Lowe, Henry Inclosure 200 Patent Record B 23, p. 163 St. Georges
1704 Lowe, Henry Inclosure 200 Patent Records St. Georges
1707 Lowe, Henry Wheatleys Chance 272 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Lowe, Henry Kirbys Choice 272 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Lowe, Henry Inclosure 200 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1707 Lowe, Henry Williams Fortune (Bamfield Wood, Harrisons Rest ) 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1717 Lowe, Henry Green Oak
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1719 Lowe, Henry St. Lawrence 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1756 Lowe, Henry Warnell (Warnett, Walnut, Worrell) 240 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1687 Lowe, Henry and Susanna DelaBrooke Manor
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 1, No. 6, p 20 Resurrection
1707 Lowe, Henry exc. for Grunwin, Thomas Bella Keyting 300 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1717 Lowe, Henry, Jr plantation 1300 Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr plantation 1300 Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr old plan. in the Freshes
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr Golden Grove
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 New Town
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr New Design
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717 Harvey
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr Woods Quarter
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1717 Lowe, Henry, Sr Green Oak
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1699 Lowe, John Inclosure (within Beaverdam Manor) 75 Patent Record DD 5, p. 6 New Town
1701 abt Lowe, John Inclosure 75 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1705 Lowe, John Inclosure 110 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1707 bef. Lowe, John Frog Marsh 100 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1753 Lowe, John Warnell (Warnett, Walnut, Worrell) 240 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1707 Lowe, Marshall Crane (Waughops Walker ) 100 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1717 Lowe, Mary Woods Quarter 1300 Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1717 Lowe, Mary Woods Quarter
Will, Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717
1625 bef. Lowe, Nicholas land 190 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725
1723 Lowe, Nicholas St. Thomas 190 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1723 Lowe, Nicholas Friends Good Will ( America Felix Secundus) 612 Rent Rolls New Town
1723 Lowe, Nicholas America Felix 612 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1726 Lowe, Nicholas Workington 350 Patent Records St. Mary's
1726 Lowe, Nicholas Workington 350 Patent Record PL 6, p. 358 St. Mary's
1728 Lowe, Nicholas Friends Good Will 612 Patent Record PL 6, p. 641 New Town
1729 Lowe, Nicholas Delabrooke Manor
Will, Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co., 22nd May, 1729 Resurrection
1729 Lowe, Nicholas 3 tracts
Will, Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co., 22nd May, 1729
1729 Lowe, Nicholas Golden Grove
Will, Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co., 22nd May, 1729 New Town
1729 Lowe, Nicholas Workington
Will, Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co., 22nd May, 1729 St. Mary's
1718 Lowe, Nicholas (bro.) Golden Grove 500 Will, Lowe, Anne,late of St. Mary's Co., now of Prince George's Co.,14th June, 1718;
23rd May, 1718
New Town
1701 abt Lowe, Rebecca Wright Inclosure 75 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1658 Lowe, Richard Burloines Hill 300 Patent Record Q, p. 413
1744 Lowe, Thomas Lowes Chance 75 Unpatented Certificate 283
1796 Lucas, Ann America Felix 14 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1796 Lucas, Ann Sandy Ground (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 41) 90 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1787 Lucas, Henry & wife St. Elizabeth Manor 69 Alienations and Transfers St. Inigoes
1742 Lucas, John Lucas Folly 127 Unpatented Certificate 285
1790 Lucas, John Delabrooke Manor
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1790 Lucas, John Delabrooke Manor
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1789 Lucas, John & wife Delabrooke Manor 750 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1790 Lucas, John & wife Delabrooke Manor 365 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1741 Lucas, William Lucas Chance 195 Unpatented Certificate 284
1746 Lucas, William Jr Pleasant Plains 105 Unpatented Certificate 344
1666 Ludford, Arthur Ludfords Gift 80 Patent Record 10, p. 77
1665 Ludford, Arthur and Stephen Yoe Ludfords Hope 200 Patent Record 8, p. 513
1742 Luke, John Davis Rest (Davis Forest ?) 87 Rent Rolls New Town
1744 Luke, William Davis Rest (Davis Forest ?) 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1726 Lydell, Robert Sinnott's Chance 56 Patent Record PL 6, p. 322
1753 Lydell, Robert Sinnott's Chance 56 SMC Debt Books
1707 Lynch, Francis from Thomas Green Greens Content 100 Rent Rolls
1789 Lynch, Jeremiah and John Greens Rest (Plumb Point)
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1789 Lynch, Jeremiah and John Greens Content 64 Alienations and Transfers
1726 Lynch, John Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rools St. Georges
1727 Lynch, John Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1737 Lynch, John Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rools St. Georges
1755 Lynch, John Graves Content 100 SMC Debt Books
1755 Lynch, John Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 162 Rent Rools St. Georges
1726 Lynch, John from Thomas Green Greens Content 100 Rent Rolls
1788 Lynch, John Jr. Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 100 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1797 Lynch, John Jr. and Stephen Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 93 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1786 Lynch, Stephen Piney Point 145 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1788 Lynch, Stephen Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 100 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1789 Lynch, Stephen Greens Rest (Plumb Point)
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1789 Lynch, Stephen Greens Content 64 Alienations and Transfers
1790 Lynch, Stephen Piney Point
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1790 Lynch, Stephen Piney Point 105 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1790 Lynch, Stephen Piney Point 105 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1791 Lynch, Stephen Lynchs Purchase 72 Unpatented Certificate 287 St. Georges
1789 Lynch, Stephen, Baxter, Anthony Piney Point
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1753 Lynch, Steven Graves Content 100 SMC Debt Books
1753 Lynch, Steven Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 162 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1707 Lynes, Philip Shepherds Fields (Obert) 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Lynes, Philip Shepherds Fields (Obert) 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Lynes, Philip Formby 200 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1744 Lyon, Michael Pettits Addition 27 Rent Rolls
1758 Lyon, Michael Pettits Addition 27 SMC Debt Books
1758 Lyon, Michael St. Margaret 80 SMC Debt Books
1793 Lyon, Walter Burches Forrest 47 Alienations and Transfers

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2001 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).