St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800






















Year Name Tract Name Acres Source Hundred
1798 Gamp, Joseph Gamps Adventure 8 Unpatented Certificate 174
1799 Gamp, Joseph Gamps Discovery 5 Unpatented Certificate 175
1799 Gamp, Joseph Gamps Neighborship 6 Unpatented Certificate 176
1702 Gannyott, Charles Ganyots Lot 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1742 Gannyott, Charles Yoke by Chance 61 Patent Record LG B, p. 589 New Town
1753 Gannyott, Charles Ganyots Lot 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Gannyott, Charles Ganyots Lot 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gannyott, Charles Ganyots Lot 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1760 Gannyott, Charles Ganyots Lot 50 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Gannyott, Charles Yoke By Chance 41 Papist Lands New Town
1753 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Yoke By Chance 41 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Yoke By Chance 41 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Yoke by Chance 41 Patent Records New Town
1756 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Yoke By Chance 41 SMC Debt Books New Town
1756 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Ganyotts Lot 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Yoke By Chance 41 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gannyott, Charles Heirs Ganyotts Lot 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1717 Gant, James Dry Docking 100 Will, Gant, James,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1717; 4th Aug., 1717 New Town
1717 Gant, Mathew Dry Docking 100 Will, Gant, James,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1717; 4th Aug., 1717 New Town
1799 Gardiner, Ann Collocome (Collingwood) 118 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1799 Gardiner, Ann Bedlam Neck 233 Alienations and Transfers
1707 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 257 Patent Record PL 3, p. 498 Resurrection
1714 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 257 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1719 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1719 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 57 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 257 Patent Records Resurrection
1730 Gardiner, Clement Hilly Lee 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1730 Gardiner, Clement Hazard 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1786 Gardiner, Clement Hatchets Thickett 218 Alienations and Transfers
1791 Gardiner, Clement Bedlam Neck 50 Alienations and Transfers
1796 Gardiner, Clement Bedlam Neck 233 Alienations and Transfers
1796 Gardiner, Clement Collocome (Collingwood) 118 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, Clement and William Hayden Hazard 257 Patent Record PL 4, p. 172 Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, Clement and William Hayden Hazard 257 Patent Record FF 7, p. 150 Resurrection
1754 Gardiner, Eleanor St. Johns 500 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1760 Gardiner, Eleanor St. Johns 500 Papist Lands New Town
1640 Gardiner (Garrnet), Richard St. Richards Manor 1000 Patent Record 1, p. 62 Harvey
1791 Gardiner, Henry Bedlam Neck 50 Alienations and Transfers
1792 Gardiner, Henry Collocome (Collingwood) 149 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1796 Gardiner, Henry Collocome (Collingwood) 299 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1674 Gardiner, John St. Johns
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 New Town
1706 Gardiner, John Rich Thickett 100 Patent Record PL 2, p. 17 St. Clements
1707 Gardiner, John Hilly Lee 500 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1707 Gardiner, John Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 400 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1714 Gardiner, John Gardiners Grove 42 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Gardiner, John Gardiners Grove Addition 82 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Gardiner, John Dillons Disappointment 103 Unpatented Certificate 137 St. Clements
1715 Gardiner, John Gardners Goar
42 Unpatented Certificate 173
1715 Gardiner, John Gardiners Grove Addition 82 Patent Record FF 7, p. 62 Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, John Hilly Lee
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 St. Clements
1717 Gardiner, John Gardiners Grove
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, John Gardiners Grove Addition
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, John Cannough Neck
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 Resurrection
1717 Gardiner, John Gardiners Gore 42 Patent Record PL 4, p. 173
1717 Gardiner, John Gardiners Gore 42 Patent Record FF 7, p. 147
1750 Gardiner, John Timber Swamp 100 Patent Records St. Georges
1750 Gardiner, John St. Clements Manor 105 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1793 Gardiner, John Unknown
Alienations and Transfers
1797 Gardiner, John Cawoods Expense 54 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1717 Gardiner, John and Clement Hilly Lee
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 St. Clements
1764 Gardiner, John and John Mason St. Clements Manor 109 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1764 Gardiner, John, Ignatius Wheeler, William Bruce St. Clements Manor (Maiden Bower) 105 Will, Bond, Gerrard, SMC; 9/21/1789; 12/18/1789 St. Clements
1755 Gardiner, John (St. Georges) Timber Swamp 160 Patent Records St. Georges
1758 Gardiner, John (St. Georges) Timber Swamp 160 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1652 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Neck (Creek) 200 Rent Rolls Harvey
1652 Gardiner, Luke St. Richards Manor 1000 Patent Records Harvey
1652 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Neck (Creek) 200 1707 Rent Rolls Harvey
1652 Gardiner, Luke Canoe Neck 800 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1653 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 200 Patent Records New Town
1661 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 875 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1662 Gardiner, Luke Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 200 Patent Record 12, p. 143 Chaptico
1665 Gardiner, Luke Hilly Lee 500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1665 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 300 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1665 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 300 Patent Record 7, p. 549 St. Clements
1667 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Landing 100 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1668 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns (this includes Luke Land and White Land) 1480 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1668 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 213 Rent Rolls New Town
1668 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 2293 Rent Rolls New Town
1668 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Landing 100 Patent Record 11, p. 411 St. Clements
1668 Gardiner, Luke Hilly Lee 500 Patent Record 11, p. 331 St. Clements
1668 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns (this includes Luke Land and White Land) 1480 Patent Record 12, p. 143 New Town
1669 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Chance 155 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1674 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 New Town
1674 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 300 Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 New Town
1674 Gardiner, Luke Hilly Lee
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 St. Clements
1674 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Land
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674
1674 Gardiner, Luke Grimditch (CC)
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674
1674 Gardiner, Luke Piscataway Ck., land on 800 Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674
1687 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 300 Patent Records St. Clements
1695 Gardiner, Luke Fourth Addition 83 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1695 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Addition 400 Patent Records Resurrection
1695 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Second Addition 256 Patent Record C 3, p. 127 Resurrection
1695 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Third Addition 119 Patent Record C 3, p. 6 Resurrection
1698 Gardiner, Luke land 200 Will, Walker, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,11th May, 1698; 6th June, 1698 Resurrection
1699 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Chance 155 Patent Record DD 5, p. 15 Resurrection
1705 Gardiner, Luke Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills) 500 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns
Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns
400 Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns
Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns
Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke Fourth Addition 83 Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke Hilly Lee
Rent Rolls St. Clements
1705 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke Double Discovery 150 Patent Records
1705 Gardiner, Luke Double Discovery 150 Patent Record CD, p. 296
1707 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1707 Gardiner, Luke Westham (Wardners Rest, Bedford) 1200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1707 Gardiner, Luke Gardiners Chance 155 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Gardiner, Luke Crackbourns 310 Rent Rolls New Town
1717 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 50 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1726 Gardiner, Luke St. Johns Landing 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1715 Gardiner, Luke and John St. Johns Landing 117 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1715 Gardiner, Luke And John Gardiner Hilly Lee 685 Patent Record FF 7, p. 428 St. Clements
1687 Gardiner, Luke (bro.) St. Johns
Will, Gardner, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1687 New Town
1674 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 300 Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 New Town
1699 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 2293 Unpatented Certificate 393 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 350 Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns
Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 420 Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 400 Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns
Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 83 Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1705 Gardiner, Luke II St. Johns 100 Will, Gardiner, Luke, SMC 4/24/1703, 5/1705 New Town
1751 Gardiner, Luke III St. Johns 438 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1694 Gardiner, Margery Parting Path 300 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Resurrection
1694 Gardiner, Margery Garden Spot 80 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Resurrection
1694 Gardiner, Margery Hopewell 100 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Poplar Hill
1717 Gardiner, Mary Cannough Neck
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 Resurrection
1653 Gardiner, Richard Middle Ground 50 Patent Records St. Clements
1675 Gardiner, Richard Garden Spot 80 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1676 Gardiner, Richard Garden Spot 80 Patent Record 19, p. 367 Resurrection
1681 Gardiner, Richard Crackbourns Purchase
Archives of MD, Vol 42, p 211 Resurrection
1681 Gardiner, Richard Crackbourns Purchase
Archives of MD, Vol 42, p 211 Resurrection
1685 Gardiner, Richard Collocome (Collingwood) 100 Patent Record NS 2, p. 38 Resurrection
1687 Gardiner, Richard St. Johns
Will, Gardner, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1687 New Town
1687 Gardiner, Richard Barberton Manor (CC)
Will, Gardner, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1687 Charles County ?
1687 Gardiner, Richard lands on both sides of the run
Will, Gardner, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1687 New Town
1687 Gardiner, Richard St. Johns Landing 300 Patent Record NS 2, p. 560 St. Clements
1694 Gardiner, Richard Hopewell 100 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Poplar Hill
1694 Gardiner, Richard Garden Spot 80 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Resurrection
1694 Gardiner, Richard Parting Path 300 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Resurrection
1705 Gardiner, Richard St. Richards Manor 1000 Rent Rolls Harvey
1753 Gardiner, Richard Poplar Hill 200 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1754 Gardiner, Richard Poplar Hill 200 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1754 Gardiner, Richard Middle Ground 50 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1755 Gardiner, Richard Poplar Hill 200 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1755 Gardiner, Richard Middle Ground 50 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1755 Gardiner, Richard Back Land 75 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1758 Gardiner, Richard Poplar Hill 200 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1758 Gardiner, Richard Middle Ground 50 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1758 Gardiner, Richard Floods Quarter 50 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1681 Gardiner, Richard and Elizabeth Crackbourns Purchase 100 Archives of MD, Vol 42, p 211 Resurrection
1674 Gardiner, Thomas Piscataway Ck., land on 800 Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674
1719 Gardiner, Thomas St. Johns 68 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1793 Gardiner, Thomas Unknown
Alienations and Transfers
1796 Gardiner, Thomas Bedlam Neck 233 Alienations and Transfers
1796 Gardiner, Thomas Collocome (Collingwood) 118 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1799 Gardiner, Thomas Collocome (Collingwood) 118 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1799 Gardiner, Thomas Bedlam Neck 233 Alienations and Transfers
1707 Gardiner, widow Fourth Addition 83 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Gardiner, Widow St. Johns 1893 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Gardiner, Widow St. Johns 500 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1744 Gardiner, Wilfred Cannough Neck
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
1744 Gardiner, Wilfred Hilly Lee
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
St. Clements
1674 Gardner, Luke II Hilly Lee
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 St. Clements
1768 Garner, Bullet Garners Lot 129 Patent Record BC and GS 31, p. 409
1798 Garner, Richard Unknown
Alienations and Transfers
1751 Garret, Peter Garret's Purchase
Will, Garret, Peter, St. Mary's Co., 2/14/1750; 4/2/1751
1640 Garret, Richard St. Richards Manor 1000 1707 Rent Rolls Harvey
1711 Garrett, Amos St. Jeromes 400 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1710 Garrett, Amos and Charles Carroll St. Jeromes 400 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1682 Gary, Richard Hardshift 50 Patent Record NS 2, p. 32 St. Mary's
1685 Gary, Richard Hard Shift 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1685 Gary, Richard Hardshift 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Gary, Richard Hard Shift 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Gary, Richard Hardshift 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1782 Gary, Richard Hard Shift 50 Patent Records New Town
1668 Gates, Dorothy Gates Hope (Gates Range) 100 Rent Rolls
1688 Gates, Dorothy Gates Swamp 193 Rent Rolls
1698 Gates, John and Robert St. Marys Hill Freehold 200 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698 St. Mary's
1698 Gates, John and Robert St. Michaels Manor 275 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698 St. Michaels
1698 Gates, John and Robert Gates Swamp
193 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Joseph Gates Hope (Gates Range)
Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1668 Gates, Robert Gates Hope (Gates Range) 100 Patent Record 12, p. 180
1668 Gates, Robert St. Michaels Manor 275 Patent Record 12, p. 181 St. Michaels
1672 Gates, Robert Gates Purchase 60 Patent Record 14, p. 463
1688 Gates, Robert Gates Swamp 193 Patent Record NS B, p. 523
1688 Gates, Robert New Branford 375 Patent Record NS 2, p. 604
1688 Gates, Robert St. Maries 100 Patent Record NS 2, p. 610
1698 Gates, Robert Gates Hope (Gates Range) 100 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert Gates Purchase 60 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert St. Michaels Manor 275 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698 St. Michaels
1698 Gates, Robert St. Marys Hill Freehold 200 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698 St. Mary's
1698 Gates, Robert Gates Swamp
193 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert Branford
Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert Gates Hope (Gates Range)
Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert Gates Purchase
Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698
1698 Gates, Robert Maidstone 20 Will, Gates, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694; 6th June, 1698 Charles County
1669 Gerard, Elizabeth Longworth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Elizabeth Longworth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, John Basford Manor
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Justinian St. Clements Manor, parts of
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1678 Gerard, Justinian St. Clements Manor 11400 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1678 Gerard, Justinian St. Clements Manor 11400 Patent Record 20, p. 16 St. Clements
1688 Gerard, Justinian Bromley
Will, Gerard, Justinian,St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co.,4th Aug., 1682; 22nd Jan., 1688 St. Clements
1664 Gerard, Justinian (son) Bromley
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1664 Gerard, Justinian (son) St. Clements Manor
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1688 Gerard, Justinian (son) St. Clements Manor
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Mary Westwood Lodge
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 Charles County
1672 Gerard, Mary St. Katharine's Manor
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672
1777 Gerard, Mary Mattapany 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7 No. 7, p 344 St. Clements
1777 Gerard, Mary Mattapany 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7 No. 7, p 344 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Rose St. Clements Manor, 1/2
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Rose Basford Manor
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Rose Gerrards Freehold (Pork Hall)
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Mary's
1688 Gerard, Sarah Maunders Bromley
Will, Gerard, Justinian,St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co.,4th Aug., 1682; 22nd Jan., 1688 St. Clements
1688 Gerard, Sarah Maunders (wife) St. Clements Manor
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1639 Gerard, Thomas Gerrards Freehold (Pork Hall) 243 Patent Record 1, p. 50 St. Mary's
1639 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor 1030 Patent Record 1, p. 43 St. Clements
1640 Gerard, Thomas Gerrards Freehold (Pork Hall) 243 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1640 Gerard, Thomas Pork Hall 234 Chr. of SM, Vol 7, # 7 St. Mary's
1642 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor 6000 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 575 St. Clements
1642 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor 6000 Patent Records St. Clements
1650 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor 1500 Patent Records St. Clements
1651 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor 1500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1651 Gerard, Thomas St. Winifred Freehold 500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1651 Gerard, Thomas Westwood Manor 1100 Patent Records Chaptico
1651 Gerard, Thomas Westwood Manor 1600 Patent Records Chaptico
1651 aft Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor 4000 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1652 Gerard, Thomas Canoe Neck 800 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1652 Gerard, Thomas Bushwood 400 SMC Chronicles, Vol 12, No. 4, p 34 St. Clements
1654 Gerard, Thomas Bushwood 1000 SMC Chronicles, Vol 12, No. 4, p 34 St. Clements
1658 Gerard, Thomas Barton Hall 300 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1659 Gerard, Thomas Ensfield 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
1659 Gerard, Thomas Ensfield 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
1660 Gerard, Thomas
100 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 575
1661 Gerard, Thomas Westwood Lodge 100 Patent Record 4, p. 594 Charles County
1662 Gerard, Thomas Bluff Point 102 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66, p 586 Chaptico
1662 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor 100 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 577
St. Clements
1662 Gerard, Thomas Bushwood 1000 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 577
St. Clements
1663 Gerard, Thomas Meadows
Patent Record 5, p. 474
1663 Gerard, Thomas Pork Hall 243 Patent Records St. Mary's
1663 Gerard, Thomas Mannahowick land 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1663 Gerard, Thomas Meadows 400 Patent Record 19, p. 416

1664 Gerard, Thomas Bromley
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1664 Gerard, Thomas Bromley 500 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.581
St. Clements
1664 Gerard, Thomas Westwood Manor 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7 No. 7, p 344 Chaptico
1667 Gerard, Thomas Bachelors Hope (Basford Manor) 300 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 16, No. 8, p 212 St. Clements
1667 Gerard, Thomas Fosters Neck 700 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 5 St. Clements
1669 Gerard, Thomas St. Winifred Freehold 500 Patent Records St. Clements
1669 Gerard, Thomas Longworth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
1669 bef. Gerard, Thomas Longworth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
1670 Gerard, Thomas Gravelly Hills 220 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 10, No. 12 Chaptico
1671 Gerard, Thomas Meadows 400 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1674. p 441

1672 Gerard, Thomas St. Katharine's Manor
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672
1672 Gerard, Thomas Westwood Lodge
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 Charles County
1672 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor, parts of
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor, 1/2
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1672 Gerard, Thomas Gerrards Freehold (Pork Hall)
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Mary's
1672 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor, 1/2
Will, Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672 St. Clements
1674 Gerard, Thomas Meadows 400 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1674. p 441

1676 Gerard, Thomas Basford Manor
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. p.341
St. Clements
1705 Gerard, Thomas St. Clements Manor
Rent Rolls St. Clements
1764 Gerard, Thomas Mattapany 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7 No. 7, p 344 St. Clements
1777 Gerard, Thomas Mattapany 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7 No. 7, p 344 St. Clements
1663 Gerard, Thomas Sr. St. Clements Manor (Notley Hall) 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 4, p 35 St. Clements
1663 Gerard, Thomas Sr. St. Clements Manor (Notley Hall) 500 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 12, No. 4, p 35 St. Clements
1707 Gerard, widow St. Clements Manor 11400 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1709 Geulick, Nicholas Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1721 Gibbons, Henry Punk Neck 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1727 Gibbons, Henry Knightwood 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
1729 Gibbons, Henry Knightwood 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
1741 Gibbons, Henry Keechs Neglect 71 Unpatented Certificate 256 Resurrection
1726 Gibbons, Henry and George Keech Punk Neck
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1728 Gibson, Henry Basford 54 Unpatented Certificate 57 St. Clements
1799 Gill, Elizabeth and Als. Indian Creek 313 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1798 Gill, Elizabeth and Henry Indian Creek 330 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1707 Gillam, John Best Land 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1712 Gillam, John Desert
Will, Gillam, John,St. Mary's Co.,13th Dec., 1711; 16th Sept., 1712 Chaptico
1712 Gillam, John Desert
Will, Gillam, John,St. Mary's Co.,13th Dec., 1711; 16th Sept., 1712 Chaptico
1722 Gillespie, George Fortune, Addition 300 Rent Rolls New Town
1722 Gillespie, George Farthings Fortune 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1664 Gittings, John Fosberrry Plain 430 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1666 Gittings, John Fosberrry Plain 430 Patent Record 10, p. 270 St. Mary's
1706 Glover, Thomas plantation
Will, Fowller, Joseph,St. Mary's Co.,15th Oct., 1706; 8th Nov., 1706
1796 Goddard, Edward Little St. Thomas
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1796 Goddard, Edward Turners Plains
Alienations and Transfers
1796 Goddard, Edward Gloucester
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1789 Goddard, Edward Barton Fortune 19 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1688 Goddard, John Hearts Delight 200 Patent Record NS B, p. 611 New Town
1700 Goddard, John Hearts Delight
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700 New Town
1700 Goddard, John plantation
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700
1743 Goddard, John Goddard Delight 87 Unpatented Certificate 178 New Town
1781 Goddard, John Three Courses (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 13) 88 Confiscated British Property New Town
1790 Goddard, John Range (Goddards Delight) (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 33) 103 Patent Records New Town
1790 Goddard, John Range (Goddards Delight) (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 33) 103 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
1790 Goddard, John Raigne 103 Unpatented Certificate 366
1796 Goddard, John & Als. Three Courses (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 13) 88 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1788 Goddard, John B. Howes Fortune 19 Alienations and Transfers
1700 Goddard, John II plantation
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700
1700 Goddard, Margaret and Elizabeth Hearts Delight
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700 New Town
1658 Godsgrace, James Popleton 200 Patent Record Q, p. 51
1708 Goldsberry, John Fenwick Manor 2000 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1744 Goldsberry, Robert Goldsberrys Race (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 10) 187 Unpatented Certificate 180 New Town
1761 Goldsborough, Henry Sandy Ground (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 41) 19 Unpatented Certificate 398 New Town
1659 Goldsmith, John Ensfield 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
1662 Goldsmith, John Basford Manor 100 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 577
St. Clements
1671 Goldsmith, John Underwood 200 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1672 Goldsmith, John Underwood 300 Patent Record 17, p. 253
1674 Goldsmith, John Hepworth 100 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1675 Goldsmith, John Hepworth 100 Patent Record 19, p. 44 St. Clements
1683 Goldsmith, John Hepworth
Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
1683 Goldsmith, John Underwood 400 Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
1683 Goldsmith, John Retirement 200 Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 Chaptico
1705 Goldsmith, John Underwood 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1755 Goldsmith, John Basford Manor 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1772 Goldsmith, John Underwood 300 Patent Records St. Clements
1796 Goldsmith, John and Mary Bond Unknown

1683 Goldsmith, John Gerrard Underwood 400 Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
1786 Goldsmith, John M. Unknown 6 Alienations and Transfers
1753 Goldsmith, Michael St. Clements Manor 86 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1753 Goldsmith, Michael Basford Manor 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1707 Goldsmith, Notley Underwood 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1753 Goldsmith, Notley Basford Manor 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1683 Goldsmith, Thomas Notley Hepworth
Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
1707 Goldsmith, Thomas Notley Hepworth 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1718 Goldsmith, Thomas Notley Retirement 200 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1683 Goldsmith, William Retirement 200 Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 Chaptico
1683 Goldsmith, William Retirement 200 Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 Chaptico
1707 Goldsmith, William St. Peters Key (Van Swearingen's Point) 50 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Goldsmith, William St. Peters Key (Van Swearingen's Point) 50 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Goldsmith, William Fishing Creek Neck 44 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1705 Goodacre, Bloomer land 100 Rent Rolls
1783 Goodrum, Mary St. Dorothys, 1/2
Will, Lee, Samuel, SMC; 19/1780; 2/7/1783 New Town
1797 Goodrum, Wilfred and James St. Dorothys 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1797 Goodrum, William St. Dorothys 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1737 Gordon, George Punk Neck 140 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1739 Gordon, Mary Simms Forest 400 Will, Forbes, George,St. Mary's Co.,10th Oct., 1739; 31st Oct., 1739
1705 Gorldsworth, John Hepworth 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1753 Gosling, Elizabeth Parting Path 274 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Gosling, Elizabeth Garden Spot 80 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1726 Gosling, John Goslings Addition 30 Patent Record PL 6, p. 465
1707 Gothorp, William Well Close 182 Rent Rolls St. Inigoes
1700 Gough, Benjamin Beaverdam Manor, land in 300 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1712 Gough, Benjamin Mount Pleasant 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1725 Gough, Benjamin St. Margarets 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1736 Gough, Benjamin St. Margarets
Will, Gough (Gaugh), Benjamin,St. Mary's Co.21st Mch., 1735-6; 2nd June, 1736 New Town
1760 Gough, Benjamin Goughs Addition 67 Patent Record BC and GS 17, p. 589
1760 Gough, Benjamin St. Margarets 100 Papist Lands New Town
1767 Gough, Benjamin Goughs Expense 7 Patent Record BC and GS 32, p. 372
1767 Gough, Benjamin Goughs Swamp 7 Patent Record BC and GS 32, p. 372
1736 Gough, Benjamin and James St. Margarets
Will, Gough (Gaugh), Benjamin,St. Mary's Co.21st Mch., 1735-6; 2nd June, 1736 New Town
1753 Gough, Benjamin Heirs St. Margarets 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Gough, Benjamin Heirs St. Margarets 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gough, Benjamin Heirs St. Margarets 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1756 Gough, Benjamin Heirs St. Margarets 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gough, Benjamin Heirs St. Margarets 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1788 Gough, Charles Goughs Addition 12 Alienations and Transfers
1788 Gough, Charles St. Margarets
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1788 Gough, Charles Goughs Addition
Alienations and Transfers
1788 Gough, Charles Goughs Swamp 170 Alienations and Transfers
1744 Gough, Eleanor Resurrection Manor
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1726 Gough, Elizabeth St. Clements Manor 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1743 Gough, Ignatius Galigh's Level 42 Will, Gough, Stephen, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743; 21st April, 1743
1743 Gough, Ignatius Goughs Conveniency 48 Will, Gough, Stephen, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743; 21st April, 1743 New Town
1782 Gough, Ignatius St. Margarets 147 Will, Gough, Ignatius, SMC, 1782; 3/30/1782 New Town
1782 Gough, Ignatius St. Margarets 147 Will, Gough, Ignatius, SMC, 1782; 3/30/1782 New Town
1700 Gough, James Raccoon Point, resurveyed into Raccoon Neck 100 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1700 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1700 Gough, James St. Margarets 300 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1703 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1703 Gough, James Raccoon Neck 200 Patent Record EE 6, p. 7
1703 Gough, James Raccoon Neck 200 Patent Record PL 3, p. 451
1703 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (includes Raccoon Point) 200 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1703 Jan Gough, James Raccoon Point (formerly Nevitts Hold ) resurveyed into Raccoon Neck 50 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1707 Gough, James Raccoon Neck 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Gough, James St. Margarets 300 Rent Rolls New Town
1715 Gough, James Goughs Level 42 Rent Rolls New Town
1717 Gough, James Goughs Levell 42 Patent Record PL 4, p. 171
1717 Gough, James Goughs Levell 42 Patent Record FF 7, p. 145
1720 Gough, James Goughs Conveniency 49 Unpatented Certificate 185 New Town
1723 Gough, James St. Thomas 190 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1725 Gough, James Raccoon Neck 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James St. Margarets 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James Ladyland 109 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725
1725 Gough, James Jarboe 150 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James marsh land adj. to Jarboes 60 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James Goughs Level 42 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James land 190 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725
1725 Gough, James Raccoon Neck 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1741 Gough, James St. Clements Manor 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1750 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 Patent Records New Town
1753 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Gough, James Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 50 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Gough, James St. Teresa 50 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1754 Gough, James No Name 50 SMC Debt Books New Town ?
1755 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Gough, James Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 50 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Gough, James St. Teresa 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1758 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Gough, James Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 50 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1758 Gough, James St. Teresa 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1758 Gough, James Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1760 Gough, James St. Bernards 100 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Gough, James St. Margarets 200 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Gough, James Raccoon Neck (Bacon Neck) 200 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Gough, James Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 50 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1760 Gough, James Q name 50 Papist Lands
1760 Gough, James St. Teresa 100 Papist Lands St. Clements
1769 Gough, James Ladyland 108 Patent Record BC and GS 35, p. 503
1782 Gough, James St. Margarets 147 Will, Gough, Ignatius, SMC, 1782; 3/30/1782 New Town
1712 Gough, James and wife Mount Pleasant 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1796 Gough, John White Birch Freehold 103 Alienations and Transfers St. Michaels
1799 Gough, John Revells
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, John Revells Backside
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, John Hampton
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, John Revells
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, John Revells Backside
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, John Compton
Alienations and Transfers
1799 Gough, John White Burch Freehold 103 Alienations and Transfers
1787 Gough, John Baptist St. Margaretts 150 Alienations and Transfers
1799 Gough, Joseph Wheatleys Hill 205 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Gough, Joseph Nintoquint (Kingston)
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1753 Gough, Peter Lewgers Plain 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Gough, Peter Lewgers Plain 100 Papist Lands New Town
1700 Gough, Stephen Raccoon Point, resurveyed into Raccoon Neck 100 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1700 Gough, Stephen St. Bernards 100 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1700 Gough, Stephen St. Margarets 300 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1700 Gough, Stephen Beaverdam Manor, land in 300 Will, Gough, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700; 2nd Jan., 1700 New Town
1725 Gough, Stephen Jarboe 150 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1725 Gough, Stephen Goughs Level 42 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725 New Town
1743 Gough, Stephen Jarboe ? 150 Will, Gough, Stephen, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743; 21st April, 1743 New Town
1743 Gough, Stephen Goughs Level 42 Will, Gough, Stephen, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743; 21st April, 1743 New Town
1743 Gough, Stephen Goughs Conveniency 48 Will, Gough, Stephen, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743; 21st April, 1743 New Town
1765 Gough, Stephen St. Bernards 2 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1784 Gough, Stephen Goughs Luck 4 Patent Record IC A, p. 305 New Town
1784 Gough, Stephen Goughs Point 10 Patent Record IC A, p. 305
1788 Gough, Stephen Goughs Point Resurveyed 18 Unpatented Certificate 186
1743 Gough, William Goughs Adventure 40 Unpatented Certificate 184
1799 Gough, William S. Gough's Land
Alienations and Transfers
1799 Gough, William Hopewells Delight
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1799 Gough, William Bachelors Hopewell
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hopewell 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift Addition 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift Addition 104 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift Addition 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hopewell 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hopewell 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann Hard Shift Addition 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, George Graves Swamp Addition 108 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1762 Graves, George Graves Swamp Addition 146 Patent Records St. Mary's
1798 Graves, Jeremiah Hopewell 150 Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
1713 Graves, John Hopewell 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
1718 Graves, John Rocky Point 146 Rent Rolls New Town
1718 Graves, John Doe Park
Rent Rolls Chaptico
1718 Graves, John Rocky Point 146 Rent Rolls New Town
1719 Graves, John Graves Chance 224 Rent Rolls New Town
1719 Graves, John Graves Swamp 108 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1719 Graves, John Doe Park 50 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1720 Graves, John North Addition 147 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1720 Graves, John Hard Shift Addition 196 Patent Record CE 1, p. 229 New Town
1723 Graves, John Doe Park 50 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1724 Graves, John Graves Chance 224 Patent Record PL 5, p. 790 New Town
1724 Graves, John Graves Swamp 108 Patent Record PL 5, p. 791 St. Mary's
1724 Graves, John Doe Park, North Addition 147 Patent Record PL 5, p. 789 St. Mary's
1737 Graves, John Graves Lot 162 Unpatented Certificate 194 St. Mary's
1753 Graves, John Graves Chance 94 SMC Debt Books New Town
1799 Graves, John B. St. Johns Landing 120 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1765 Graves, John Baptist Hudson Newcastle 139 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1760 Graves, John Jr. Heir Graves Chance 94 Papist Lands New Town
1743 Graves, Joshua Joshuas Plain 16 Coldham St. Mary's
1785 Graves, Joshua Round About Resurveyed 287 Patent Record IC A, p. 478 New Town
1786 Graves, Joshua Fenwicks Gain Addition 73 Patent Record IC A, p. 708
1788 Graves, Joshua Bachelors Rest 100 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
1789 Graves, Joshua Fenwicks Chance 19 Patent Record IC E, p. 38
1789 Graves, Joshua Fenwicks Discovery 6 Patent Record IC E, p. 38 New Town
1791 Graves, Joshua Thompsons Expense 208 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1793 bef Graves, Joshua Round About 123 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 8, p 358 New Town
1789 Graves, Philip Graves Chance 24 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1727 Graves, Thomas Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 200 Rent Rolls New Town
1730 Graves, Thomas Maidens Lot 236 Rent Rolls New Town
1743 Graves, Thomas Joshuas Plain 16 Patent Record PT 1, p. 310 St. Mary's
1743 Graves, Thomas Maidens Lot 236 Patent Record EI 6, p. 713 New Town
1744 Graves, Thomas Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 409 Patent Record EI 6, p. 678 New Town
1753 Graves, Thomas Graves Chance 120 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, Thomas Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 106 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, Thomas Hopewell 250 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1753 Graves, Thomas Joshuas Plain 16 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1753 Graves, Thomas Hard Shift 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, Thomas Newcastle 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Graves, Thomas Graves Chance 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Thomas Graves Chance 120 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Thomas Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 106 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Thomas Hopewell 99 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1755 Graves, Thomas Hard Shift 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Thomas Newcastle 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Graves, Thomas Graves Chance 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
1707 Gray, James Frichley 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1671 Gray, John Bonnie Dundee 150 Patent Record 14, p. 274
1688 Green, Anne Greens Rest (Plumb Point)
Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688 St. Georges
1786 Green, Bennett St. Elizabeth Manor 5 Alienations and Transfers St. Inigoes
1713 Green, Charles and Elizabeth Skegby 55 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1733 Green,Cudburth, John and Francis Greens Inheritance
Will, Green, Leonard,Charles Co.,11th Oct., 1733; 8th Nov., 1733
1706 Green, James Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 200 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7 St. Clements
1705 Green, John Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 200 Patent Record CD, p. 241 St. Clements
1706 Green, John Brightwell Range (PGC) 100 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7
1706 Green, John Promution 100 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7
1706 Green, John Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 200 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7 St. Clements
1707 Green, John Prevention 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1706 Green, John (son) Brightwell Range (PGC) 100 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7
1706 Green, John (son) Promution 100 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7
1719 Green, John & wife Fresh Pond Neck 150 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1681 Green, Leonard Proprietors Gift (Lordships Favor) 50 Patent Record CB 2, p. 360 St. Mary's
1682 Green, Leonard Greens Content 100 Patent Records
1688 Green, Leonard Greens Rest (Plumb Point)
Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688 St. Georges
1688 Green, Leonard Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1688 Green, Leonard Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1688 Green, Leonard Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1688 Green, Leonard Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1705 Green, Leonard Greens Content 100 Rent Rolls
1733 Green, Leonard land in SMC
Will, Green, Leonard,Charles Co.,11th Oct., 1733; 8th Nov., 1733
1733 Green, Leonard Greens Inheritance
Will, Green, Leonard,Charles Co.,11th Oct., 1733; 8th Nov., 1733
1760 Green, Leonard Fenwick Manor 50 Papist Lands Resurrection
1688 Green, Margaret Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1688 Green, Mary Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1708 Green, Mary Guythers Purchase 100 Rent Rolls
1716 Green, Mary Guyther's Purchase
Will, Green, Mary (widow),St. Mary's Co.,12th May, 1716
1749 Green, Mildred all land
Will, Green, Mildred, SMC; 2/6/1749
1639 Green, Thomas St. Annes 55 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1639 Green, Thomas St. Annes 55 Patent Record 12, p. 560 St. Mary's
1639 Green, Thomas St. Anns Freehold 55 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1651 Green, Thomas Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1688 Green, Thomas Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1705 Green, Thomas Greens Freehold 55 Rent Rolls
1705 Green, Thomas Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rolls St. Georges
1707 Green, Thomas Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rools St. Georges
1726 Green, Thomas Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rools St. Georges
1737 Green, Thomas Greens Rest (Plumb Point) 500 Rent Rools St. Georges
1749 Green, Thomas all land
Will, Green, Thomas, SMC; 1/9/1749; 2/6/1749
1650 Green, Thomas, Governor St. Ann's
Will, Green, Thomas, Governor,St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1650 St. Mary's
1730 Green, Thomas & wife Linstead
Rent Rolls New Town
1730 Green, Thomas & wife Linsteads Addition
Rent Rolls New Town
1716 Green, Thos. and James Guyther's Purchase
Will, Green, Mary (widow),St. Mary's Co.,12th May, 1716
1688 Green, Wynyfred Greens Inheritance 200 Will, Greene, Leonard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687; 4th July, 1688
1750 Greenfield, Ann Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs) 90 Patent Records Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Ann Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs) 90 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Ann Trent Neck 835 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Ann Stockbardolph 75 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1748 Greenfield, George Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills)
Will, Greenfield, Henry, SMC; 12/6/1748 New Town
1740 Greenfield, George and Henry Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1740 Greenfield, George and Henry Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1798 Greenfield, George P. Indian Creek 330 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Gerard Truman Golden Race
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Gerard Truman Retaliation, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Gerard Truman Barrens
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 PGC
1748 Greenfield, Henry Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills)
Will, Greenfield, Henry, SMC; 12/6/1748 New Town
1733 Greenfield, James Truman Keechs Folly (Canada)
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, James Truman Lamley
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, James Truman Holbridge Town
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, James Truman Keechs Folly (Canada) 133 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, James Truman Lamley 100 SMC Debt Books
1753 Greenfield, James Truman Punk Neck 60 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, James Truman Holbridge Town 130 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, James Truman Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenfield, James Truman Keechs Folly (Canada) 133 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1755 Greenfield, James Truman Lamley 100 SMC Debt Books
1755 Greenfield, James Truman Punk Neck 60 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1755 Greenfield, James Truman Holbridge Town 130 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1755 Greenfield, James Truman Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 120 SMC Debt Books New Town
1715 Greenfield, Jane Archer's Pasture, residue
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Jane Archer's Pasture, residue
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Jane Juxta Stadium Aureolum, residue
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Jane Retalliation 100 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1749 Greenfield, Kenelm T. and John Estep Trent Neck 1200 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Kenelm Truman St. Margaret's Island
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1753 Greenfield, Kenelm Truman Trent Neck 1519 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1756 Greenfield, Kenelm Truman Trent Neck 1519 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1758 Greenfield, Kenelm Truman Trent Neck 1519 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1748 Greenfield, Kenelm Truman and wife and T. Greenfield and wife Indian Creek Addition 462 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Greenfield, Martha Skegby
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Jun Greenfield, Martha Indian Creek Addition 365 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 May Greenfield, Martha Indian Creek Addition
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Martha (wife) Golden Race 200 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Martha (wife) plantation
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1714 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Skegby became part of Indian Creek with Addition
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Farthings Discovery
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 New Town
1733 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman White Haven
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Forks 60 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Addition 78 SMC Debt Books
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman White Haven 164 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Indian Creek 491 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Knightwood 50 SMC Debt Books Harvey
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Basford 104 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Thimbleby 109 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Fishing Place 50 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman Brough 75 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1733 Greenfield, Sabina Truman Wolves Den
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1756 Greenfield, Sabina Truman America Felix 152 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1679 Greenfield, Thomas Compass Hills 50 Patent Records
1679 Greenfield, Thomas Podda 100 Patent Record 21, p. 165
1680 Greenfield, Thomas Whimsacre 50 Patent Record CB 2, p. 70
1680 Greenfield, Thomas Woodborough 225 Patent Record CB 2, p. 8
1695 Greenfield, Thomas Stokebardolph 119 Patent Record C 3, p. 93
1696 Greenfield, Thomas Stoke Bardolph 119 Patent Records
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Archer's Pasture, residue
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Archer's Pasture, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Pheasant Tree
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Pheasant Tree addition 73 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Retalliation 100 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Retalliation, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Retalliation, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Pheasant Hills 52 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Juxta Stadium Aureolum, part 50 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Juxta Stadium Aureolum, land adjoining 50 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Juxta Stadium Aureolum, residue
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Golden Race 200 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas plantation
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Stoke Bardolph
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Trumans Acquaintance, 1/3 500 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715 Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Anchovis Hills
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Billingsley's Point
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Trent Neck
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715 Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Pascuum
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Nutwell's Adventure
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Taylor's Coast
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas land adjoining Ann Guin's land 80 Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1753 Greenfield, Thomas Indian Creek 843 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Thomas Good Luck (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 3, Recompence, Rich Hills) 275 SMC Debt Books New Town
1707 Greenfield, Thomas and Henry Peregrine Jowles Holbridge Town 260 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Trueman Trent Neck 140 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Trueman Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs) 90 Patent Record FF 7, p. 66 Resurrection
1716 Greenfield, Thomas Trueman Greenfields Discovery 90 Rent Rolls
1726 Greenfield, Thomas Trueman Punk Neck
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1705 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Wedge, part of Trent Neck 75 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1705 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Inclosure, part of Trent Neck 110 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1705 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Hope, part of Indian Creek 127 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1705 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 2354 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 600 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek Addition 750 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Refuse, included in Trent Neck 140 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Lot 40 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Back Land 185 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Chance 95 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Snenton, inlcuded in Trent Neck 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 75 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek 127 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1707 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Collocome (Collingwood) 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1708 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Collocome (Collingwood) 100 Patent Record PL 3, p. 22 Resurrection
1708 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Collocome (Collingwood) 100 Patent Record DD 5, p. 506 Resurrection
1711 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumania 184 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1713 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumania
Rent Rolls St. Clements
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Lamley 100 Rent Rolls
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek Addition 2490 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Chance, became part of Indian Creek Addition 95 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Hope, became part of Indian Creek Addition 127 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Skegby became part of Indian Creek with Addition
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 2354 Patent Record RY 1, p. 406 Resurrection
1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 2354 Patent Record FF 7, p. 69 Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Keechs Folly
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs) 90 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715 Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Retalliation, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas, planter,Prince George's Co.,17th Aug., 1715; 7th Nov., 1715
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Keechs Folly (Canada) 100 Patent Record RY 1, p. 250 Resurrection
1715 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs) 90 Patent Record RY 1, p. 404 Resurrection
1716 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Lamley 100 Patent Record RY 1, p. 402
1717 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumania
Rent Rolls St. Clements
1717 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Arcadia 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1718 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Forks 60 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Skegby, into Indian Creek
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Greenfield, Thomas Truman America Felix 152 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 May Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek Addition
Rent Rolls Resurrection
1722 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Fishing Place 50 Will, Harris, Peter,St. Mary's Co.,25th May, 1722; 14th Jan., 1722 Resurrection
1722 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Indian Creek 50 Will, Harris, Peter,St. Mary's Co.,25th May, 1722; 14th Jan., 1722 Resurrection
1723 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Penny Farthing 206 Patent Record PL 5, p. 352
1729 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Knightwood 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 2354 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Stoke Bardolph
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Arcadia
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs)
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Hope
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Skegby
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman land from grandmother 150 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman St. Margaret's Island
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman land from Kenhelm Cheslldyne , 1/3
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Retaliation, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Addition, part
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Barrens
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 PGC
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Golden Race
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Chance
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Fishing Place
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Forks
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Forks Addition
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Farthings Discovery
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 New Town
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman White Haven
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman tract bought of Henry Gibbins
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman land bought of George Kieth and Henry Gibbins
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Lamley
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Keechs Folly
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Holbridge Town
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Penny Farthing
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trumans Acquaintance
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Wolves Den
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman America Felix
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Penny Farthing 100 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Holbridge Town
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Mount Olivet
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Fishing Place
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Wolves Den
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
1733 bef. Greenfield, Thomas Truman Trent Neck 2354 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Holbridge Town 130 Patent Records Resurrection
1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Keechs Folly 100 Patent Records Resurrection
1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman Lamley 100 Patent Records
1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman America Felix 152 Unpatented Certificate 43 Resurrection
1711 Greenfield, Thomas Truman and Henry Peregrine Jowles Collocome (Collingwood) 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1733 bef. Greenfield, Thomas Truman (neph) Back Land 1210 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 bef. Greenfield, Thomas Truman (neph) Refuse, included in Trent Neck 1210 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman (son) Trent Neck 2354 Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman (son) Greenfield (Ashcom, Ashcombs)
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1717 Greenfield, Thomas Tuman Arcadia 100 Patent Record FF 7, p. 173 Resurrection
1723 Greenfield, Trueman Crackbourns Purchase 400 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1720 Jun Greenfield, Truman Indian Creek Addition 365 Rent Rolls Resurrection
1753 Greenfield, Truman America Felix 152 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Walter Truman Forks
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Walter Truman Forks Addition
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1733 Greenfield, Walter Truman Fishing Place
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
1784 Greenfield, William T. Lamley
Will of John Stephen JJ#1 f283 5/1784; 8/11/1784

1788 Greenfield, William T. Lamley 100 Alienations and Transfers
1792 Greenwell, Albion and Eleanor Hampton 40 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1798 Greenwell, Athanasius Roberts Chance 70 Alienations and Transfers
1798 Greenwell, Athanasius Greenwells Marsh 49 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1798 Greenwell, Athanasius Bobs Discovery 57 Alienations and Transfers
1798 Greenwell, Athanasius Andrews Woods
Alienations and Transfers
1799 Greenwell, Athanasius & wife Revells
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Athanasius & wife Revells Backside
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Athanasius & wife Compton
Alienations and Transfers
1791 Greenwell, Barnaby Rochester
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1791 Greenwell, Barnaby Goughs Expense
Alienations and Transfers
1791 Greenwell, Barnaby Holly Tree
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1791 Greenwell, Barnaby Greenwells Defense 200 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1738 Greenwell, Charles Farthings Discovery 65 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Greenwell, Charles Farthings Adventure 65 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Charles Farthings Discovery 65 Papist Lands New Town
1798 Greenwell, Charles G. Hampton 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Charles G. Nintoquint (Kingston) 11 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1790 Greenwell, Edmond B. Salisbury (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 39) 59 Unpatented Certificate 397 New Town
1781 Greenwell, Edmond Barton Salisbury (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 39) 65 Confiscated British Property New Town
1763 Greenwell, Edward Greenwells Offset 26 Unpatented Certificate 191 New Town
1738 Greenwell, Enoch Farthings Discovery 75 Rent Rolls New Town
1750 Greenwell, Enoch Wheatleys Content 550 Rent Rolls New Town
1750 Greenwell, Enoch Wheatleys Content 550 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Greenwell, Enoch Hickory Hollow 119 SMC Debt Books
1753 Greenwell, Enoch Farthings Adventure 78 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, Enoch Wheatleys Content (Back Land) 55 SMC Debt Books New Town
1756 Greenwell, Enoch Hickory Hollow 119 SMC Debt Books
1756 Greenwell, Enoch Farthings Adventure 78 Papist Lands New Town
1756 Greenwell, Enoch Wheatleys Content (Back Land) 55 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Enoch Hickory Hollow
Papist Lands
1760 Greenwell, Enoch Farthings Adventure
Papist Lands New Town
1760 Greenwell, Enoch Back Land (Wheatleys Content)
Papist Lands New Town
1753 Greenwell, George Medley 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1714 Greenwell, Grace Piles Woodland 200 Will, Greenwell, James,St. Mary's Co.,28th Nov., 1709; 14th Aug., 1714 New Town
1738 Greenwell, Henry Greenwells Adventure 97
Unpatented Certificate 190
1743 Greenwell, Henry Disappointment 95 Unpatented Certificate 139
1720 Greenwell, Ignatius St. Ignatius 100 Patent Record PL 4, p. 435 New Town
1722 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 25 Rent Rolls New Town
1724 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 25 Patent Record PL 6, p. 211 New Town
1753 Greenwell, Ignatius Wheatleys Meadows 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, Ignatius St. Ignatius 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 23 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Ignatius Wheatleys Meadows 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Ignatius Ignatius Dread 100 SMC Debt Books
1754 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 25 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, Ignatius Wheatleys Meadows 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, Ignatius Ignatius Dread 100 SMC Debt Books
1755 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 25 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Greenwell, Ignatius Wheatleys Meadows 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Ignatius Ignatius Dread 100 Papist Lands
1760 Greenwell, Ignatius Addition 25 Papist Lands New Town
1790 Greenwell, Ignatius Fertility (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 40) 852 Unpatented Certificate 156 New Town
1790 Greenwell, Ignatius Fertility (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 40) 85 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
1781 Greenwell, Ignatius of Henry Fertility (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 40) 96 Confiscated British Property New Town
1705 Greenwell, James Piles Woodland
Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Greenwell, James Rochester 200 Will, Sallmon, Thomas,Newtowne, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Nov., 1695; 14th Nov., 1695 New Town
1707 Greenwell, James Wheatleys Content 150 Rent Rolls New Town
1713 Greenwell, James Holly Tree 148 Rent Rolls New Town
1714 Greenwell, James Piles Woodland 200 Will, Greenwell, James,St. Mary's Co.,28th Nov., 1709; 14th Aug., 1714 New Town
1714 Greenwell, James Holly Tree 148 Patent Record RY 1, p. 468 New Town
1734 Greenwell, James Wheatleys Content 380 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Greenwell, James Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, James Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1759 Greenwell, James Greenwells Defense 39 Patent Record BC and GS 16, p. 327 New Town
1734 Greenwell, James (minor son of William Greenwell) Wheatleys Content 150 Patent Record EI 2, p. 196 New Town
1753 Greenwell, James of Wlm. Wheatleys Content 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, James of Wlm. Wheatleys Content 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Greenwell, James of Wlm. Wheatleys Content 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
1707 Greenwell, James Sr Piles Woodland
Rent Rolls New Town
1656 Greenwell, John Piles Woodland (Pile) 200 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
1658 Greenwell, John Piles Woodland
Will, Will of John Greenwell of Newtowne, Md - March 27, 1658 - April 1658 New Town
1722 Greenwell, John This or None 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1724 Greenwell, John This or None 50 Patent Record PL 6, p. 214 New Town
1731 Greenwell, John Last Shift 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1737 Greenwell, John Last Shift 100 Patent Record EI 2, p. 630 New Town
1741 Greenwell, John Piles Woodland
Will, Greenwell, John,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1739; 15th July, 1741 New Town
1741 Greenwell, John Last Shift
Will, Greenwell, John,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1739; 15th July, 1741 New Town
1741 Greenwell, John Rochester 100 Will, Greenwell, John,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1739; 15th July, 1741 New Town
1751 Greenwell, John Last Shift 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1784 Greenwell, John Greenwells Offset 264 Patent Record IC A, p. 305 New Town
1789 Greenwell, John Edward Abell 55 Alienations and Transfers
1789 Greenwell, John Farthings Adventure 55 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1790 Greenwell, John Three Square 5 Patent Records New Town
1785 Greenwell, John and Clement Norris Rochester 264 Patent Record IC A, p. 468 New Town
1753 Greenwell, John Baptist Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Greenwell, John Baptist Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1796 Greenwell, John Jr. No Name 22 Alienations and Transfers
1790 Greenwell, John of Charles Truth and Trust 190 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1790 Greenwell, John of Charles Truth and Trust 112 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1799 Greenwell, John of Ignatius Nintoquint (Kingston) 11 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1772 Greenwell, John of James Greenwells Defense
1 Patent Records New Town
1787 Greenwell, John of James Hanover 19 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1789 Greenwell, John of James Farthings Adventure 55 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1789 Greenwell, John of James Norris Frolic 3 Alienations and Transfers
1753 Greenwell, John Wiseman This or None 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, John Wiseman John Wiseman Greenwell Park 49 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1753 Greenwell, John Wiseman Piles Woodland 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, John Wiseman This or None 50 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Greenwell, John Wiseman Greenwells Park 48 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Greenwell, John Wiseman Piles Woodland 200 Papist Lands New Town
1768 Greenwell, John Wiseman Greenwells Park 117 Coldham New Town
1768 Greenwell, John Wiseman John Wiseman Greenwell Park 117 Patent Record BC and GS 29, p. 518 Poplar Hill
1753 Greenwell, Joseph Last Shift 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, Joseph Kirbys Choice 67 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1754 Greenwell, Joseph Last Shift 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Joseph Kirbys Choice 67 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1755 Greenwell, Joseph Last Shift 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, Joseph Kirbys Choice 67 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
1799 Greenwell, Joseph Truth and Trust 56 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1798 Greenwell, Joseph of Thomas Wheatleys Content
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1798 Greenwell, Joseph of Thomas Wheatleys Plain (Buckland, Burch Plains, Buck Land Plains)
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1798 Greenwell, Joseph of Thomas Roberts Discovery
Alienations and Transfers
1799 Greenwell, Joseph & wife New Design
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1750 Greenwell, Joshua Last Shift 100 Will, Greenwell, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,2/24/1749; 6/3/1750 New Town
1758 Greenwell, Joshua Last Shift 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Joshua Last Shift 100 Papist Lands New Town
1741 Oct 6 Greenwell, Justinian Kirbys Choice 64 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1756 Greenwell, Justinian Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1756 Greenwell, Justinian Kirbys Choice 67 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1758 Greenwell, Justinian Rochester 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
1758 Greenwell, Justinian Kirbys Choice 67 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1760 Greenwell, Justinian Kirbys Choice 67 Papist Lands St. Mary's
1790 Greenwell, Justinian Johnsons Neck
Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
1736 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 50 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
1753 Greenwell, Leonard Fenwick Manor 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1754 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Leonard Fenwick Manor 50 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1755 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, Leonard Fenwick Manor 50 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1756 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Leonard Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 87 Papist Lands New Town
1753 Greenwell, Mary Green Hill 221 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Mary Green Hill
Papist Lands New Town
1792 Greenwell, Mildred Two Friends 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1792 Greenwell, Mildred Heards Hardship
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1797 Greenwell, Monica Radnor
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1790 Greenwell, Nicholas, Ignatius and Joseoh Johnsons Neck 59 Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
1754 Greenwell, Philip Honest Toms Inheritance 150 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Philip Honest Toms Inheritance 150 Papist Lands New Town
1798 Greenwell, Philip Truth and Trust 77 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1798 Greenwell, Philip Silences Rest (Mill Manor Lot # 13) 27 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1798 Greenwell, Philip Truth and Trust 77 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1798 Greenwell, Philip Silences Rest (Mill Manor Lot # 13) 27 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1770 Greenwell, Rebecca Little Yielding 14 Unpatented Certificate 275 New Town
1737 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Neck 68 Coldham New Town
1741 Greenwell, Robert St. Clements Manor 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1741 Greenwell, Robert Newtons Rest Addition 19 Rent Rolls
1741 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Marsh 68 Patent Record EI 6, p. 401 New Town
1741 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Marsh 68 Patent Record LG C, p. 261 New Town
1753 Greenwell, Robert Back Land 70 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
1753 Greenwell, Robert Lamptons Pleasure 117 SMC Debt Books
1753 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Marsh 49 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Robert Wheatleys Content (Back Land) 70 SMC Debt Books New Town
1754 Greenwell, Robert Lamptons Pleasure 117 SMC Debt Books
1754 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Marsh 49 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Robert Wheatleys Content (Back Land) 70 Papist Lands New Town
1760 Greenwell, Robert Lamptons Pleasure 117 Papist Lands
1760 Greenwell, Robert Greenwells Marsh 49 Papist Lands New Town
1799 Greenwell, Robert Little Yielding 78 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Robert Perch Hole Marsh 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Robert Hardshift Addition 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1799 Greenwell, Robert Little Yielding
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Robert Perch Hole Marsh 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Robert Hardshift Addition 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1793 Greenwell, Robert and Susanna Mattapany Sewall
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
1741 Greenwell, Robert and wife St. Clements Manor 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1750 Greenwell, Sarah Holly Tree 148 Patent Records New Town
1753 Greenwell, Sarah Holly Tree 148 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Sarah Holly Tree 100 Papist Lands New Town
1711 Greenwell, Stephen Hickory Hills 105 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1713 Greenwell, Stephen Hickory Hills 105 Patent Record DD 5, p. 826 St. Mary's
1713 Greenwell, Stephen Hickory Hills 105 Patent Record RY 1, p. 85 St. Mary's
1720 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 129 Rent Rolls New Town
1723 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 54 Rent Rolls New Town
1729 Greenwell, Stephen Saturdays Conclusion 55 Coldham St. Mary's
1734 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 129 Patent Record EI 1, p. 469 New Town
1737 Greenwell, Stephen Saturdays Conclusion 55 Patent Record EI 2, p. 606 St. Mary's
1750 Greenwell, Stephen Spinks Rest 37 Rent Rolls New Town
1750 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 35 Rent Rolls New Town
1753 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 129 SMC Debt Books New Town
1755 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 129 SMC Debt Books New Town
1760 Greenwell, Stephen Cole Brooke Levell 129 Papist Lands New Town
1750 Greenwell, Susanna and Ann Lettice Last Shift 100 Will, Greenwell, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,2/24/1749; 6/3/1750 New Town
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Abells Inclosure
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Inclosure
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Newtons Rest Addition
Alienations and Transfers
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Harm Watch Harm Catch
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Kirbys Choice
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Shrubby Thicket
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Squable
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
1788 Greenwell, Thomas Wheatleys Chance
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
1799 Greenwell, Thomas Honest Toms Inheritance 140 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1797 Greenwell, Thomas of Phil Gilmot Hills 160 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Wilfred Two Friends 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
1799 Greenwell, Wilfred Heards Hardship
Alienations and Transfers New Town
1723 Aug Greenwell, William Wheatleys Content 150 Rent Rolls New Town
1723 Nov Greenwell, William Wheatleys Content 150 Rent Rolls New Town
1791 Greenwell, William

Alienations and Transfers
1792 Greenwell, William Grubstreet
CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Papers)

1742 Griffin, Abraham Scotland
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Oct., 1736; 24th May, 1742 New Town
1739 Griffin, John Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 88 Unpatented Certificate 206 New Town
1741 Griffin, John Griffiths Adventure 100 Unpatented Certificate 195
1742 Griffin, John Long Lane (Mill Land, Mill Freehold), included in America Felix Secundus 110 Coldham New Town
1742 Griffin, John Long Lane (Mill Land, Mill Freehold), included in America Felix Secundus 110 Patent Record EI 6, p. 477 New Town
1751 Griffin, John Long Lane (Mill Land, Mill Freehold), included in America Felix Secundus 110 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1744 Griffin, Mary Beaver Dam Neck
Will, Griffin, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th March, 1744; 18th Aug., 1744 St. Mary's
1742 Griffin, Nicholas,Philip, James and Thomas plantation
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Oct., 1736; 24th May, 1742
1745 Griffin, Paramus Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 89 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1791 Griffin, Philip Griffins Choice
Alienations and Transfers
1688 Griffin, Richard Beaverdam
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,27th Nov., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1688 St. Mary's
1727 Griffin, Richard Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 89 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1730 Griffin, Richard Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 89 Patent Record PL 7, p. 579 St. Mary's
1738 Griffin, Richard Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 23 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1744 Griffin, Richard Beaver Dam Neck
Will, Griffin, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th March, 1744; 18th Aug., 1744 St. Mary's
1744 Griffin, Richard Beaver Dam Neck
Will, Griffin, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th March, 1744; 18th Aug., 1744 St. Mary's
1658 Griffin, Samuel Readley 400 Patent Records
1688 Griffin, Thomas Beaverdam
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,27th Nov., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1688 St. Mary's
1742 Griffin, Thomas Scotland
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Oct., 1736; 24th May, 1742 New Town
1742 Griffin, Thomas plantation
Will, Griffin, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Oct., 1736; 24th May, 1742
1789 Griffin, Thomas St. Helens
Alienations and Transfers
1790 Griffin, Thomas Pleasant Springs 68 Alienations and Transfers
1791 Griffin, Thomas Griffins Choice
Alienations and Transfers
1646 Griffis, Richard Folly Enlarged 84 Unpatented Certificate 162
1798 Griggs, James Robt. Taylors Land (bro)
Alienations and Transfers
1799 Griggs, James Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
1647 Grimsditch, John Grimsditch 100 Himmelheber, Peter New Town
1790 Grindall, Josiah B. Grindalls Lot (Chaptico Manor Lot # 3) 182 Himmelheber, Peter Chaptico
1718 Gristy, Ann Gilmot Hills
Will, Spinke, Henry, planter,St. Mary's Co.,6th Jan., 1718-9 New Town
1737 Gristy, Benjamin Venture 50 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1737 Gristy, Benjamin Venture 50 Rent Rolls Chaptico
1752 Gristy, Benjamin Gristys View 34 Patent Record BY and GS 4, p. 334
1753 Gristy, Benjamin Venture 50 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
1758 Gristy, Benjamin Venture 50 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
1758 Gristy, Benjamin Gristys View 34 SMC Debt Books
1760 Gristy, Benjamin Venture 50 Papist Lands Chaptico
1760 Gristy, Benjamin Gristys View 34 Papist Lands
1788 Gristy, Clement Venture 25 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1788 Gristy, Richard W. Venture 25 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
1780 bef Groom, Thomas Edelin Strife
Will, Fenwick, Ignatius, SMC; 3/16/1784; 4/6/1784 St. Mary's
1780 bef Groom, Thomas Edelin Grooms Thicket
Will, Fenwick, Ignatius, SMC; 3/16/1784; 4/6/1784 St. Georges
1664 Groome, Samuel Great Eltonhead Manor 5000 Archives of MD, 348Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65, Volume 49, Page 348 Harvey
1670 Groome, William Calvert Manor
Patent Records CC
1695 Grunwin, Thomas Bamfield 150 Patent Record C 3, p. 1
1703 Grunwyn, Sarah Bella Keyting
Will, Grunwyn, Thomas(nunc.),St. Mary's Co.,20th Oct., 1703; 13th Dec., 1703 St. Michaels
1658 Grunwyn, Thomas Bella Keyting 300 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1694 Grunwyn, Thomas Williams Fortune (Bamfield Wood, Harrisons Rest ) 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1695 Grunwyn, Thomas Williams Fortune (Bamfield Wood, Harrisons Rest ) 150 Patent Records St. Michaels
1695 Grunwyn, Thomas Williams Fortune (Bamfield Wood, Harrisons Rest ) 150 Patent Records St. Michaels
1703 Grunwyn, Thomas Williams Fortune (Bamfield Wood, Harrisons Rest )
Will, Grunwyn, Thomas(nunc.),St. Mary's Co.,20th Oct., 1703; 13th Dec., 1703 St. Michaels
1703 Grunwyn, Thomas Bella Keyting
Will, Grunwyn, Thomas(nunc.),St. Mary's Co.,20th Oct., 1703; 13th Dec., 1703 St. Michaels
1658 Guest, Walter Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 150 Rent Rolls New Town
1716 Guibert, Elizabeth Longworth Point
Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
1716 Guibert, Elizabeth Longworth Point 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
1716, bef. Guibert, Elizabeth Longworth Point 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
1750 Guibert, Elizabeth (wife) Guiberts Chance
Will, Guibert, Matthew, St. Mary's Co.,1/28/1749; 6/1/1750 St. Clements
1785 Guibert, Elizabeth (wife) Guiberts Chance Addition
Will, Guibert, Thomas, SMC; 2/1/1785; 4/16/1785 St. Clements
1760 Guibert, John St. Johns 181 Papist Lands St. Clements
1760 Guibert, John St. Johns 181 Papist Lands St. Clements
1673 Guibert, Joshua St. Margarets 300 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
1682 Guibert, Joshua Dynard 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1703 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance 131 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1704 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance 131 Patent Record CD, p. 127 St. Clements
1705 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance Addition 35 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1705 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance Addition 38 Patent Records St. Clements
1705 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance Addition 131 Patent Record CD, p. 239 St. Clements
1707 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance 131 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1707 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance Addition 35 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1713 Guibert, Joshua plantation on St. Clement's Bay
Will, Guibert, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1713; 16th May, 1713
1713 Guibert, Joshua Guiberts Chance
Will, Guibert, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1713; 16th May, 1713 St. Clements
1713 Guibert, Joshua Tower Hill
Will, Guibert, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1713; 16th May, 1713 Poplar Hill
1755 Guibert, Joshua Dynard 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1760 Guibert, Joshua Dynard 100 Papist Lands St. Clements
1713 Guibert, Matthew Guiberts Chance
Will, Guibert, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1713; 16th May, 1713 St. Clements
1726 Guibert, Matthew Guiberts Chance Addition 38 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1737 Guibert, Matthew Guiberts Chance Addition 174 Unpatented Certificate 199 St. Clements
1750 Guibert, Matthew Guiberts Chance
Will, Guibert, Matthew, St. Mary's Co.,1/28/1749; 6/1/1750 St. Clements
1753 Guibert, Matthew Dynard 81 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1753 Guibert, Thomas Dynard 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
1785 Guibert, Thomas Guiberts Chance Addition
Will, Guibert, Thomas, SMC; 2/1/1785; 4/16/1785 St. Clements
1716 Guither, Dorothy and Mary Barron Neck
Will, Guyther, Mary, widow,St. Mary's Co.,29th Oct., 1716; 29th Nov., 1716
1765 Guither, George Maids Right 100 Patent Records St. Georges
1722 Guither, John Croft 253 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1727 Guither, John Croft 253 Patent Record PL 6, p. 463 St. Michaels
1731 Guither, John Saturdays Venture Addition 55 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1734 Guither, John Saturdays Venture 55 Patent Record EI 1, p. 67 St. Michaels
1743 Guither, John Saturdays Venture Addition 55 Patent Record LG B, p. 716 St. Michaels
1745 Guither, John Fragments Addition 24 Patent Record PT 1, p. 135
1745 Guither, John Croft Rectified 226 Unpatented Certificate 128 St. Michaels
1745 Guither, John Croft Rectified 247 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1750 Guither, John Croft Rectified 247 Patent Record BY and GS 2, p. 519 St. Michaels
1753 Guither, John Croft 147 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1753 Guither, John Saturdays Venture 2 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1753 Guither, John Cornelius Swamp 100 SMC Debt Books St. Michaels
1760 Guither, John Croft 147 Papist Lands St. Michaels
1760 Guither, John Saturdays Venture 2 Papist Lands St. Michaels
1760 Guither, John Cornelius Swamp 100 Papist Lands St. Michaels
1797 Guither, John Smoots Hollow 150 Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
1714 Guither, Mary Croft 285 Unpatented Certificate 127 St. Michaels
1716 Guither, Mary Folly
Will, Guyther, Mary, widow,St. Mary's Co.,29th Oct., 1716; 29th Nov., 1716 Resurrection
1716 Guither, Mary Barron Neck
Will, Guyther, Mary, widow,St. Mary's Co.,29th Oct., 1716; 29th Nov., 1716
1705 Guither, Nicholas Pope's Hogpen 190 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1724 Guither, Nicholas Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 70 Rent Rolls New Town
1736 Guither , Nicholas Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
1707 Guither, Owen Croft 120 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1682 Guither, William St. Barbaras 250 1707 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1683 Guither, William St. Barbaras 250 Patent Record CB 3, p. 415 St. Michaels
1705 Guither, William Pope's Hogpen 190 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1705 Guither, William Guythers Purchase 100 Rent Rolls
1706 Guither, William Guythers Purchase 100 Patent Record PL 2, p. 146
1706 Guither, William Guythers Purchase 100 Patent Record DD 5, p. 461
1707 Guither, William White House 63 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
1707 Guither, William St. Jeromes 5700 1707 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
1738 Guither, William Guythers Range 30 Unpatented Certificate 200
1744 Guither, William Itchcombs Freehold 344 Coldham St. Georges
1745 Guither, William Hickory Bottom 107 Unpatented Certificate 222 St. Mary's
1750 Guither, William Maids Right 100 Patent Records St. Georges
1753 Guither, William Maids Right 100 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1753 Guither, William Smoot 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1754 Guither, William Maids Right 100 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
1754 Guither, William Smoot 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
1762 Guither, William Hunters Hill Addition 403 Unpatented Certificate 234 Poplar Hill
1769 Guither, William Guithers Tarlton Mill 34 Patent Record BC and GS 49, p. 249 St. Mary's
1770 Guither, William Guithers Addition 22 Patent Record BC and GS 46, p. 514
1770 Guither, William Guithers Tarltons 34 Coldham St. Mary's
1708 Guither, William and Barbara Guythers Purchase 100 Rent Rolls
1707 Gulick, Nicholas Davis Rest (Davis Forest ?) 100 Rent Rolls New Town
1707 Gunn, John Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
1789 Guthry, John & wife Main Chance 113 Alienations and Transfers

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2001 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).