St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800

























Tract Name Year Name Acres Source Hundred
Labyrinth (Chaptico Manor Lot # 31) 1787 Key, Peter 142 Patent Records
Labyrinth (Chaptico Manor Lot # 31) 1799 Key, Philip 15 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Labyrinth (Chaptico Manor Lot # 31) 1799 Mills, William 15 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Lady's Gift (Sewalls Range) 1737 Sewall, Nicholas 1000 Will, Sewall, Nicholas,St. Mary's Co.,16th Apr., 1737; 9th May, 1737
Ladyland 1725 Gough, James 109 Will, Gough, James,St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725; 31st Jan., 1725
Ladyland 1769 Gough, James 108 Patent Records
Lamley 1714 Greenfield, Thomas Truman 100 Rent Rolls
Lamley 1716 Greenfield, Thomas Truman 100 Patent Records
Lamley 1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
Lamley 1733 Greenfield, James Truman
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4
Lamley 1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman 100 Patent Records
Lamley 1753 Greenfield, James Truman 100 SMC Debt Books
Lamley 1755 Greenfield, James Truman 100 SMC Debt Books
Lamley 1784 Stephens, John
Will of John Stephen JJ#1 f283 5/1784; 8/11/1784

Lamley 1784 Greenfield, William T.
Will of John Stephen JJ#1 f283 5/1784; 8/11/1784

Lamley 1784 Stephens, John
Will of John Stephen JJ#1 f283 5/1784; 8/11/1784

Lamley 1788 Greenfield, William T. 100 Alienations and Transfers
Lamley 1788 Steven, John 100 Alienations and Transfers
Lamptons PLeasure 1731 Lampton, Mark 360 Patent Records
Lamptons Pleasure 1753 Greenwell, Robert 117 SMC Debt Books
Lamptons Pleasure 1753 Ford, John 150 SMC Debt Books
Lamptons Pleasure 1754 Greenwell, Robert 117 SMC Debt Books
Lamptons Pleasure 1754 Ford, John 150 SMC Debt Books
Lamptons Pleasure 1755 Ford, John 150 SMC Debt Books
Lamptons Pleasure 1760 Greenwell, Robert 117 Papist Lands
Lamptons Pleasure 1760 Courthouse, John Ford 150 Papist Lands
Lamptons Pleasure 1771 Ford, John JR 153 Coldham
Land Neck 1790 Thompson, Francis 7 Alienations and Transfers
Land Neck 1790 Walker, Joseph 7 Alienations and Transfers
Landing 1755 Williams, Benjamin 1/4 Patent Records
Landing 1760 Williams, Benjamin 1/4 Papist Lands
lands on both sides of the run 1687 Gardiner, Richard
Will, Gardner, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687; 3rd Dec., 1687 New Town
Lane 1759 Alnutt, William 28 Patent Records
Lane (Chaptico Manor Lot # 27) 1790 Stone Michael J. 7 Himmelheber, Peter Chaptico
Langleys Endeavor 1749 Jordan, Justinian
Will, Jordan, Justinian, SMC;2/18/1748; 5/3/1749
Langleys Endeavor 1749 Jordan, Justinian
Will, Jordan, Justinian, SMC;2/18/1748; 5/3/1749
Langleys Endeavor 1749 Jordan, Justinian (son)
Will, Jordan, Justinian, SMC;2/18/1748; 5/3/1749
Lapwood 1698 Slye, Robert
Will, Slye, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,18th Apr., 1698; 12th Oct., 1698 Chaptico
Lapwood 1698 Slye, Priscilla
Will, Slye, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,18th Apr., 1698; 12th Oct., 1698 Chaptico
Lapworth 1669 Slye, Robert 516 Patent Records Chaptico
Lapworth 1670 Slye, Robert
Will, Slye, Robert, St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1670; 13th Mch., 1670 Chaptico
Lapworth 1670 Slye, Robert II
Will, Slye, Robert, St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1670; 13th Mch., 1670 Chaptico
Lapworth Lodge 1670 Slye, Robert
Will, Slye, Robert, St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1670; 13th Mch., 1670 Chaptico
Lapworth Lodge 1670 Slye, Robert II
Will, Slye, Robert, St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1670; 13th Mch., 1670 Chaptico
Lapworth Lodge 1742 Slye, John 57 Patent Records Chaptico
Lapworth Lodge 1742 Slye, Robert 57 Patent Records Chaptico
Last Shift 1731 Greenwell, John 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Last Shift 1737 Greenwell, John 100 Coldham New Town
Last Shift 1737 Greenwell, John 100 Patent Records New Town
Last Shift 1741 Greenwell, John
Will, Greenwell, John,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1739; 15th July, 1741 New Town
Last Shift 1750 Greenwell, Joshua 100 Will, Greenwell, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,2/24/1749; 6/3/1750 New Town
Last Shift 1750 Greenwell, Susanna and Ann Lettice 100 Will, Greenwell, Joshua,St. Mary's Co.,2/24/1749; 6/3/1750 New Town
Last Shift 1751 Greenwell, John 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Last Shift 1751 Fenwick, Enoch 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Last Shift 1751 Fenwick, Enoch 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Last Shift 1753 Greenwell, Joseph 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Last Shift 1754 Greenwell, Joseph 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Last Shift 1755 Greenwell, Joseph 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Last Shift 1758 Greenwell, Joshua 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Last Shift 1760 Greenwell, Joshua 100 Papist Lands New Town
Last Shift 1764 Abell, John son of John 55 Coldham New Town
Last Shift 1781 Norris, John Jr. 50 Will, Norris, John Jr., SMC; 2/5/1781; 4/24/1781 New Town
Last Shift 1781 Shirley, Ignatius 50 Will, Norris, John Jr., SMC; 2/5/1781; 4/24/1781 New Town
Last Shift 1796 Norris, John Basil
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Last Shift 1796 Norris, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Last Shift Addition 1762 Cushman, William 28 Patent Records New Town
Latchford 1647 Johnson, James 200 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Latchford 1649 Johnson, James 200 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Latchford 1707 Johnson, James 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Latchford (in St. Gabriels Manor) 1733 Young, William 400 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
Latchford (in St. Gabriels Manor) 1733 Massey, Ann 400 Rent Rolls St. Michaels
Lawyers Lodging 1673 Dent, Thomas 1 Patent Records
Leakes Purchase 1791 Somerville, William
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1791 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1792 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase, 1792 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1792 Somerville, William
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1792 Somerville, William
Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1799 Somerville, William 120 Alienations and Transfers
Leakes Purchase 1799 Barnhouse, George 120 Alienations and Transfers
Leaks Chance 1741 Leake, Joseph 94 Patent Records
Lee 1639 Lawrence, Henry 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Lee 1640 Lee, Henry 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Lee 1640 escheat 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Lees Adventure 1749 Lee, Richard 172 Patent Records St. Georges
Leicester 1787 Jordan, Jeremiah 258 Alienations and Transfers
Leicester 1787 Thomas, John A. & Tarlton Stephen, Rev. George Goldine 258 Alienations and Transfers
Leigh 1754 Barber, Baptist 100 SMC Debt Books
Leigh 1758 Barber, Baptist 100 SMC Debt Books
Leighs Confirmation 1762 Stratford, Joseph 178 Patent Records
Leith 1666 Maynard, Charles 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1666 Maynard, Charles 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Leith 1673 Cox, John 100 1707 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1707 Stratford, James Thomas 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1707 Reeves, Thomas 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1709 Clubb, John 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1709 Coward, Stephen 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1719 Reeves, Thomas 100 Will, Reves (Rives), Thomas, planter,St. Mary's Co.,8th Dec.; 7th June, 1719 Chaptico
Leith 1719 Reeves, William 100 Will, Reves (Rives), Thomas, planter,St. Mary's Co.,8th Dec.; 7th June, 1719 Chaptico
Leith 1741 Reeves, William 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1741 Barber Luke 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Leith 1753 Stratford, Clement 100 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Leith 1756 Stratford, Clement 100 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Leith 1760 Stratford, Clement 50 Papist Lands Chaptico
Leith 1790 Barber, Baptist 100 Orphans Ct. 1780-1841 Annual Valuations & Assessments, Folio:37 Chaptico
Leith 1790 Barber, George 100 Orphans Ct. 1780-1841 Annual Valuations & Assessments, Folio:37 Chaptico
Leiths Marsh 1754 Stratford, Joseph 16 Patent Records Chaptico
Leiths Marsh 1757 Roberts, John 12 Coldham Chaptico
Leiths Marsh 1757 Roberts, Anthony 12 Patent Records Chaptico
Leiths Marsh 1760 Roberts, Anthony 12 Papist Lands Chaptico
Leonard Payne 1760 Paine, Leonard 100 Papist Lands
Leonards Lot (Chaptico Manor Lot #8) 1783 Clarke, Leonard 105 Patent Records Chaptico
Letchworth 1658 Letchworth, Thomas 290 Patent Records
Lewgers Hills 1710 Norris, John 100 Will, Norris, John,St. Mary's Co.,13th Apr., 1709; 2nd Aug., 1710 New Town
Lewgers Hills 1710 Norris, Thomas and Luke 100 Will, Norris, John,St. Mary's Co.,13th Apr., 1709; 2nd Aug., 1710 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1639 Lewger, John 300 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Lewgers Plain 1682 Hammond, Daniel 430 Rent Rolls New Town
Lewgers Plain 1683 Hammond, Daniel 433 Patent Records New Town
Lewgers Plain 1705 Hammond, Daniel 433 Rent Rolls New Town
Lewgers Plain 1707 Hammond, Daniel 330 Rent Rolls New Town
Lewgers Plain 1707 Norris, John 100 Rent rolls New Town
Lewgers Plain 1753 Hammond, John 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
Lewgers Plain 1753 Norris, Thomas 130 SMC Debt Books New Town
Lewgers Plain 1753 Gough, Peter 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Lewgers Plain 1755 Norris, Thomas 130 SMC Debt Books New Town
Lewgers Plain 1760 Norris, Thomas 130 Papist Lands New Town
Lewgers Plain 1760 Gough, Peter 100 Papist Lands New Town
Lewgers Plain 1787 bef Allen, Owen
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1787 bef Norris, Rodolph
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1787 bef Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1789 Somerville, George (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Lewgers Plain 1792 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Lewgers Plain 1792 Somerville, William
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Lewgers Plain (Locks Purchase) 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 New Town
Lewis Neck 1640 Lewis, William 30 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Lewis Neck 1681 Clocker, Daniel 30 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Lewis Neck 1707 Clocker, Daniel 30 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Lewis Neck 1753 Clocker, Daniel 30 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Lillte Venture 1745 Abell, Samuel 152 Patent Records
Linstead 1653 Spinke, Henry 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1707 Spinke, Francis 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1707 Spinke, Francis 20 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1707 Davis, Walter 20 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1711 Spinke, Francis 16 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1711 Spinke, Francis
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1711 Mahoney, Dennis & Mildred 16 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1711 Melton, Richard
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Shercliffe, Peter 36 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Spinke, Francis
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Davis, Walter & wife 20 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Wildman, Cornelius 20 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Miles, Henry
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Thomas, William 36 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Miles, Henry
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1712 Wildman, Cornelius 20 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1717 Mahoney, Dennis & Mildred 16 Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1724 Wildman, James
Will, Wildman, James,St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1724-5. 1st March, 1724-5 New Town
Linstead 1730 Green, Thomas & wife
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1730 Shercliffe, Thomas
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1730 Shercliffe, Thomas
Rent Rolls New Town
Linstead 1753 Mooney, Thomas 18 SMC Debt Books New Town
Linstead 1753 Shercliffe, John 78 SMC Debt Books New Town
Linstead 1754 Shercliffe, John 78 SMC Debt Books New Town
Linstead 1760 Mooney, Thomas 18 Papist Lands New Town
Linstead 1760 Shercliffe, John 78 Papist Lands New Town
Linstead 1787 Walton, James 18 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead 1787 Hayden, George 18 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead 1789 Hayden, George 103 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead 1789 Bond, Peregrine 103 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead 1789 Hayden, George
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead 1789 Mattingly, Zachariah
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead Addition 1753 Shercliffe, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Linstead Addition 1754 Shercliffe, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Linstead Addition 1760 Shercliffe, John 100 Papist Lands New Town
Linstead Addition 1788 Hamilton, James & wife 9 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linstead Addition 1788 Reeder, Thomas A. 9 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Linsteads Addition 1682 Spinke, Henry 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1707 Spinke, Henry 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1711 Spinke, Francis
Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1712 Spinke, Francis 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1712 Spinke, Francis
Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1712 Shercliffe,Tecla 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1712 Miles, Henry
Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1730 Green, Thomas & wife
Rent Rolls New Town
Linsteads Addition 1745 Shercliffe, Henry 100 Coldham New Town
Linsteads Addition 1745 Spinke, Henry 100 Patent Records New Town
Linsteads Addition 1784 Hamilton, JAmes 273 Patent Records New Town
Litlle St. Thomas 1791 Ford, Philip 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Litlle St. Thomas 1791 Thomas, William Sr. 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little Beleau 1781 Ridgely, Robert 1,200 Will, Ridgely, Robert, St. Inigoes,St. Mary's Co.,20th Dec., 1680; 24th Dec., 1681.
New Town
Little Beleau 1781 Ridgely, Mary (wife) 1,200 Will, Ridgely, Robert, St. Inigoes,St. Mary's Co.,20th Dec., 1680; 24th Dec., 1681.
New Town
Little Brittain 1640 Bretton, William 750 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Little Brittain 1707 Hunter, William 750 Rent Rolls New Town
Little Brittain 1753 Livers, Arnold Rev. 750 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Brittain 1754 Livers, Arnold Rev. 750 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Brittain 1760 Ashby, James Rev. 750 Papist Lands New Town
Little Fenwick 1654 Fenwick, Cuthbert
Will, Fenwick, Cuthbert,St. Mary's Co.6th Mch., 1654 Resurrection
Little Fenwick 1659 Fenwick, Jane 100 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Little Fenwick 1707 Fenwick, Richard 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Little Hackley 1684 Shank, John 300 Will, Shank, John, St. Mary's Co.,19th June, 1683; 16th Feb., 1684 St. Georges
Little Recovery of Birth Right 1787 Leigh, Charles
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Little Recovery of Birth Right 1787 Lawrence, William
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Little Recovery of Birthright 1713 Hebb, Thomas Jr
Rent Rolls St. Georges
Little Recovery of Birthright 1714 Hebb, Thomas Jr
patent St. Georges
Little Recovery Of the Birthright 1750 Hebb, Edward Hillyard 13 Patent Records St. Georges
Little Recovery Of the Birthright 1753 Hebb, Edward Hillyard 13 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Little Recovery Of the Birthright 1755 Hebb, Edward Hillyard 13 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Little St. Lawrence 1705 Obert, Bertman
Rent Rolls New Town
Little St. Thomas 1664 Turner, Emma 200 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1668 Roswell, William 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1668 Turner, Emma and William Roswell 200 Patent Records St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1695 Roswell, William 200 Will, Roswell, William,St. Mary's Co.,17th Sept., 1694; 14th May, 1695 St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1695 Turner, Thomas 200 Will, Roswell, William,St. Mary's Co.,17th Sept., 1694; 14th May, 1695 St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1705 Turner, Emma 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1707 Carberry, John Baptist for Turner's orphans 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1717 Turner, Thomas
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1717 Millard, Richard
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1719 Turner, Thomas
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1719 Turner, Thomas
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1719 Millard, Richard
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1719 Spalding, Thomas
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1726 Millard, Richard
Will, Millard, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,27th Feb., 1725-6; 20th April, 1726 St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1726 Millard, Richard (son)
Will, Millard, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,27th Feb., 1725-6; 20th April, 1726 St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1744 Spalding, Thomas & wife
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1744 Spalding, Thomas Jr
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1753 Millard, Joshua 16 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1753 Spalding, Thomas
SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1753 Millard, Richard 84 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1755 Spalding, Thomas of Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1758 Spalding, Thomas Jr 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1760 Millard, Joshua
Papist Lands St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1760 Spalding, Thomas Jr
Papist Lands St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1760 Millard, Richard
Papist Lands St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1789 Spalding, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1789 Thomas, William Sr.
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1790 Millard, Francis
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1790 Key, Philip
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1791 Jul 21 Thomas, William Sr
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1791 Jul 21 Thomas, William Jr
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1796 Key, Philip
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little St. Thomas 1796 Goddard, Edward
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Little Thickett 1640 Basha, Giles 200 Patent Records
Little Thickett 1640 Brent, Giles 200 Patent Records
Little Yielding 1725 Baily, John 218 Rent rolls New Town
Little Yielding 1737 Baily, John 218 Coldham New Town
Little Yielding 1753 Key, Philip 35 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Yielding 1753 Baily, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Yielding 1755 Key, Philip 35 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Yielding 1755 Baily, Ignatius 117 SMC Debt Books New Town
Little Yielding 1760 Baily, Ignatius 117 Papist Lands New Town
Little Yielding 1770 Greenwell, Rebecca 14 Patent Records New Town
Little Yielding, 1799 Smith, Henry 78 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Little Yielding 1799 Greenwell, Robert 78 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Little Yielding 1799 Greenwell, Robert
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Little Yielding 1799 Leigh, George
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Little Yielding Addition 1797 Lock, Jesse 19 Patent Records New Town
Little Yielding Addition 1797 Smoote, Isaac 19 Patent Records New Town
Littleworth 1679 Sothoron, Richard 25 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Littleworth 1707 Sothoron, John 25 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Littleworth 1753 Sothoron, Samuel 25 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Littleworth 1755 Sothoron, Samuel 25 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Locks Meadow 1775 Lock, Jesse 27 Coldham
Locks Venture 1742 Lock, William 49 Coldham Resurrection
Locks Venture 1743 Lock, William 49 Patent Records Resurrection
Locks Venture 1753 Tippett, Thomas 49 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Locks Venture 1754 Lock, William 49 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Locks Venture 1779 Dick, David
Will, Dick, David,St. Mary's Co.,7/13/1779; 8/4/1779 Resurrection
Locks Venture 1779 Dick, Elizabeth
Will, Dick, David,St. Mary's Co.,7/13/1779; 8/4/1779 Resurrection
Locust Plain 1787 Fenwick, Robert 266 Alienations and Transfers
Locust Plain 1787 Thompson, John 266 Alienations and Transfers
Locust Thicket (Brook Ridge ) (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 20) 1790 Manning, Robert 140 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
Logans Plains 1787 ? Somerville, William 168 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 New Town
Lomley (Lamley?) 1665 Lomax, Thomas 450 Patent Records
Londonderry 1760 Haney, James 17 Coldham
Long Acre 1686 Kerkley, Christopher 40 Patent Records
Long Fields (Woolsey Manor Lot #21) 1789 Hill, Henry 3rd
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Long Fields (Woolsey Manor Lot #21) 1789 Reeder, John Heirs
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Long Fields (Woolsey Manor Lot #21) 1796 Forrest, Uriah 243 Patent Records St. Mary's
Long Fields (Woolsey Manor Lot #21) 1796 Hopewell, James 243 Patent Records St. Mary's
Long in Dispense 1671 Ford, Robert 75 1707 Patent Records New Town
Long in Dispense 1679 Ford, Robert 75 Rent rolls New Town
Long in Dispense 1705 Ford, Robert 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Long in Dispense 1740 Ford, Robert 82 Will, Ford, Robert of Strand, planter,St. Mary's Co.27th Dec., 1735; 15th Sept., 1740 New Town
Long in Dispense 1753 Ford, John Sr 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Long in Dispense 1753 Ford, John 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Long in Dispense 1756 Ford, John Sr 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Long in Dispense 1760 Ford, John Sr. 75 Papist Lands New Town
Long in Dispense 1765 Ford, John Sr
Will of John Ford (33.88) ---28th, 1764; 1/22/1765 New Town
Long Lane (Mill Land), included in America Felix Secundus 1742 Griffin, John 110 Coldham New Town
Long Lane (Mill Land), included in America Felix Secundus 1742 Griffin, John 110 Patent Records New Town
Long Lane (Mill Land), included in America Felix Secundus 1743 Baines, Abraham 110 Patent Records New Town
Long Lane (Mill Land), included in America Felix Secundus 1746
110 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Level 1768 Booth, John 34 Coldham
Long Levels 1787 Wheatley, James
Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787
Long Levels 1787 Wheatley, Joseph
Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787
Long Loked For Come at Last 1680 Truman, Thomas 225 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1671 Lingan, George 50 Patent Records Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1679 Truman, Thomas 225 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1707 Whitter, Julian 112 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1707 Smith, Charles 112 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1725 Parsons, Cosmus & wife
Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1725 Hall, Thomas
Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1725 Hall, Thomas
Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1725 Hall, Thomas
Rent Rolls Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1736 Burroughs, John
Will, Burroughs, John,St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1735; 2nd Nov., 1736 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1736 Burroughs, George
Will, Burroughs, John,St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1735; 2nd Nov., 1736 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1753 Cartwright, John 75 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1753 Burroughs, George 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1753 Hall, Thomas 112 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked For Come At Last 1753 Burroughs, Richard 75 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked For come At Last 1753 Parsons, John 112 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1755 Cartwright, John 75 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1760 Parron ?, John 112 Papist Lands Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1782 Sothoron, Richard
Will, Sothoron, richard, SMC 1/21/1782; 2/27/1782 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1782 Sothorn, John and Richard
Will, Sothoron, richard, SMC 1/21/1782; 2/27/1782 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1787 Wood, Leonard & wife 37 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1787 Burroughs, George 37 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1788 Burroughs, George 37 Will, Burroughs, John,SMC; 12/18/1785; 10/27/1788 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1788 Burroughs, George 100 Will, Burroughs, John,SMC; 12/18/1785; 10/27/1788 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1788 Burroughs, Eleanor 100 Will, Burroughs, John,SMC; 12/18/1785; 10/27/1788 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1788 Burroughs, George (son) 37 Will, Burroughs, John,SMC; 12/18/1785; 10/27/1788 Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1788 Briscoe, John H. 354 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come At Last 1788 Bond, Thomas 354 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Mollohan, James
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Parsons, Clement
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Lock, Jesse 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Wood, James G. 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Lock, Jesse 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Parsons, Joseph
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Wood, James G. 300 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Looked for Come at Last 1796 Parsons, Joseph
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Long Monkshire 1719 Sothoron, John 135 Will, Sothoron, John,Charles Co.,18th Mch., 1711; 1st May, 1719
Long Monkshire 1719 Sothoron, John Johnson 135 Will, Sothoron, John,Charles Co.,18th Mch., 1711; 1st May, 1719
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1650 Nugent, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1650 Cadle, Joseph 200 Patent Records New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1681 Addison, John 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1701 Cissell, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1709 Cole, William and Elizabeth 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1709 Langley, John 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1731 Butcher, Andrew 42 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1733 Finacey, Samuel and wife 25 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1736 Langley, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1753 Clarke, George 42 SMC Debt Books New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1755 Black, John 42 SMC Debt Books New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1789 Somerville, George (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1792 Loker, Arnold
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1792 Milburn, Edward
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1792 Bennet, William
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Long Neck (Bachelors Slipe, Butchers Slipe) 1792 Milburn, Edward
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Long Reach 1768 Edwards, Jonathan 31 Coldham
Long Reach 1789 Edwards, Jonathan
Alienations and Transfers
Long Reach 1789 Bond, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers
Long Slipe 1796 Bond, Peregrine 10 Patent Records
Long Yorkshire 1705 Sothoron, John 134 Patent Records
Longfield 1667 Brooke, Baker 100 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Longs Point 1724 Kirby , William 50 Will, Kirby , William, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1724; 26th Jan., 1724
Longs Point 1724 bef. Aurthure, John 50 Will, Kirby , William, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1724; 26th Jan., 1724
Longworth 1669 Gerard, Thomas
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
Longworth 1669 Gerard, Elizabeth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
Longworth 1669 bef. Gerard, Thomas
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
Longworth 1672 Gerard, Elizabeth
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
Longworth 1672 Blackistone, Nehemiah
SMC Chronicles , Vol. 12, No. 4 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716 Guibert, Elizabeth
Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716 Guibert, Elizabeth 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716 Blackistone , John
Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716 Mason, Mary 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716, bef. Curtis, Michael 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Longworth Point 1716, bef. Guibert, Elizabeth 150 Will, Guibert, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715; 17th Sept., 1716 St. Clements
Lost Return (Last Return) 1671 Truman, Thomas 100 Patent Records
Lost Return (Last Return) 1676 Brooke, Baker 100 Patent Records
Lost Return (Last Return) 1789 Hill, Henry 3rd
Alienations and Transfers
Lost Return (Last Return) 1789 Reeder, John Heirs
Alienations and Transfers
Loughborough 1673 Exon, Henry 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Loughborough 1707 Carroll, Charles 150 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Loughborough 1753 Carroll, Charles 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Loughborough 1753 Carroll, Charles 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Loughborough 1754 Carroll, Charles 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Loughborough 1758 Carroll, Charles 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Loughborough 1786 Carroll, Charles
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Loughborough 1786 Abell, John
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Love's Adventure 1695 Love, Thomas 136 Patent Records
Love's Adventure 1712 Dent, John 136 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712
Love's Adventure 1776 Love, Jesse 40 Coldham
Love's Enjoyment 1695 Love, Thomas 311 Patent Records
Low's Gift 1687 Lee, Robert 200 Will, Lee, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,28th Dec., 1687; 4th Jan., 1687
Lowes Chance 1744 Lowe, Thomas 75 Patent Records
Lucas Chance 1741 Lucas, William 195 Patent Records
Lucas Folly 1742 Lucas, John 127 Patent Records
Luck and Fortune 1788 Lock, Jesse 223 Patent Records
Luck and Fortune 1792 Bruce, John 223 Patent Records
Luck and Fortune 1792 Lock, Jesse 233 Patent Records
Luck and Fortune 1792 Bruce, John 233 Patent Records
Ludfords Gift 1666 Ludford, Arthur 80 Patent Records
Ludfords Hope 1666 Ludford, Arthur and Stephen Yoe 200 Patent Records
Ludgate 1674 Powell, George 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Ludgate 1674 Keech, George 50 Patent Records Resurrection
Ludgate 1677 Powell, George 50 Patent Records Resurrection
Ludgate 1707 Warren, Samuel 50 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Ludgate 1753 Crooke, James 50 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Luke Land 1674 Barber, Luke 500 Will, Barber, Luke, St. Mary's Co.,31st July, 1664; 4th Jan., 1674
Lukes Hardship 1734 Thomas, Luke 7 Rent Rolls
Lukes Hardship 1737 Thomas, Luke 7 Coldham
Lukes Hardship 1739 Thomas, Luke
Will, Thomas, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,6th Feb., 1739; 5th Mar., 1739.

Lukes Hardship 1753 Thomas, Mark Heirs 7 SMC Debt Books
Lukes Hardship 1754 Thomas, Mark Heirs 7 SMC Debt Books
Lukes Hardship 1755 Thomas, Mark Heirs 7 SMC Debt Books
Lukes Hardship 1788 Newton, Clement
Alienations and Transfers
Lukes Hardship 1788 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers
Lukes Hardship 1798 Newton, Ignatius 7 Alienations and Transfers
Lukes Hardship 1798 Somerville, William 7 Alienations and Transfers
Lynchs Purchase 1791 Lynch, Stephen 72 Patent Records St. Georges
Lynchs Purchase 1799 Watts, Richard Jr
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Lynchs Purchase 1799 Hebb, Joseph
Alienations and Transfers St. Georges

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2002 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).