St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800

























Tract Name Year Name Acres Source Hundred
Eaglestone 1665 Swann, Edward 1200 Patent Records Chaptico
Eaglestone 1668 Cooper, Gilbert 100 1707 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Eaglestone 1678 Swann, Edward 615 Patent Records Chaptico
Eaglestone 1707 Highfield, Richard 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Earindly 1663 Elycy, John 350 Patent Records
Earlindy 1665 Jordan, Sarah 350 Patent Records
Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 1705 Green, John 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 1706 Green, John 200 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7 St. Clements
Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 1706 Green, James 200 Will, Green, John,Chaptico Manor, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1706; 1st Feb., 1706-7 St. Clements
Ease Gift (East Gate, Ease Guilt) (by Westham) 1707 Gunn, John 200 Rent Rolls St. Clements
East Ashcomb 1658 Ashcomb, John 400 Patent Records Resurrection
East Frodsham 1651 Hatton, Thomas 200 Patent Records
East Marling 1668 Hunt, John 100 Patent Records
East Marling 1668 Jones, Richard 100 Patent Records
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1662 Gardiner, Luke 200 Patent Records Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1665 Barber, Luke 400 1707 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1665 Barber, Luke 400 Patent Records Chaptico
Eastham (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1674 Barber, Luke 500 Will, Barber, Luke, St. Mary's Co.,31st July, 1664; 4th Jan., 1674 Chaptico
Eastham (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1674 Barber, Edward 500 Will, Barber, Luke, St. Mary's Co.,31st July, 1664; 4th Jan., 1674 Chaptico
Eastham (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1694 Barber, Edward
Will, Barber, Edward,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Mch., 1693; 21st May, 1694 Chaptico
Eastham (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1694 Barber, Cibbil
Will, Barber, Edward,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Mch., 1693; 21st May, 1694 Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1707 Gardiner, John 400 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1743 Barber, Luke 150 Will, Barber, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,29th April, 1739; 27th Dec., 1743.
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1753 Barber, Cornelius 470 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1753 Barber, Baptist 200 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1753 Barber, Edward 130 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1753 Key, Philip 200 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1755 Key, Philip 200 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1758 Barber, Baptist 200 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Eastham, (Luck Land , Covent Garden, Luke Land) 1760 Barber, Edward 130 Papist Lands Chaptico
Edenbrough Addition 1747 Ireland, Gilbert 121 Patent Records St. Mary's
Edenbrough Addition 1748 Ireland, Gilbert 121 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Edenbrough Addition 1753 Ireland, Gilbert 121 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Edenburg 1672 Beal, Ninian 380 1707 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Edenburg 1707 Hutchisons orphan 380 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Edenburg 1755 Watson, William 100 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Edenburgh 1657 Maynard, Charles 100 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Edenburgh 1657 Maynard, Charles 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Edenburgh 1667 Key, Peter
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Edenburgh 1668 Jenkins, William 100 Patent Records St. Clements
Edenburgh 1668 Key, Peter 100 Patent Records
St. Clements
Edenburgh 1669 Martin, James
Will, Martin, James,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Aug., 1669; 4th Sept., 1669.
St. Mary's
Edenburgh 1669 Martin, Ann ??? Maynard
Will, Martin, James,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Aug., 1669; 4th Sept., 1669.
New Town
Edenburgh 1710 Martin, James 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1710 Jones, William 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1719 Jones, William 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1719 Burrell, Elizabeth 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1721 Burrell, Elizabeth
Will, Burrell, Eliza.,St. Mary's Co.,1st Mar., 1720-21; 21st Apr., 1721 New Town
Edenburgh 1721 Kirkley , Charles (son)
Will, Burrell, Eliza.,St. Mary's Co.,1st Mar., 1720-21; 21st Apr., 1721 New Town
Edenburgh 1721, Nov 14 Kirkley, Charles 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1721, Nov 14 Farthing, William Maria 100 Rent Rolls
New Town
Edenburgh 1753 Jenkins, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Edenburgh 1799 Smith, Henry & wife 26 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Edenburgh 1799 Walder, Bennet 26 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Edloe 1648 Edloe, Joseph 300 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloe 1648 Edloe, Joseph 100 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloe 1649 Edloe, Joseph 300 1707 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloe 1707 Edloe, Edward 100 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloe 1720 Atwood, Henry 100 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloe 1778 Sullivan, Daniel
Will, Sullivan, Dennis, St. Mary's Co.; 1/6/1778; 9/29/1778 Harvey
Edloe 1796 Jones, Mordecai 100 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Edloe 1796 Sanner, Isaac 100 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Edloe, resurveyed into Susquehannough Point 1707 Edloe, Edward 200 Rent Rolls Harvey
Edloes Addition 1680 Edloe, Joseph 37 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1682 Edloe, Joseph 37 Patent Records Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1707 Edloe, Edward 37 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1723 Farthing, William Maria 37 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1723 Rousby, John 37 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1723 Rousby, John 37 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1744 Rousby, John 280 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1744 Thompson, Mary 280 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 Resurrection
Edloes Addition 1753 Thompson, John 195 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Edloes Addition, part of Susquehanna Point 1716 Edloe, Edward 37 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edloes Plantation 1789 Kirby, Jeremiah and Dennis Sullivan 75 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Edloes Plantation 1789 Tarlton, Bennet 75 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Edward Abell 1789 Greenwell, John 55 Alienations and Transfers
Edward Abell 1789 Swales, Eleanor 55 Alienations and Transfers
Edwards Addition 1671 Evans, Edward 100 Patent Records
Edwards Back Land 1729 Edwards, Joseph 52 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Edwards Back Land 1734 Edwards, Joseph 52 Coldham Resurrection
Edwards Back Land 1753 Edwards, Mary 52 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Edwards Back Land 1765 Edwards, John (son of Joseph) 162 Coldham Resurrection
Edwards Back Land Addition 1765 Edwards, John 162 Patent Records Resurrection
Edwards Back Land Addition 1793 Edwards, Benjamin & wife 105 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Edwards Back Land Addition 1793 Edwards, Joseph 105 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Edwards Backsaw 1784 Edwards, John
Will, Edwards, John. SMC; 3/4/1784; 7/29/1784
Edwards Backsaw 1784 Edwards, Sarah
Will, Edwards, John. SMC; 3/4/1784; 7/29/1784
Edwards Discovery 1738 Edwards, John 269 Rent Rolls
Edwards Discovery 1790 Lock, Thomas 199 Alienations and Transfers
Edwards Discovery 1790 Smoote, Isaac 199 Alienations and Transfers
Edwards Discovery 1792 Lock, George
Alienations and Transfers
Edwards Discovery 1792 Smoote, Isaac
Alienations and Transfers
Edwards Freehold 1707 escheat 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1640 Ewards, Isaac 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1640 Edwards, Isaac 50 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1707 Whivret, William 50 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1715 Hebb, Joseph 75 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1715 escheat 75 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1742 Hebb, David 75 Coldham St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1742 Hebb, Joseph 75 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1742 Hebb, David 75 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1743 Hebb, David 5 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1743 escheat into Edwards Freehold 5 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1743 Hebb, William 5 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1753 Hebb, William 75 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1754 Hebb, William 75 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1758 Hebb, William 75 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1782 Taylor, Robert 135 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1785 Hebb, Vernon 137 Patent Records St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1792 Hebb, Vernon 137 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1792 Barnes, Richard 137 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1799 Toole, John 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Edwards Freehold (Freehold) 1799 Griggs, James 200 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Egans Discovery 1759 Egan, Barnaby 312 Coldham Poplar Hill
Egans Discovery 1787 ? Somerville, William 312 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Elias Purchase (Chaptico Manor Lot # 24) 1787 Barber, Elias 160 Patent Records Chaptico
Elias Purchase (Chaptico Manor Lot # 24) 1798 Barber, Elias 160 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Elias Purchase (Chaptico Manor Lot # 24) 1798 Shemwell, Joseph 160 Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Elizabeth and Anthonys Green 1726 Williams, Elizabeth 89 Patent Records
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1727 Griffin, Richard 89 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1730 Griffin, Richard 89 Patent Records St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1738 Griffin, Richard 23 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1738 Farthing, James 23 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1745 Griffin, Paramus 89 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1745 Tarlton, James 89 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1753 Tarlton, John 34 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Elizabeth (Tarltons Elizabeth) 1754 Tarlton, James 34 Patent Records St. Mary's
Elizabeths Fancy 1738 White, Elizabeth 40 Patent Records
Elizabeths Fancy 1786 Armstrong, George 90 Patent Records
Elizabeths Purchase (Chaptico Manor Lot # 11) 1790 Scroggin, Elizabeth 151 Himmelheber, Peter Chaptico
Eltonhead 1787 bef Digges, Edward
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Harvey
Eltonhead 1787 bef Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Harvey
Eltonhead 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Harvey
Eltonhead 1789 Somerville, George (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Harvey
Eltonhead 1791 Somerville, William
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Eltonhead 1791 Somerville, John
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Eltonhead Manor 1649 Eltonhead, William 2000 Patent Records Harvey
Eltonhead Manor 1661 Taylor, Thomas 2000 Patent Records Harvey
Eltonhead Manor 1663? Eltonhead, William 2000 Rent Rolls Harvey
Eltonhead Manor 1663 Eltonhead, Jane
Archives of MD, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 99
Eltonhead Manor 1663 Taylor, Thomas (son of Jane Eltonhead)
Archives of MD, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 99
Eltonhead Manor 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Harvey
Enlargement 1782 Boarman, Richard
Will, Boarman, Richard, SMC 4/12/1777; 8/8/1782
Enlargement 1782 Boarman, Benedict
Will, Boarman, Richard, SMC 4/12/1777; 8/8/1782
Enloes Hope 1711 Enloes, Edward,
Will, Enloes, Edward,St. Mary's Co.,21st Apr., 1711; 14th June, 1711
Enochs Lot 1731 Abell, John
Rent Rolls
Ensfield 1659 Gerard, Thomas 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
Ensfield 1659 Goldsmith, John 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
Ensfield 1659 Gerard, Thomas 200 St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66. p 573 St. Clements
Ensfield 1753 Welch, Edward 72 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Ensfield 1758 Welch, Edward 72 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Epping Forest 1750 Key, Philip 1070 Coldham
Escape 1743 Purtle, Robert 88 Patent Records
escheated land 1753 Reswick, John 47 SMC Debt Books
escheated land 1753 Van Reswick, Thomas 64 SMC Debt Books
escheated land 1754 Reswick, John 47 SMC Debt Books
escheated land 1755 Reswick, John 47 SMC Debt Books
Essenton 1673 Cartwright, Demetrius 1300 Patent Records
Essex Lodge 1670 Croome, William 300 Patent Records
estate 1730 Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas,
Will, Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,7th Sept., 1722; 2nd July, 1730
estate, 1/3 1738 Curtis, Michael
8/22/1738: MD Chancery

Evans Addition 1712 Dent, John 100 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712
Evans Freehold 1665 Evans, William 550 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Evans Freehold 1680 Scott, Cuthbert 550 Rent Rolls resurveyed into Hopton Park New Town
Evans Lot 1688 Evans, Charles 26 PAtent Records New Town
Evans Lott 1799 Reeder, Thomas A. 50 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Evans Lott 1799 Wimsatt, Joseph 50 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Evans Reserve 1681 Evans, Edward 100 Patent Records
Evans Reserve 1712 Dent, John 100 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712
Exchange 1664 Bowling, John and John King 500 Patent Records Harvey
Exchange 1769 Spalding, Thomas
Will, Spalding, Thomas, Court House, St. Mary's Co. 2 Jan, 1768 14
Mar, 1769
Exchange 1769 Spalding, Thomas (son)
Will, Spalding, Thomas, Court House, St. Mary's Co. 2 Jan, 1768 14
Mar, 1769
Exchange 1788 Abell, John, Youngest 20 Patent Records Harvey
Exchange 1788 Egerton, John 339 Patent Records Harvey
Expense 1731 Cooper, Richard 82 Patent Records
Expense 1753 Cooper, Richard 67 SMC Debt Books
Eynden 1651 Vandenden, Francis 250 Patent Records
Eyre 1680 Thompson, George 328 1707Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Eyre 1681 Thompson, George 328 Patent Records St. Mary's
Eyre 1707 Thompson, George 328 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Eyre 1753 Cavenaugh, William 328 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Eyre 1760 Cavenough, William 328 Papist Lands St. Mary's
Eyre 1790 Thompson, Susanna
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Eyre 1790 Leigh, William L.
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Eyre 1792 Leigh, William L.
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Eyre 1792 Darnall, Robert
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2002 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).