St. Mary's County Land Ownership: 1637-1800

























Tract Name Year Name Acres Source Hundred
Haddington 1663 Harmington, william 150 Patent Records
Halaliu 1793 Armstrong, John 21 Patent Records St. Mary's
Halaliu ((Woolsey Manor Lot # 3) 1793 Hilton, Matthew 21 Patent Records St. Mary's
Half Pone 1727 Bowles, James
Will, Bowles, James, merchant,St. Mary's Co.,13th June, 1727; 3rd Jan., 1727
Half Pone 1727 Bowles, Elinor
Will, Bowles, James, merchant,St. Mary's Co.,13th June, 1727; 3rd Jan., 1727
Halfes 1675 Courtney, Thomas 400 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfes 1675 Darnall, Henry 400 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfes 1707 Courtney, Mary 400 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfes 1723 Darnall, Henry Jr 300 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfes (Bowles Preservation) 1724 Darnall, Henry Jr 300 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly ???? Halfhead, John 250 Patent Records St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1644 Halfhead, John 200 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1664 Halfhead, John 200 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1665 Edloe, Barnaby & Joseph 200 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665-66. p 567
St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1702 Miles, Susanna
Will, Miles, Susanna,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Feb., 1701-2; 2nd June, 1702 St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1702 Horne, Sarah Miles
Will, Miles, Susanna,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Feb., 1701-2; 2nd June, 1702 St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1707 Horne, Edward 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1707 Rousby, Christopher Heirs 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1708 Rousby, Elizabeth 500 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1708 Horne, Edward 500 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1744 Rousby, John 195 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1744 Somerville, James 195 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1750 Rousby, John 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1753 Milburn, Richard 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1754 Horne, Edward 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1758 Horne, Edward 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Halfheads Folly 1760 Horne, Edward 100 Papist Lands St. Mary's
Halleys Grant 1750 Cole, Elizabeth 190 Will, Cole Eliz., SMC 11/1/1750; 1/19/1750
Halleys Grant 1750 Langley, Joseph (cousin) 190 Will, Cole Eliz., SMC 11/1/1750; 1/19/1750
Haly's Lot 1695 Haly, Clement 108 Will, Haly, Clement,Chaptico, St. Mary's Co.,4th Jan., 1694; 23rd Feb., 1695
Haly's Lot 1695 Haly, Elizabeth 108 Will, Haly, Clement,Chaptico, St. Mary's Co.,4th Jan., 1694; 23rd Feb., 1695
Halys Lot 1688 Haly, Clement 100 Patent Records
Hamersleys Enlargement 1744 Hammersly, Francis 197 Patent Records St. Clements
Hammer 1757 Raley, John 16 Patent Records New Town
Hammer 1791 Hopewell, Pollard 132 Alienations and Transfers
Hammer 1791 Abell, Cuthbert 132 Alienations and Transfers
Hammets Swamp 1759 Hammett, John Jr 20 Coldham
Hammets Swamp 1759 Hammett, John 20 Patent Records
Hammets Swamp 1799 Baker, William 20 Alienations and Transfers
Hammets Swamp 1799 Keech, John 20 Alienations and Transfers
Hammetts Beginning 1731 Hammett, Robert 32 Coldham
Hammetts Beginning 1731 Hammett, Robert 34 Rent Rolls
Hammetts Beginning 1732 Hammett, Robert 34 Patent Records
Hammetts Beginning 1753 Hammett, Robert 34 SMC Debt Books
Hammetts Beginning 1755 Hammett, Robert 34 SMC Debt Books
Hammetts Beginning 1791 Hopewell, Pollard
Alienations and Transfers
Hammetts Beginning 1791 Abell, Cuthbert
Alienations and Transfers
Hammetts Chance 1742 Hammett, Robert 69 Coldham St. Clements
Hammetts Chance 1753 Hammett, Robert 69 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hammetts Chance 1755 Hammett, Robert 69 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hammetts Chance 1796 Thompson, Peter
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Hammetts Chance 1796 Cissell, John
Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Hammetts Discovery 1774 Hammett, Robert 98 Patent Records
Hammetts Outlet 1774 Hammett, William 4 Patent Records
Hammills Town 1738 Hammill, John 135 Patent Records
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1665 Hampstead, William 200 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1682 Thompson, Arthur 200 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1705 Thompson, Arthur 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1707 Bell, Adam 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1707 Thompson, George 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1707 Thompson, Oswald 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1707 Paine, Thomas 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1709 Geulick, Nicholas 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1709 Dansey, John 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1718 Bell, Adam
Will, Bell, Adam,St. Mary's Co.,21st Nov., 1718; 30th Dec., 1718 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1718 Hunter, Margaret (niece)
Will, Bell, Adam,St. Mary's Co.,21st Nov., 1718; 30th Dec., 1718 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1727 Thompson, Joseph George 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1727 Thompson, Oswald Giles Herrel and wife 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1727 Craighill, George 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1727 Graves, Thomas 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1735 James, John and wife
Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1735 Aisquith, Thomas
Rent Rolls New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1744 Graves, Thomas 409 Patent Records New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1749 Craghill, George
Will, Craghill, George, SMC; 5/22/1749 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1749 Craghill, George
Will, Craghill, George, SMC; 5/18/1749; 7/8/1749 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1749 Craghill, George (son)
Will, Craghill, George, SMC; 5/22/1749 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1749 Craghill, Thomas (bro)
Will, Craghill, George, SMC; 5/18/1749; 7/8/1749 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1753 Aisquith, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1753 Craghill, George Heirs 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1753 Ireland, Gilbert 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1753 Holland, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1754 Smith, James 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1791 Aisquith, Robert
Will, Aisquith, Robert, SMC; 1/17/1791; 3/15/1791 New Town
Hampstead (Baptists Hope, Evans Lot) 1791 Aisquith, Cecilia (wife)
Will, Aisquith, Robert, SMC; 1/17/1791; 3/15/1791 New Town
Hampton 1672 Taylor, Henry 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampton 1707 Fossey, John 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampton 1707 Wheatley, John 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hampton 1755 Thomas, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hampton 1792 Greenwell, Albion and Eleanor 40 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1792 Jones, Solomon 40 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1796 Medcalf, Ignatius & wife 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1796 Holton, Margaret 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1796 Medcalf, Ignatius & wife 47 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1796 Jones, Solomon 47 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1798 Norris, Philip 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1798 Greenwell, Charles G. 30 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1799 Jones, Ann
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hampton 1799 Gough, John
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Handkerchief 1762 Abell, John son of John 21 Coldham
Handy Delight 1714 Defever, George 78 Patent Records
Hanover 1787 Greenwell, John of James 19 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover 1787 Fenwick, Joseph 19 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover 1788 Fenwick, Joseph 160 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover 1788 Booth, Joseph 160 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover 1791 Fenwick, Joseph & wife 25 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover 1791 Booth, Joseph 25 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1665 Peake, Walter 500 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1665 aft Peake, Walter 500 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1666 Peake, Walter 500 Patent Records New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1720 Farthing, Richard 366 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1735 Farthing, Richard 366 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1735 Heard, Luke 366 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1735 Farthing, Richard 366 Patent Records New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Farthing, Richard 60 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Spinks, William 60 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Wheatley, John 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Greenwell, Leonard 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Farthing, Richard 183 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1736 Wheatley, John 183 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1753 Heard, Matthew 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1753 Wheatley, John 45 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1753 Field, Edward 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1753 Peake, Peter 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1753 Greenwell, Leonard 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1754 Peake, William 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1754 Peake, Peter Jr 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1754 Greenwell, Leonard 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1755 Heard, Matthew 123 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1755 Peake, William 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1755 Greenwell, Leonard 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1756 Greenwell, Leonard 87 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1760 Peake, Peter 50 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1760 Wheatley, John 45 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1760 Peake, William 60 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1760 Greenwell, Leonard 87 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1783 Heard, John son of John 14 Coldham New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1783 Ford, Athanasius 14 Patent Records New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1786 Fenwick, Ignatius 213 Patent Records New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1787 Wheatley, James
Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787 New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1787 Wheatley, Joseph
Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787 New Town
Hanover Addition (St. Francis) 1795 Hopewell, William & wife 366? SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1719 Farthing, William Maria 1125 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1719 escheat 1125 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1720 Farthing, William Maria 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1720 Farthing, Richard 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1722 Farthing, William Maria 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1722 Farthing, Richard 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1734 Farthing, William Maria 60 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1734 Farthing, William Maria 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1734 Jarboe, Peter 60 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1734 Heard, John Jr 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1737 Peake, William 236 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1737 Farthing, Richard 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1737 Watts, George 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1737 Heard, John Jr 236 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1738 Wheatley, John 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1738 Peake, William 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1739 Walls, George 50 Will, Walls, George,Charles Co.,13th May, 1738; 31st July 1739 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1739 Walls, George 50 Will, Walls, George,Charles Co.,13th May, 1738; 31st July 1739 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1739 Walls, William 50 Will, Walls, George,Charles Co.,13th May, 1738; 31st July 1739 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1739 Walls, George 50 Will, Walls, George,Charles Co.,13th May, 1738; 31st July 1739 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1741 Clarke, Robert 50 Patent Records New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1743 Jarboe, Peter
Will, Jarboe, Peter,St. Mary's Co.,12th Nov., 1743; 7th Dec., 1743 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1743 Jarboe, Peter and Bennet
Will, Jarboe, Peter,St. Mary's Co.,12th Nov., 1743; 7th Dec., 1743 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1744 Farthing, Richard 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1744 Edwards, Stourton 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1745 Farthing, Richard 300 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1745 Heard, John Jr 300 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1748 Heard, Matthew 476 Coldham New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Watts, William and Alice 58 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Heard, John 58 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Heard, John 58 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Apr Heard, Matthew 43 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Apr Jarboe, John 43 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Aug Heard, Matthew 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Aug Jarboe, Mark 40 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Jun Heard, Matthew 24 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1752 Jun Jarboe, John 24 Rent Rolls New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Heard, John 193 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Heard, John 43 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Heard, John 350 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, Benjamin 70 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, Mark 40 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Heard, Matthew 260 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Field, Edward 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, Peter 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Wold, George 103 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Aud, William 30 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Edwards, Stourton 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, John 16 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, John Jr 18 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Jarboe, John Jr 24 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Ford, John 31 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Ford, John 39 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Carroll, Charles 34 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1753 Carroll, Charles 64 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Peake, William 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Ford, John 31 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Ford, John 39 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Yates, Thomas 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Yates, Thomas 70 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Edwards, Stourton 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Jarboe, John 20 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Jarboe, John Jr 132 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1754 Jarboe, John Jr 24 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Heard, Matthew 169 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Peake, William 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Peake, William 91 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Ford, John 31 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Ford, John 39 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Edwards, Stourton 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Jarboe, John 17 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1755 Jarboe, John 24 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1756 Jarboe, Mark 40 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1756 Jarboe, Mark 20 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Heard, John 236 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Heard, John 43 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Heard, John 250 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Forbes, Mark 40 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Forbes, Mark 20 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Heard, Matthew 169 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Peake, William 140 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Peake, William 91 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Yates, Thomas 60 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Yates, Thomas 70 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1760 Aud, William 30 Papist Lands New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1767 Forrest, Zachariah for Stourton Edwards
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1767 Aud, John
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1779 Aud, John
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1779 Clarke, Richard
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1785 Clarke, Richard
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1785 Ford, Athenatius
SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 9 p 372 New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1792 Thomas, John A. 4 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hanover (Heards Security,St. Lawrence Freehold) 1792 Aud, John 4 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Haphazard 1671 Bulton, Nathaniel 50 Patent Records
Haphazard 1685 Brooke, Baker 304 Patent Records
Haphazard 1685 Brooke, Leonard 304 Patent Records
Haphazard 1705 Harrison, John 50 Rent Rolls
Haphazard 1712 Dent, John 50 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712
Haphazard 1714 Brooke, Leonard 551 Patent Records
Haphazard 1718 Brooke, Leonard
Will, Brooke, Leonard, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,1st Nov., 1716; 2nd Apr., 1718
Haphazard 1753 Smith, John Jr 304 SMC Debt Books
Haphazard 1760 Smith, John 304 Papist Lands
Haphazard 1763 Mahoney, Basil 18 Coldham
Hard Adventure 1694 Pearch, Simon 276 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hard Adventure 1694 Pearch, Simon 2 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1739 Griffin, John 88 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1781 Spalding, Michael 158 Confiscated British Property New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1786 Barnes, Richard 87 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1787 Waters, William 52 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1788 Bean, Thomas 113 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Walter, William
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Watson, John
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Bean, Thomas 80 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Tabbs, Barton 80 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Bean, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1789 Wherritt, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1790 Spalding, Michael 159 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1793 Wherritt, Thomas 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1793 Price, William 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1793 Spalding, Michael 159 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1799 Barber, Luke W. 288 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1799 Carnes, Richard 288 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 42) 1799 Barber, Luke 288 Patent Records New Town
Hard Bargain (Chaptico Manor Lot # 22) 1799 Carner, Richard 288 Himmelheber, Peter Chaptico
Hard Fortune 1789 Chesley, John
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune 1789 Forbes, John
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune 1791 Ford, Philip 100 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune 1791 Booth, George 100 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune 1797 Booth, George 4 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune 1797 Reeder, Thomas A. 4 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1695 Thompson, Robert 100 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1707 Thompson, James 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1747 O'Neal, Peter 62 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1747 O'Neal, Peter 62 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1753 Thompson, Francis 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1760 Thompson, Francis 100 Papist Lands Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1785 Thompson, Francis 5 Patent Records Resurrection
Hard Fortune (part of Crackbournes Purchase) 1796 Bond, Peregrine 5 Patent Records Resurrection
Hard Shift 1669 Edelen, Richard 125 Patent Records New Town
Hard Shift 1685 Gary, Richard 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hard Shift 1707 Gary, Richard 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hard Shift 1718 Brooke, Leonard
Will, Brooke, Leonard, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,1st Nov., 1716; 2nd Apr., 1718 New Town
Hard Shift 1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift 1753 Graves, Thomas 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift 1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift 1755 Graves, Thomas 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift 1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift 1782 Gary, Richard 50 Patent Records New Town
Hard Shift 1793 Joshua Graves' Heirs 10 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 8, p 358 New Town
Hard Shift Addition 1720 Graves, John 196 Patent Records New Town
Hard Shift Addition 1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift Addition 1754 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 104 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift Addition 1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift Addition 1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 186 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hard Shift (Snow Hill Manor Lot # 7) 1788 King, Henry 87 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hard Shift (Snow Hill Manor Lot # 7) 1788 King, Henry Jr 89 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hard Shift (Snow Hill Manor Lot # 7) 1789 King, Henry Jr. 107 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hard Shift (Snow Hill Manor Lot # 7) 1789 Hammett, McKelvie 107 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hard Times 1760 Wimsatt, Robert 150 Coldham New Town
Hard Times 1790 Ford, Philip
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Times 1790 Raley, Bennet
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Times 1791 Medley, Henry
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Times 1791 Ford, Philip
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hard Times (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 29) 1781 Drury, Enoch 33 Confiscated British Property New Town
Hard Times (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 29) 1790 Drury, Enoch 30 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
Hardshift 1685 Gary, Richard 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hardshift 1707 Gary, Richard 50 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hardshift Addition 1799 Greenwell, Robert 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hardshift Addition 1799 Howard, Gabriel 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hardshift Addition 1799 Cheseldine, Calistiness 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hardshift Addition 1799 Greenwell, Robert 175 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hardship 1705 Brooke, Thomas 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hardship 1719 Brook, Richard
Will, Brook, Richard,St. Mary's Co.5th Dec., 1718; 3rd Aug., 1719 New Town
Hardship 1736 Heard, John 147 Rent Rolls New Town
Hardship 1741 Heard, John 147 Coldham New Town
Hardship 1753 Heard, James 147 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hardship 1755 Heard, James 147 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hardship 1760 Heard, James 147 Papist Lands New Town
Hardship 1763 Alexander, Robert 42 Patent Records New Town
Hardship 1789 Hammett, McKelvie 107 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hardship 1791 Schofill, william 1272 Patent Records New Town
Hardship (Woolsey Manor Lot # 9) 1790 Scophell, Thomas 125 Himmelheber, Peter St. Mary's
Hargrove 1673 Evans, Benjamin 210 Patent Records
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1761 Abell, John son of John 84 Coldham New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1788 Abell, Samuel Sr
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1788 Greenwell, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1789 Brown, Raphael
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1789 Bowes, Timothy
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1791 Brown, Raphael 4 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harm Watch Harm Catch 1791 Abell, John Sr. 4 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Harpers 1699 Clarke, Philip
Will, Clarke, Philip,St. Mary's Co.,30th May., 1699; 11th Aug., 1699
Harrietts Title 1791 Young, robert 78 Patent Records
Harris Lodge 1753 Barnes, Abraham 100 SMC Debt Books
Harrison's Adventure 1705 Harrison, John 215 Rent Rolls
Harrison's Adventure 1712 Dent, John 250 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712
Harrisons Risque 1737 Harrison, William 192 Patent Records
Harrisons Risque 1737 Harrison, William 235 Patent Records
Harrow Hills 1768 Briscoe, Philip 1043 Coldham
Harrow Hills 1789 Llewellin, Charles 5 Alienations and Transfers
Harrow Hills 1789 Briscoe, John 5 Alienations and Transfers
Harrow Hills 1790 Briscoe, Philip 253 Alienations and Transfers
Harrow Hills 1790 Briscoe, John 253 Alienations and Transfers
Harrow Hills 1791 Mills, James
Will, Mills, James, SMC; 3/2/1791; 5/2/1791
Harrow Hills 1791 Briscoe, Philip 579 Alienations and Transfers
Harrow Hills 1791 Briscoe, Hanson 579 Alienations and Transfers
Harveys Lodge 1754 Barnes, Abraham 100 SMC Debt Books
Harwood 1658 Harwood, Philip 200 Patent REcords
Harwood 1658 Turner, William 200 Patent Records
Harwood 1658 Turner, Philip 200 Patent Records
Hatchets Thickett 1786 Gardiner, Clement 218 Alienations and Transfers
Hatchets Thickett 1786 Tarlton, Stephen 218 Alienations and Transfers
Hatchett 1680 Nuthall, James 300 Patent Records
Hatfield Hills 1664 Mills, Peter 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1664 aft Thompson, Michael 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1676 Thompson, Michael 200 Patent Records New Town
Hatfield Hills 1707 Langhorn, William 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1716 Thompson, William 100 Will, Thompson, Wm., Britain's Bay,St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1716; 7th Mar., 1716 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1716 Thompson, Michael 100 Will, Thompson, Wm., Britain's Bay,St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1716; 7th Mar., 1716 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1724 Vowles, Richard 80 Will, Vowles, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1724; 22nd April, 1724 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1724 Vowles, Matthew 80 Will, Vowles, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1724; 22nd April, 1724 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1724 bef Thompson, William 80 Will, Vowles, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1724; 22nd April, 1724 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1724 bef Vowles, Richard 80 Will, Vowles, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1724; 22nd April, 1724 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1730 Vowles, Matthew 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1730 Bradburn, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1742 Thompson, Michael 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1742 Pilkington, Hugh 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Hatfield Hills 1750 Thompson, James Jr
Will, Thompson, James Jr, SMC 8/10/1749; 9/18/1850 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1750 Thompson, Mary Eleanor
Will, Thompson, James Jr, SMC 8/10/1749; 9/18/1850 New Town
Hatfield Hills 1753 Thompson, Mark 25 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1753 Leake, William 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1753 Wimsatt, John 27 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1755 Thompson, James 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1756 Thompson, James 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1758 Wimsatt, John 73 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hatfield Hills 1759 Pilkington, Hugh 82 Patent Records New Town
Hatfield Hills 1760 Thompson, James Heirs 75 Papist Lands New Town
Hatfield Hills 1760 Thompson, Mark 25 Papist Lands New Town
Hatfield Hills Addition 1746 Thompson, James 288 Patent Records New Town
Hatton's 1721 Manning Cornelius
Will, Manning Cornelius,St. Mary's Co.,10th Apr., 1721; 15th Aug., 1721
Hatton's 1721 Manning, Mary
Will, Manning Cornelius,St. Mary's Co.,10th Apr., 1721; 15th Aug., 1721
Hattons Folly 1749 Horne, Edward
Will, Horne, Edward, SMC; 7/12/1746; 11/13/1749
Hattons Folly 1749 Horne, Edward (son)
Will, Horne, Edward, SMC; 7/12/1746; 11/13/1749
Hattons Folly 1753 Horne, Edward 120 SMC Debt Books
Hattons Rest 1753 Combs, Thomas Hatton 250 SMC Debt Books
Hauker's Cove , land at 1711 Sullivan?, Timothy
Will, Swelovan (Swillivan), Timothy,St. Mary's Co.,28th Dec., 1711; 21st Jan., 1711-12
Hawk's Nest 1661 Jackson, Barnaby 350 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hawks Nest 1661 Jackson, Barnaby 350 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hawks Nest 1750 Wherritt, John 111 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hawks Nest 1787 Shadrick, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hawks Nest 1787 Shadrick, John
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hawks Nest -resurveyed and part of Massom 1707 Jackson, Barnaby 350 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1648 Peake, Walter 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1649 Peake, Walter 100 Patent Records New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1707 Tant, James 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1709 Twisden, William
Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1709 Smithson, Owen
Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1724 Guither, Nicholas 70 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1724 Leigh, John 70 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Leigh, John 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Leigh, John 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Guither , Nicholas 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Leigh, John 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Leigh, George 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1736 Leigh, George 88 Will, Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736
New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1758 Thompson, John 20 Patent Records New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1786 Cramley, James 250 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1786 Tarlton, Bennet 250 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1787 Simpson, Joseph 170 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1787 Holton, William 170 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1789 Smith, Peter P. 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1789 Ford, Philip 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1790 Holton, William 145 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1790 Simpson, Rev. Joseph 145 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1790 Ford, Philip 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1790 Artis, Joseph 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1793 Holton, William 155 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hawleys Manor (inlcudes Hills) 1793 White, James 155 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1715 Farthing, William Maria 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1717 Farthing, William Maria 300 Patent Records St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1720 Farthing, William Maria and wife 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1720 Hayden, William 300 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1753 Medley, William 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1753 Hayden, William 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1753 Dickson, James 115 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1754 Edley, William 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hayden Fair (Frichley) 1760 Edley, William, Heirs 100 Papist Lands St. Clements
Haydens Clever Discovery 1799 Saxton, Robert 93 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Haydens Clever Discovery 1799 Saxton, Bennet 93 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Haydens Discovery 1755 Hayden, William 109 Patent Records St. Clements
Haydens Discovery 1757 Buckman, John Baptist 124 Coldham St. Clements
Haydens Discovery 1760 Buckman, John Baptist 124 Papist Lands St. Clements
Haydens Discovery 1797 Buckman, Clement and Charles 218 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Haydens Discovery 1797 Saxton, Robert 218 Alienations and Transfers St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1753 Hayden, Elizabeth 81 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1754 Hayden, William 81 Patent Records St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1755 Hayden, Elizabeth 81 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1760 Hayden, Elizabeth 81 Papist Lands St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1788 Hayden, Clement
Will, Hayden, Clement, SMC; 9/8/1786; 1/19/1788 St. Clements
Haydens Risque 1788 Hayden, Ann
Will, Hayden, Clement, SMC; 9/8/1786; 1/19/1788 St. Clements
Hazard 1707 Gardiner, Clement 257 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1710 Hill, Clement and William Head 257 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1714 Gardiner, Clement 257 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1717 Gardiner, Clement and William Hayden 257 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1719 Gardiner, Clement 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1719 Gardiner, Clement 57 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1719 Knott, Edward 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1719 Knott, James 57 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1720 Gardiner, Clement 257 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1730 Gardiner, Clement 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1730 Knott, William 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott , Edward 90 Will, Knott , Edward, planter,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott , Edward 100 Will, Knott , Edward, planter,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott, James 68 Will, Knot, James, planter,St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott, Francis 68 Will, Knot, James, planter,St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott, George 90 Will, Knott , Edward, planter,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1733 Knott, Clement 100 Will, Knott , Edward, planter,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1733; 6th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Hazard 1737 Knott, William 100 Will, Knott, William,St. Mary's Co.,30th Jan., 1737; 7th Mch., 1737 Resurrection
Hazard 1737 Knott, John and Ignatius 100 Will, Knott, William,St. Mary's Co.,30th Jan., 1737; 7th Mch., 1737 Resurrection
Hazard 1741 escheat 244 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hazard 1745 Morgan, William 73 Coldham Resurrection
Hazard 1750 Mattingly, Luke 100 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1750 Smith, James 57 Patent Recods Resurrection
Hazard 1750 Thompson, George 100 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1752 Morgan, William
Will, Morgan, William, St. Mary's Co., 9/21/1751; 5/25/1752 Resurrection
Hazard 1752 Morgan, Sarah
Will, Morgan, William, St. Mary's Co., 9/21/1751; 5/25/1752 Resurrection
Hazard 1752 Morgan, Sarah (dau)
Will, Morgan, William, St. Mary's Co., 9/21/1751; 5/25/1752 Resurrection
Hazard 1753 Morgan, William 73 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1753 Thompson, George 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1753 Mattingly, Luke 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1753 Smith, Mary 57 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1753 Bowles, George 234 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1755 Morgan, William 73 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1755 Smith, James 57 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1755 Knott, Francis 56 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1755 Peake, Peter 234 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1756 Morgan, William 73 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1758 Morgan, William 73 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1758 Bowles, George 234 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hazard 1760 Thompson, George Jr. 100 Papist Lands Resurrection
Hazard 1763 Knott, Basil 100 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1763 Thomas, William 100 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard 1790 Thompson, Jesse & wife
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard 1790 Hayden, George
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard 1791 Wolstenholme, Daniel & wife
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard 1791 Pembroke, George
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard 1791 Jul 21 Thomas, William Sr 200 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard 1791 Jul 21 Thomas, William Jr 200 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hazard (Thorpe) 1741 Plater, George 244 Patent Records Resurrection
Hazard (Thorpe) 1743 Plater, George 244 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Headly 1659 Head, William 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Heard's Purchase 1694 Heard, William 115 Rent Rolls New Town
Heard's Purchase 1705 Heard, William
Rent Rolls New Town
Heard's Purchase 1732 Heard, William 115 Will, Heard, William,St. Mary's Co.,18th April, 1732; 3rd Jan., 1732 New Town
Heard's Purchase 1773 Heard, William 15 Patent Records New Town
Heards Addition 1753 Heard, James 58 Coldham New Town
Heards Addition 1755 Heard, James 58 Coldham New Town
Heards Addition 1760 Heard, James 58 Papist Lands New Town
Heards Addition 1773 Heard, John, son of Mark 8 Coldham New Town
Heards Addition 1789 Heard, John 436 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Addition 1789 Heard, James 436 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Addition 1790 Heard, John of Mark 538 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Addition 1790 Heard, William 538 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Addition 1790 Heard, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Addition 1790 Heard, Edmond
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Choice 1681 Heard, John 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Heards Choice 1683 Heard, John 150 Patent Records New Town
Heards Choice 1707 Heard, Susanna 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Heards Choice 1753 Heard, Matthew 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heards Choice 1753 Norris, John 57 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heards Choice 1755 Heard, Matthew 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heards Choice 1755 Norris, Thomas 57 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heards Choice 1760 Heard, Matthew 100 Papist Lands New Town
Heards Choice 1760 Norris, Ann 57 Papist Lands New Town
Heards Delight, pt 1796 Thornton, Vincent 179 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Delight, pt 1796 Dixon, Thomas 179 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Discovery 1773 Heard, John Jr 14 Coldham New Town
Heards Hardship 1789 Heard, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1789 Abell, Ignatius
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1789 Heard, John
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1789 Heard, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1792 Heard, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1792 Davis, Jemima
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1792 Davis, Jemima
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1792 Greenwell, Mildred
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1799 Davis, James
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Hardship 1799 Greenwell, Wilfred
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heards Lott 1789 Llewellin, Charles 2 Alienations and Transfers
Heards Lott 1789 Briscoe, John 2 Alienations and Transfers
Heards Mountain 1673 Heard, John 150 Patent Records New Town
Heards Security 1792 Aud, John 6 Alienations and Transfers
Heards Security 1792 Thomas, John A. 6 Alienations and Transfers
Heart-De-light 1688 Goddard, John 200 Patent Records New Town
Heart-De-light 1700 Goddard, John
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700 New Town
Heart-De-light 1700 Goddard, Margaret and Elizabeth
Will, Gowdard, John,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700 New Town
Heart-De-light 1753 Combs, Thomas Hatton 152 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heart-De-light 1753 Spalding, Benedict 200 SMC Debt Books New Town
Heart-De-light 1760 Spalding, Benedict 200 Papist Lands New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1720 Spalding, William 152 Will, Spalding, William, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1740; 9th Jan., 1740-41 New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1726 Spalding, William 152 Patent Records New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1740 Spalding, William
Will, Spalding, William, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1740; 9th Jan., 1740-41 New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1740 Spalding, Benedict
Will, Spalding, William, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1740; 9th Jan., 1740-41 New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1792 Combs, Thomas Hatton
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heart-De-light Addition 1792 Thornton, Vincent
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Heart-De-light Addition , part 1740 Spalding, William
Will, Spalding, William, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1740; 9th Jan., 1740-41 New Town
Heart-De-light Addition , part 1740 Spalding, William
Will, Spalding, William, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1740; 9th Jan., 1740-41 New Town
Hebbs Content Rectified 1784 Hebb, Vernon 50 Patent Records St. Georges
Hebbs Escheat Land 1718 Hebb William 58 Patent Records St. Georges
Hebden Hole 1753 Fenwick, Ignatius 350 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Hebden Hole 1753 Fenwick, Ignatius 70 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1641 Hebden, Thomas 700 1707 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1643 Hebden, Thomas 700 Patent Records St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1647 Hebden, Thomas 700 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 6, NO. 2, p 160 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1647 Hebden, Katherine 700 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 6, NO. 2, p 160 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1692 Butler, George 700 Patent Records St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1707 Harpam, Hanna 700 Rent Rolls St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1753 Hebb, William 280 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1753 Fenwick, Ignatius 350 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 6, NO. 2, p 160 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1753 Fenwick, Ignatius 70 SMC Chronicles, Vol. 6, NO. 2, p 160 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1754 Hebb, William 280 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1758 Hebb, William 280 SMC Debt Books St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1776 Fenwick, Ignatius
Will, Hebb, Kennedy; St. Mary's Co, 1/24/1776; 10/8/1776 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1776 Fenwick, James
Will, Hebb, Kennedy; St. Mary's Co, 1/24/1776; 10/8/1776 St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1797 Fenwick, James 300 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Hebdens Hole 1797 Fenwick, Ann 300 Alienations and Transfers St. Georges
Hedge Barren 1742 Watson, Joseph 79 Will, Watson, Joseph,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Nov., 1742; 1st Feb., 1742 Chaptico
Hedge Barren 1742 Watson, Joseph 79 Coldham Chaptico
Hedge Barren 1753 Watson, James 65 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Hedge Barren 1754 Watson, James 79 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Hedge Barren 1799 Burroughs, Hezekiah & wife
Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Hedge Barren 1799 Watson, Henry
Alienations and Transfers Chaptico
Helagh, included in Birch Hanger 1673 Sally, Benjamin 260 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Helagh, included in Birch Hanger 1673 Hill, Clement 260 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Helagh, included in Birch Hanger 1673 Sally, Benjamin 260 Patent Records Chaptico
Hen Coop 1798 Langley, William 40 Alienations and Transfers
Hen Coop 1798 Langley, WilliamLangley, Susanna 40 Alienations and Transfers
Hendleys Purchase 1791 Jarboe, Robert 9 Alienations and Transfers
Hendleys Purchase 1791 Milburn, Stephen 9 Alienations and Transfers
Hendricks Lane 1753 Hendrick, James 80 SMC Debt Books
Henleys Addition 1756 Henley, John 23 Coldham
Henleys Addition 1758 Henley, John 23 Patent Records
Henry Leiss' 1675 Forrest, Patrick 50 Will, Forrest, Patrick, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1675; 14th Feb., 1675
Henry Leiss' 1675 Forrest, Margaret 50 Will, Forrest, Patrick, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1675; 14th Feb., 1675
Henry Leiss' 1675, bef. Hatton, Robert and Thomas 50 will, Forrest, Patrick, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1675; 14th Feb., 1675
Hepburne's Choice 1675 Mackall, George 400 Will, Mackall, George, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1675;
3rd Feb., 1675

Hepworth 1674 Goldsmith, John 100 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hepworth 1683 Goldsmith, John
Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
Hepworth 1683 Goldsmith, Thomas Notley
Will, Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683 St. Clements
Hepworth 1705 Gorldsworth, John 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hepworth 1707 Goldsmith, Thomas Notley 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hepworth 1753 Reeder, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hepworth 1755 Reeder, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Herberts Beginning 1755 Egan, Barnaby 50 SMC Debt Books
Herberts Chance 1742 Herbert , Francis 147 Patent Records
Herberts Enclosure 1787 Fenwick, Enoch
Will, Fenwick, Enoch, SMC; 2/2/1787; 4/17/1787
Herberts Enclosure 1787 Medley, Enoch
Will, Fenwick, Enoch, SMC; 2/2/1787; 4/17/1787
Herberts Enclosure 1787 Medley, Enoch (g-son)
Will, Fenwick, Enoch, SMC; 2/2/1787; 4/17/1787
Herberts Fortune 1764 Herbert, Mark 437 Patent Records Resurrection
Herberts Grief 1736 Herbert, Mark 147 Rent Rolls New Town
Herberts Grief 1737 Herbert, Mark 147 Coldham New Town
Herberts Grief 1737 Herbert, Mark 147 Patent Records New Town
Herberts Grief 1739 Herbert, Mark
Will, Herbert, Mark,St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1738; 19th Sept., 1739 New Town
Herberts Grief 1739 Herbert, Mark
Will, Herbert, Mark,St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1738; 19th Sept., 1739 New Town
Herberts Grief 1739 Williams, William
Will, Herbert, Mark,St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1738; 19th Sept., 1739 New Town
Herberts Grief 1739 Cole, John
Will, Herbert, Mark,St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1738; 19th Sept., 1739 New Town
Herberts Grief 1739 Williams, William
Will, Herbert, Mark,St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1738; 19th Sept., 1739 New Town
Herberts Grief 1753 Cole, John 43 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1753 Wimsatt, Henry 44 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1753 Williams, William 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1754 Williams, William 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1755 Cole, John 43 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1756 Williams, William 60 SMC Debt Books New Town
Herberts Grief 1760 Cole, John 4? Papist Lands New Town
Herberts Grief 1760 Wimsatt, Henry 44 Papist Lands New Town
Herberts Grief 1760 Williams, William 60 Papist Lands New Town
Herberts Grief 1787 ? Somerville, William 44 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 New Town
Herberts Grief 1797 Medley, Philip 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Herberts Grief 1797 Somerville, William 116 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Herberts Invention 1724 Herbert, John 109 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Herberts Invention 1726 Herbert, John 109 Patent Records Resurrection
Herberts Invention 1753 Herbert, John 109 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Herberts Invention 1754 Herbert, John 109 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Herberts Invention 1756 Leigh, George 109 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Herberts Swamp 1744 Herbert, Matthew 21 Coldham St. Clements
Herberts Swamp 1753 Thompson, James 21 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Herberts Swamp 1755 Thompson, James 21 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Herberts Swamp 1758 Thompson, James 21 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Herberts Swamp 1760 Thompson, James 50 Papist Lands St. Clements
Herring Creek 1661 Price, John, Col
Will, Price, John, Col.,St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1660; 11th Mch., 1660-1
Herring Creek Wood 1799 Watts, Henry
Alienations and Transfers
Herring Creek Wood 1799 Crane, John
Alienations and Transfers
Hetchen 1668 Heard, John 100 Patent Records
Heywood's Branch, land on 1685 Reeder, Simon
Will, Reader, Simon, St. Mary's Co.,6th Apr., 1685; 17th June, 1685
Hickory Bottom 1737 Taylor, John 120 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hickory Bottom 1745 Guither, William 107 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1744 Hammett, Robert 67 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1745 Hammett, Robert 17 Coldham St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1746 Hammett, Robert 17 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1753 Hammett, Robert 27 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1754 Hammett, Robert 17 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hickory Hall 1755 Hammett, Robert 27 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1682 Aisquith, William 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1707 Aisquith, William 100 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1711 Greenwell, Stephen 105 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1713 Greenwell, Stephen 105 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1719 Aisquith, William 100 Will, Aisquith, Willm.,St. Mary's Co.,25th July, 1700; 1st Apr., 1719 St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1753 Aisquith, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1753 Jarboe, Ignatius 100 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1790 Ford, Philip
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1790 Raley, Bennet
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1791 Medley, Henry
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hickory Hills 1791 Ford, Philip
Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hickory Hollow ? 1695 Spinke, Henry 400 Will, Spinke, Henry,St. Mary's Co.,9th Mch., 1693; 26th Oct., 1695
Hickory Hollow 1716 Spinke, Henry 119 Rent Rolls
Hickory Hollow 1717 Spinke, Edward
Will, Spinke, Edw.,St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1717; 1st Dec., 1717
Hickory Hollow 1717 Spinke, Margaret and Mary
Will, Spinke, Edw.,St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1717; 1st Dec., 1717
Hickory Hollow 1717, bef. Spinke, Henry
Will, Spinke, Edw.,St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1717; 1st Dec., 1717
Hickory Hollow 1717, bef. Spinke,Edward
Will, Spinke, Edw.,St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1717; 1st Dec., 1717
Hickory Hollow 1718 Spinke, Henry 119 Will, Spinke, Henry, planter,St. Mary's Co.,6th Jan., 1718-9
Hickory Hollow 1718 Margarett and Mary, 119 Will, Spinke, Henry, planter,St. Mary's Co.,6th Jan., 1718-9
Hickory Hollow 1753 Greenwell, Enoch 119 SMC Debt Books
Hickory Hollow 1756 Greenwell, Enoch 119 SMC Debt Books
Hickory Hollow 1760 Greenwell, Enoch
Papist Lands
Hickory Plains (Hickory Thicket?) 1717 Wheatley, John 50 Will, Wheatley, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Apr., 1717; 8th Aug., 1717 New Town
Hickory Plains (Hickory Thicket?) 1717 Wheatley, John II 50 Will of John Wheatley II dated 4/25/1717 New Town
Hickory Plains (Hickory Thicket?) 1717 Wheatley, John III 50 Will of John Wheatley II dated 4/25/1717 New Town
Hickory Thicket 1695 Beaven, Charles 600 Patent Records New Town
Hickory Thicket 1707 Wheatley, John 48 Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787 New Town
Hickory Thicket 1753 Wheatley, John 48 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hickory Thicket 1760 Wheatley, John 48 Papist Lands New Town
Hickory Thicket 1787 Wheatley, James 48 Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787 New Town
Hickory Thicket 1787 Wheatley, Joseph 48 Will, Wheatley, James, SMC; 6/13/1786; 5/1/1787 New Town
Higgins Neck 1650 Nugent, William 100 Patent Records
Higgins Purchase 1784 Edwards, John
Will, Edwards, John. SMC; 3/4/1784; 7/29/1784
Higgs Purchase 1742 Higgs, John 49 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Higgs Purchase 1744 Higgs, John 49 Coldham Chaptico
Higgs Purchase 1753 Higgs, John 49 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Higgs Purchase 1754 Higgs, John 49 Patent Records Chaptico
Higgs Purchase (Chaptico Hundred Lot # 14) 1783 Higgs, Samuel 310 Patent Records Chaptico
High Gate 1681 Thompson, Arthur 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
High Gate 1681 aft Thompson, Arthur 150 Rent Rolls St. Clements
High Gate 1681 aft Hall, George 150 Rent Rolls St. Clements
High Gate 1683 Thompson, Arthur 150 Patent Records St. Clements
High Gate 1707 escheat 150 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Highpark 1694 Langworth, William 240 Will, Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693; 1st May, 1694
Highpark, 1/2 1711 Bowling, John
Will, Bowling, John,Calvert Co.,30th Apr., 1711; 19th June, 1711
Higistone 1668 Morris, Richard 50 Patent Records
Higistone 1668 Ward, Andrew 50 Patent Records
Hill Freehold 1676 Matthews, Thomas 255 Will, Matthews, Thomas,Chas. Co.,9th Jan., 1675; 11th Mch., 1676
Hill's Camp (BC) 1708 Hill, Clement 1000 Will, Hill, Clement, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,17th Nov., 1702; 26th Apr., 1708.

Hills Fields 1724 Cummings, William 96 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hills Fields 1724 Keech, James 96 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hills Fields 1725 Keech, James
Will, Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6 Resurrection
Hills Fields 1725 Keech, James
Will, Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6 Resurrection
Hills Fields 1725 Keech, Samuel
Will, Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6 Resurrection
Hills Fields 1725 Keech, Mary (wife)
Will, Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6 Resurrection
Hills Fields 1725 Keech, Samuel
Will, Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6 Resurrection
Hilly Lee 1665 Gardiner, Luke 500 1707 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1668 Gardiner, Luke 500 Patent Records St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1674 Gardiner, Luke
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1674 Gardner, Luke II
Will, Gardner, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673; 12th Aug., 1674 St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1705 Gardiner, Luke
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1705 Joseph, Luke and John (neph.)
Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1707 Gardiner, John 500 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1714 Joseph, Luke and John 685 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1715 Gardiner, Luke 685 Patent Records St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1717 Gardiner, John
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1717 Gardiner, John and Clement
Will, Gardiner, John, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717; 9th Dec., 1717 St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1730 Gardiner, Clement 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1730 Parsons, Cosmus 100 Rent Rolls St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1744 Gardiner, Wilfred
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1744 Lancaster, Mary and Anne Neal
Will, Gardiner, Wilfred,St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743; 6th June, 1744.
St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1753 Neale, Henry 250 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1753 Lancaster, John 250 SMC Debt Books St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1760 Neale, Henry 250 Papist Lands St. Clements
Hilly Lee 1760 Lancaster, John 250 Papist Lands St. Clements
Hindes Strife 1762 Hinds, John 32 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hockeley 1650 Stockeley, Woodman 200 Patent Records
Hodgington 1651 Hodgins, John 100 Patent Records
Hog Neck 1650 James, Owen 100 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1650 James, Owen 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1688 Evans, John 100 Will, Evans, John,St. Mary's Co.,5th Mch., 1687-8; 25th May, 1688 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1688 Evans, Mary 100 Will, Evans, John,St. Mary's Co.,5th Mch., 1687-8; 25th May, 1688 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1707 Watts, Peter 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1727 Bowles, James
Will, Bowles, James, merchant,St. Mary's Co.,13th June, 1727; 3rd Jan., 1727 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1727 Bowles, Mary
Will, Bowles, James, merchant,St. Mary's Co.,13th June, 1727; 3rd Jan., 1727 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1753 Morgan, William 207 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1753 Wherritt, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1754 Briscoe, James 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1758 Wherritt, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1781 Wherritt, Thomas 100 Will, Wherritt, Thomas, SMC; 3/1/1781; 3/27/1781 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1781 Wherritt, Thomas and Nicholas 100 Will, Wherritt, Thomas, SMC; 3/1/1781; 3/27/1781 Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1791 Wherritt, Thomas
Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
Hog Neck 1791 Taylor, James
Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
Hog Neck Addition 1756 Wynne, John 16 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hogg Hunter's Hall 1671 Burroughs, John 300 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hogg Hunter's Hall 1707 Hulse, James 300 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hoggs Confusion 1667 Marlow, William 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1705 Marlow, William 100 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1707 Jones, widow 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1721 Russell, Luke 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1721 Thomas, William 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1762 Russell, Luke 105 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1764 Somerville, John 304 Coldham Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1787 ? Somerville, William 200 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hoggs Confusion 1789 Somerville, John (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hogpen Neck 1640 Keene, Thomas 100 Patent Records Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1640 Purlivant, Richard 100 Patent Records Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1650 Hopewell, Hugh and Thomas White 150 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1650 Hopewell, Hugh and Thomas White 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1650 White, Thomas 150 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1650 White, Thomas 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1707 Jessup, William 50 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1713 Hopewell, Francis 150 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1713 Hopewell, Richard 150 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1714 Smith, Richard
Will, Smith, Richard,St. Leonard's, St. Mary's Co.,31st July, 1710; 19th Mch., 1714 Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1714 Smith, Walter
Will, Smith, Richard,St. Leonard's, St. Mary's Co.,31st July, 1710; 19th Mch., 1714 Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1755 Hopewell, Joseph 150 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1755 Biscoe, James Jr. 100 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1789 Hopewell, George 50 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1789 Biscoe, George 50 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1791 Ford, Philip
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hogpen Neck 1791 Leigh, George H.
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Holbridge Town 1707 Greenfield, Thomas and Henry Peregrine Jowles 260 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1717 Davis, John 260 Patent Records Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1717 Jowles, Henry Peregrine and Thomas Greenfield 260 Patent Records Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1720 Jowles, Henry Peregrine
Will, Jowles, Henry Peregrine,St. Mary's Co.,27th March, 1720; 9th June, 1720 Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1720 Jowles, Sybil
Will, Jowles, Henry Peregrine,St. Mary's Co.,27th March, 1720; 9th June, 1720 Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1733 Greenfield, Thomas Truman
Will, Greenfield, Thomas Truman,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730; 11th Mch., 1733-4 Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1750 Forbes, Dryden (Mrs.) 130 Patent Records Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1750 Greenfield, Thomas Truman 130 Patent Records Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1753 Forbes, Mrs. Dryden 130 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1753 Greenfield, James Truman 130 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Holbridge Town 1755 Greenfield, James Truman 130 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Holdfast 1705 Burroughs, John 76 Patent Records Chaptico
Holdfast 1753 Burroughs, Richard 76 SMC Debt Books
Hollyday 1730 Cummings, William 142 Rent Rolls
Hollyday 1733 Cummings, William 142 Coldham
Hollyday 1733 Cummings, William 142 Rent Rolls
Hollyday 1733 Baily, Thomas 142 Rent Rolls
Hollyday 1753 Tear, John 142 SMC Debt Books
Hollyday 1760 Tear, John 142 Papist Lands
Holy Tree 1713 Greenwell, James 148 Rent Rolls New Town
Holy Tree 1750 Greenwell, Sarah 148 Patent Records New Town
Holy Tree 1753 Greenwell, Sarah 148 SMC Debt Books New Town
Holy Tree 1760 Greenwell, Sarah 100 Papist Lands New Town
Holy Tree 1791 Ford, Robert
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Holy Tree 1791 Greenwell, Barnaby
Alienations and Transfers New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1649 Browne, William and Thimbelby, John 150 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1649 Browne, William 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1649 Thimbelby, John 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1649 aft escheat 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1649 aft Kirtly, Thomas 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1707 Burrell, Provis 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1753 Kirkley, Thomas 150 SMC Debt Books New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1754 Greenwell, Philip 150 SMC Debt Books New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1760 Greenwell, Philip 150 Papist Lands New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1787 ? Somerville, William 140 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1799 Greenwell, Thomas 140 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Honest Toms Inheritance 1799 Somerville, William 140 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hooper Neck 1650 Hopewell, Hugh and John White 150 1707 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hope 1675 Smile, John 110 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hope 1677 Smith, John 110 Will, Smith, John,St. Mary's Co.,12th Feb., 1676; 28th Apr., 1677 Resurrection
Hope 1677 Smith, Notley 110 Will, Smith, John,St. Mary's Co.,12th Feb., 1676; 28th Apr., 1677 Resurrection
Hope 1707 Mahoney, Timothy 110 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hope 1716 Smith, John 110 Patent Records Resurrection
Hope 1720 Edelen, Richard 110 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hope 1753 Reeder, Thomas 36 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hope 1753 Edley, Richard 64 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hope 1755 Reeder, Thomas 36 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hope 1758 Edelen, Richard 64 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hope 1760 Edelen, Edward 250 Will of Richard Edelen, Charles Co., 7/16/1760-12/17/1761 Resurrection
Hope 1760 Boarman, Mary Ann 250 Will of Richard Edelen, Charles Co., 7/16/1760-12/17/1761 Resurrection
Hope 1760 bef. Hill, John and James 250 Will of Richard Edelen, Charles Co., 7/16/1760-12/17/1761 Resurrection
Hope 1779 Dick, David
Will, Dick, David,St. Mary's Co.,7/13/1779; 8/4/1779 Resurrection
Hope 1779 Dick, Elizabeth
Will, Dick, David,St. Mary's Co.,7/13/1779; 8/4/1779 Resurrection
Hope for Better (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 1) 1781 Abell, Zachariah 89 Confiscated British Property New Town
Hope for Better (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 1) 1790 Abell, Zach. 92 Confiscated British Property, Beaverdam Manor New Town
Hope for Better (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 1) 1790 Abell, Zachariah 92 Jennings, Thomas, Beaverdam Manor Leaseholds, 1790 New Town
Hope for Better (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 1) 1795 Abell, Zachariah 92 Patent Records New Town
Hope for Better (Beaverdam Manor Lot # 1) 1795 Bell, Daniel 92 Patent Records New Town
Hopeful Blessing 1672 Manythorp, Thomas 50 Rent Rolls
Hopeless 1734 Martin, William 11 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hopeless 1753 Martin, William 11 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopeless 1787 ? Somerville, William 11 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1666 Sheppy, Richard 100 (1) Rent Rolls New Town
Hopewell 1666 Sheppy, Richard 100 (2) Rent Rolls New Town
Hopewell 1666 Assiter, William 350 Patent Records New Town
Hopewell 1666 Sheppy, Richard 100 Patent Records New Town
Hopewell 1669 Swann, Edward 585 1707 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1671 Sheppy, Richard 100 Patent Records New Town
Hopewell 1686 Bell, Daniel 200 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1686 Bell, Daniel 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1686 Keen, Timothy 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1694 Gardiner, Richard 100 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1694 Gardiner, Margery 100 Will, Gardner, Richard,Calvert Co.,15th Jan., 1693; 18th Apr., 1694 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1705 Sheppy, Richard 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopewell 1705 Bullock, John
Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1705 Bullock, William
Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1707 Stourton, Robert 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1707 Bullock, John 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1707 Assiter, Robert 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopewell 1707 Swann, Samuel 292 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1707 Hilton, Andrew 292 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1712 Sheppy, Richard 95 Will, Bailye, John,St. Clements Bay, St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1712; 16th Feb., 1712 New Town
Hopewell 1712 Bailye, John 95 Will, Bailye, John,St. Clements Bay, St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1712; 16th Feb., 1712 New Town
Hopewell 1713 Drury, Robert 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1713 Graves, John 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1714 Stourton, Robert 100 Will, Stourton, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1714; 15th Mch., 1714-15 New Town
Hopewell 1714 Stourton, Margery 100 Will, Stourton, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1714; 15th Mch., 1714-15 New Town
Hopewell 1717 Swann, Thomas 291 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1717 Hilton, Andrew 291 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1722 Hopewell, Eleanor 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1722 Crackson, James 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1722 aft Crackson, James 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1722 aft Rousby John 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1722 aft Rousby John 200 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1723 Crackson, James 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1723 Martin, Stephen 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1725 Martin, Stephen 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1725 Martin, William 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1726 Crackson, James 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1726 Mason, Robert 100 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1734 Edwards, Stourton 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopewell 1738 Swann, Thomas 292 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1738 Swann, Birch 292 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1744 Rousby, John 100 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1744 Hilton, Andrew 23 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1744 Somerville, James 100 Will, Rousby, John,Calvert Co.18th Aug., 1744; 8th Oct., 1744 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1744 Thorne, John 23 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1751 Spalding, William
Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1751 Combs, Thomas Hatton
Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1752 Hilton, John and Andrew 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1752 Davenport, Ma. 100 Rent Rolls Chaptico
Hopewell 1753 DeButts, Richard, Heirs 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Hilton, John 146 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Martin, William 74 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Johnson, Samuel 36 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Cooper, Richard 65 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Graves, Thomas 250 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Dant, John 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1753 Swann, Burch 146 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Hopewell 1754 DeButts, Samuel Heirs 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1754 Reeder, Thomas 151 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1754 Dent, John 100 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1754 Swann, Burch 146 SMC Debt Books Chaptico
Hopewell 1754 Latimore, James 146 SMC Debt Books
Hopewell 1755 Egan, Barnaby 100 SMC Debt Books
Hopewell 1755 Reeder, Thomas 151 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1755 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1755 Graves, Thomas 99 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1758 Graves, Eleanor and Ann 131 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1758 Latimore, James 89 SMC Debt Books
Hopewell 1760 Cooper, Richard 65 Papist Lands Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1760 Dant, John 100 Papist Lands Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1778 Thompson, Francis Arthur
Will, Francis Arthur ,St. Mary's Co.,6/6/1778; 6/27/1778 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1778 Thompson, Bennet
Will, Francis Arthur ,St. Mary's Co.,6/6/1778; 6/27/1778 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1779 Thompson, Bennet
Will, Thompson, Bennet, St. Mary's Co.; 7/22/1777; 2/2/1779 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1779 Joy, Ann Diana Thompson
Will, Thompson, Bennet, St. Mary's Co.; 7/22/1777; 2/2/1779 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1787 ? Somerville, William 90 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1790 Piercy, William
Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1790 Hammett, Richard
Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1791 Martin, William
Will, Martin, William, SMC; 12/23/1790; 3/1/1791 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1791 Martin, William 69 Will, Martin, William, SMC; 12/23/1790; 3/1/1791 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1791 Martin, Thomas (son)
Will, Martin, William, SMC; 12/23/1790; 3/1/1791 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1791 Martin, George (son) 69 Will, Martin, William, SMC; 12/23/1790; 3/1/1791 Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1798 Graves, Jeremiah 150 Alienations and Transfers Poplar Hill
Hopewell 1798 Smith, Richard 150 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewell Addition 1743 Melton, Thomas 261 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hopewell Addition 1753 Swann, Birch 25 Patent Records Chaptico
Hopewell Addition 1787 ? Somerville, William 36 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hopewell Addition 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hopewell Addition 1789 Somerville, John (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hopewell, West 1762 Somerville, John 247 Coldham Poplar Hill
Hopewell, West Part Addition 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hopewell White 1650 White, Thomas 50 Patent Records Harvey
Hopewell (Woolsey Manor Lot # 6) 1790 Hopewell, Hugh 214 Himmelheber, Peter St. Mary's
Hopewells Adventure 1684 Hopewell, Hugh 95 Patent Records Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1746 Hopewell, Hugh Jr 52 Patent Records Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1747 Hopewell, Hugh Jr 52 Coldham Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1753 Hopewell, Hugh 95 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1753 Hopewell, Hugh 52 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1754 Hopewell, Hugh 95 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1786 Abell, Cuthbert
Will, Abell, Cuthbert, SMC; 8/10/1783; 1/3/1786 Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1786 Abell, Cuthbert
Will, Abell, Cuthbert, SMC; 8/10/1783; 1/3/1786 Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1786 Abell, Philip
Will, Abell, Cuthbert, SMC; 8/10/1783; 1/3/1786 Harvey
Hopewells Adventure 1786 Abell, Cuthbert
Will, Abell, Cuthbert, SMC; 8/10/1783; 1/3/1786 Harvey
Hopewells Adventure Addition 1754 Hopewell, Hugh 52 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1730 Hopewell, Richard 170 Coldham Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1731 Hopewell, Richard 170 Patent Records Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1733 Hopewell, Richard 170 Coldham Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1753 Hopewell, Elizabeth 170 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1754 Urquhart, Rev. Mr. 60 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1755 Urquhart, Rev. Mr. 60 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Chance 1756 Urquhart, Rev. Mr. 170 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1670 Hopewell, Francis 200 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1670 Hopewell, Francis 200 1707 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1671 Hopewell, Francis 200 Patent Records Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1707 Shirly, Richard and wife, John Wisemans widow 200 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1707 bef Wiseman, John 200 Rent Rolls Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1753 Wiseman, Elizabeth 200 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1755 Wiseman, Elizabeth 200 SMC Debt Books Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1760 Wiseman, Elizabeth 200 Papist Lands Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1777 Wiseman, John
Will, Wiseman, John,St. Mary's Co.,10/20/1777; 11/26/1777 Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1777 Wiseman, Richard (bro)
Will, Wiseman, John,St. Mary's Co.,10/20/1777; 11/26/1777 Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1783 Wiseman, Richard
Will, Wiseman, Richard, SMC; 11/24/1782; 2/11/1783 Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1783 Wiseman, George
Will, Wiseman, Richard, SMC; 11/24/1782; 2/11/1783 Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1788 Wiseman, George
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1788 Belwood, Samuel
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1789 Wiseman, George
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1789 Auld, John
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1799 Aud, John
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Delight 1799 Gough, William
Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Rectified 1789 Wiseman, George 165 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopewells Rectified 1789 Auld, John 165 Alienations and Transfers Harvey
Hopsons Choice
Jarboe, John and Jos. 94 Alienations and Transfers
Hopsons Choice
Plater, George 94 Alienations and Transfers
Hopsons Choice 1731 Plummer, Thomas 30 Rent Rolls
Hopsons Choice 1734 Plummer, Thomas 30 Coldham
Hopsons Choice 1734 Plummer, Thomas 30 Patent Records
Hopsons Choice 1738 Plummer, Thomas
Will, Plummer, Thomas, planter,St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1738; 14th Sept., 1738
Hopsons Choice 1738 Plummer, Margaret
Will, Plummer, Thomas, planter,St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1738; 14th Sept., 1738
Hopsons Choice 1752 Abell, Enoch 23 Coldham
Hopsons Choice 1753 Plummer, Margaret 30 SMC Debt Books
Hopsons Choice 1753 Abell, Enoch 50 SMC Debt Books
Hopsons Choice 1754 Abell, Enoch 23 SMC Debt Books
Hopsons Choice 1763 King, Henry 19 Patent Records
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1647 Thompson, William 250 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1648 Evans, William and John Jarboe 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1649 Thompson, William 250 Patent Records New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1652 Guest, Walter 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1652 Evans, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1652 aft Scott, Cuthbert 150 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1658 Thompson, William 200 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1658 Thompson, William 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1658aft Thompson, William 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1665 Boarman, William 100 Patent Records New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1665 Harris, Richard 100 Patent Records New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1665 Boarman, William 100 Patent Records New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1676 Evans, Thomas 50 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1680 Scott, Cuthbert 250 Rent Rolls- resurveyed New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1680 Scott, Cuthbert 100 Rent Rolls- resurveyed New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1680 Scott, Cuthbert 2100 patent New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1680 Evans, William 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1680 Thompson, William 250 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1681 Scott, Cuthbert and Elizabeth( wife) 2100 Settlers of MD, Coldham New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1682 Scott, Cuthbert 1680 Settlers of MD, Coldham New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Jarboe, John 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Scott, Cuthbert 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Scott, Cuthbert 2100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Carberry, Elizabeth 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Scott, Elizabeth Guibert Evans 2100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1705 Carberry, John Baptist 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1707 Turner's orphans 1600 Chr. of SM New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1707 French, James 100 Chr. of SM New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1707 Thompson, Arthur heirs 400 Chr. of SM New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1707 Langhorn, Daniel 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1707 Bannister, William 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1708 Carberry, John Bapt. 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1708 Carroll , Charles 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1709 Carberry, John Bapt. 129 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1709 French , James 129 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1712 Carroll , Charles 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1712 Carberry, John Bapt. 2100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1726 The Visitors of the free school 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1726 Carberry, John Bapt. 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1730 Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 160 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1730 Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1730 Lake, John 160 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1730 Elliott , Robert 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1733 French, James 110 Will, French, James, planter,St. Mary's Co.,4th Mch., 1733; 18th Mch., 1733-4 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1737 Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1737 Wheeler , Ignatius 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1738 Scott, John 21 Patent Records New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1742 Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 92 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1742 Ireland , Gilbert 92 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1743 Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 62 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1743 Mareman , John 62 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1751 Jun Carberry , John Bapt.& Eliz., 58 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1751 Jun Ireland , Gilbert 58 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1751 Nov Lake, Justinian and Elizabeth 25 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1751 Nov French, John 25 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Carberry, John Baptist 1189 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Booth, George 56 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 French, John 160 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Free School 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Boyd, James 160 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Mills, John 90 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Ireland, Gilbert 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Wheeler, Ignatius 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Greenfield, James Truman 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Clarke, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Maryman, John 197 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1753 Bond, John 250 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1754 Mills, John 90 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1754 Clarke, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1754 Maryman, John 197 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1755 Carberry, John Baptist 797 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1755 Mills, John 80 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1755 Greenfield, James Truman 120 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1755 Maryman, John 197 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1755 Bond, John 400 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1756 Booth, George Jr 56 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1757 Ireland , Gilbert 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1757 Ireland, Gilbert 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1757 French, John 140 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Booth, George Jr 56 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Carberry, John Baptist 797 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Mills, John 80 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Wheeler, Ignatius 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Mareman , John 197 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1758 Bond, John 400 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Booth, George Jr. 56 Chron. St. Marys Vol.49 p89 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Carberry, John Bapt. 797 Chron. St. Marys Vol.49 p89 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 French, John 160 Chron. St. Marys Vol.49 p89 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Carberry, John Baptist 797 Papist Lands New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 French, John 160 Papist Lands New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Booth, George 56 Papist Lands New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Wheeler, Ignatius 50 Papist Lands New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1760 Clarke, John 100 Papist Lands New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1770 French, John Sr.
Will of John French SR., St. Mary's Co, 19 February, 1767 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1770 French, Ignatius
Will of John French SR., St. Mary's Co, 19 February, 1767 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, Eleanor
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, Elizabeth
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, Henry
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, Thomas
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1777 Carberry, Peter
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1778 Carberry, John Baptist
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1778 Carberry, Joseph
Will, Carberry, John Baptist; St. Mary's Co., 7/15/1777; 2/17/1778 New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1787 French, Ignatius 103 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1787 Booth, George 103 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1792 McBride, William 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1792 Walker, Joseph 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopton Park (Guest's Neck , Evans Quarter, Indian Quarter, Cole Brooke, Koaxes) 1792 Walker, Joseph 100 Alienations and Transfers New Town
Hopwell 1670 Delahay, Arthur 75 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopwell 1671 Delahay, Arthur 75 Patent Records New Town
Hopwell 1707 Johnson, William 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopwell 1730 Johnson, William 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Hopwoods Dance ( Pountneys Oversight) 1783 Hopwood, Edward 20 Patent Records (Portneys Oversight) St. Inigoes
Horrells Meadows 1755 Horrell, John 10 Patent Records
Horrells Meadows 1758 Horrell, John 10 Patent Records
Horse Range 1672 Burroughs, John 200 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Horse Range 1680 Talbot, George 331 Patent Records Resurrection
Horse Range 1707 Dent, John Sr 200 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Horse Range 1712 Dent, John 200 Will, Dent, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Sept., 1711; 5th May, 1712 Resurrection
Horse Range 1753 Suit, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Horse Range 1753 Suit, Dent 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Horse Range 1754 Suit, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Horse Range 1755 Suit, Thomas 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Horseys Forest 1746 Barnes, Abraham 400 Coldham New Town
Horton Hays (Ferney Hills) 1650 Shercliffe, John 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Horton Hays (Ferney Hills) 1650 Shercliffe, John 150 Rent Rolls New Town
Horton Hays (Ferney Hills) 1653 Shercliffe, John 100 Patent Records New Town
Horton Hays (Ferney Hills) 1658 Shercliffe, John 300 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1673 Thompson, Arthur 100 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1707 Farthing, William Maria 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1707 Farthing, William Maria Sr 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1707 Farthing, William Jr 50 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1714 Farthing, William Maria Sr 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1714 Dillon, Thomas 100 Rent Rolls New Town
Hounslow 1753 Thompson, James 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hounslow 1753 Brewer, Richard 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hounslow 1753 Thomas, John 100 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hounslow 1755 Thompson, James 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hounslow 1756 Thompson, James 50 SMC Debt Books New Town
Hounslow 1760 Thompson, James Heirs ??? Papist Lands New Town
Hounslow 1760 Brewer, Richard 50 Papist Lands New Town
Hounslow Addition 1714 Clarke, Edward 25 Will, Clarke, Edward,St. Mary's Co.,30th Apr., 1713; 24th June, 1714 New Town
Hounslow Addition 1714 Clarke, Mary (wife) 25 Will, Clarke, Edward,St. Mary's Co.,30th Apr., 1713; 24th June, 1714 New Town
Howard's Gift 1717 Paine, Charles 75 Will, Payne, Charles,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,11th Dec., 1717; 7th Jan., 1717-8 New Town
Howard's Gift 1717 Paine, Peter 75 Will, Payne, Charles,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,11th Dec., 1717; 7th Jan., 1717-8 New Town
Howard's Mount 1713 Paine, Charles and Anne 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Howard's Purchase 1743 Howard, William 71 Patent Records New Town
Howard's Resolution 1741 Howard, Thomas 88 Patent Records New Town
Howards Mount 1653 Howard, Thomas 200 1707 Rent Rolls New Town
Howards Mount 1687 Howard, Peter 200 Patent Records New Town
Howards Mount 1707 Howard, Peter 200 Rent Rolls New Town
Howards Mount 1713 Howard, Peter 75 Rent Rolls New Town
Howards Mount 1753 Drury, Robert 40 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1753 Paine, Peter 40 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1753 Compton, Fairfax 95 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1754 Paine, Peter 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1754 Compton, Fairfax 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1760 Drury, Robert 40 Papist Lands New Town
Howards Mount 1760 Paine, Peter 75 SMC Debt Books New Town
Howards Mount 1760 Compton, Fairfax
Papist Lands New Town
Howes Adventure 1753 Howe, Henry 42 Coldham
Howes Adventure 1760 Howe Henry 42 Papist Lands
Howes Adventure 1789 Howe, John Baptist 22 Alienations and Transfers
Howes Adventure 1789 Hayes, Ann Hawkins 22 Alienations and Transfers
Howes Fortune 1753 Howe, Henry 19 Coldham
Howes Fortune 1760 Howe, Henry 19 Papist Lands
Howes Fortune 1788 Howe, John B. 19 Alienations and Transfers
Howes Fortune 1788 Goddard, John B. 19 Alienations and Transfers
Howes Fortune 1789 Howe, Elizabeth 19 Alienations and TransfersHoward, John Basil
Howes Fortune 1789 Bond, Thomas 19 Alienations and TransfersHoward, John Basil
Huckleberry Lane 1747 Daft, Matthew 10 Coldham New Town
Huckleberry Lane 1753 Roach, James 10 SMC Debt Books New Town
Huckleberry Lane 1760 Roach, James 10 Papist Lands New Town
Hulse's Lott 1725 Hulse, William 120 Will, Hulse, William,St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1725; 2nd Mch., 1725-6
Hulston 1680 Hulse, Merwell 100 1707 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hulston 1681 Hulse, Merwell 100 Patent Records Resurrection
Hulston 1707 Newman, Giles 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hulston 1713 Hulse, Thomas 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hulston 1713 Lock, Philip 100 Rent Rolls Resurrection
Hulston 1722 Look, Philip
Will, Look, Philip,St. Mary's Co.,23rd March, 1717-18; 16th Aug., 1722 Resurrection
Hulston 1753 Lock, Meverell 100 SMC Debt Books Resurrection
Hulston 1792 Lock, George 120 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hulston 1792 Dick, Henry 120 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hulston 1792 Lock, George
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hulston 1792 Smoote, Isaac
Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hulston 1799 Smoote, Isaac pt of 362 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hulston 1799 Keech, James pt of 362 Alienations and Transfers Resurrection
Hunters Hall Addition 1762 Guither, William 403 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1667 Whittle, William 150 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1668 White, John 150 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1668 White, William 150 Patent Records Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1707 Thomas, Robert 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1740 Manley & wife and Clark & wife 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1740 Debuts, Lawrence 150 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1751 Hinds, John 189 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1751 Biggs, John 189 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1753 Hynes, John 150 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1754 Hynes, John 150 SMC Debt Books Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1787 ? Somerville, William 150 Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1788 Somerville John
Chr. of SMC, Vol. 5, No. 10, p 108 Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1789 Somerville, John
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hunters Hill 1789 Somerville, John (son)
Will, Somerville, John, SMC; 4/26/1787; 2/10/1789 Poplar Hill
Hunting Creek 1647 Johnson, James 200 1707 Rent Rolls Poplar Hill
Hunting Creek 1654 Hatton, Thomas 250 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Creek 1701 Hatton, Thomas 250 Will, Hatton, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Aug., 1701 St. Mary's
Hunting Creek 1701 Hatton, Elizabeth 250 Will, Hatton, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Aug., 1701 St. Mary's
Hunting Creek 1707 Attaway, James 200 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1665 Hatton, Thomas 220 1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1665 Hatton, Thomas 200 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1705 Hatton, Thomas 200 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1707 Aisquith, William 220 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1719 Aisquith, William 220 Will, Aisquith, Willm.,St. Mary's Co.,25th July, 1700; 1st Apr., 1719 St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1719 bef. Hatton, Thomas 220 Will, Aisquith, Willm.,St. Mary's Co.,25th July, 1700; 1st Apr., 1719 St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1753 Aisquith, Thomas 200 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1799 Lilburn, William 3 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hunting Neck 1799 Combs, Enoch 3 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hunting Neck Addition 1759 Aisquith, Thomas 48 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1664 Courtney, Thomas
1707 Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1665 Boarman, William 150 Patent Records St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1707 Richardson, Richard
Rent Rolls St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1716 Richardson, Nicholas 150 Will, Richardson, Nicholas, chirurgan,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Nov., 1716; 8th Jan., 1716 St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1716 Richardson, Nicholas (son) 150 Will, Richardson, Nicholas, chirurgan,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Nov., 1716; 8th Jan., 1716 St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1753 Waughop, Thomas 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1755 Waughop, Thomas 150 SMC Debt Books St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1783 Henning, Judiah
Willl, Henning, Judiah, SMC 10/22/1782; 1/28/1783 St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1783 Henning, Bennet and Stephen
Willl, Henning, Judiah, SMC 10/22/1782; 1/28/1783 St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1783 Henning, Judiah
Willl, Henning, Judiah, SMC 10/22/1782; 1/28/1783 St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1789 Henning, Bennett 40 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1789 Chilton, Charles 40 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Hunting Quarter 1789 Henning, Bennett 40 Alienations and Transfers St. Mary's
Huntington 1739 Abington, John 307 Will, Abington, John,Prince George's Co.,8th Dec., 1738; 15th June, 1739
Huntington 1739 Dulany 307 Will, Abington, John,Prince George's Co.,8th Dec., 1738; 15th June, 1739
Hunts Adventure 1668 Hunt, John 100 Patent Records
Huntsman Park 1743 Smoote, Samuel 48 Patent Records
Hurry James 1737 Burns, Patrick
Will, Burne (Burn), Patrick, planter,St. Mary's Co.,13th Dec., 1737; 16th Jan., 1737-8
Hurry James 1737 Burns, Denis and John (g-sons)
Will, Burne (Burn), Patrick, planter,St. Mary's Co.,13th Dec., 1737; 16th Jan., 1737-8
Huttons Merry Greenwood 1714 Hutton, Charles 102 Patent Records
Hynes Recovery 1738 Hynes, John 152 Patent Records

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 2002 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).