updated 2/2003

St. Mary's County Will Abstracts, 1638-1800



Upgate, Richard

Upgate, Richard, St. Clement's Manor,St. Mary's Co.,9th Nov., 1671;
3d Aug., 1672.
To son John and to dau. Mary, wife of Thomas Reeves, personalty.
To wife Anne, execx., plantation on Wicomico R. and “Bluff Point.”
Test: Thos. Gerard, Thomas Lomax, Mary Snow. 1. 504.

Vansweringen, Garrett

Vansweringen, Garrett, of the City of St. Mary's,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1698;
4th Feb., 1698.
To 2 sons, viz., Joseph and Charles, equally, and hrs., dwelling house; also the “Council Rooms” and “Coffec House” and lands thereunto belonging. In event of death of both sons afsd. without issue, sd. estate to pass to daus. (unnamed) by present wife.
Wife (unnamed) to have estate during widowhood, and she is not to be disturbed by child. (unnamed) or sons-in-law (unnamed).
To daus. afsd., personalty; son Joseph appointed guardian of sd. daus. (unnamed).
To priests of Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
Exs.: Wife afsd. together with son Joseph afsd.
Test: Nich. Croutch, Wm. Aisquith, Thos. Grunwin, Thos. Sinnodd. 6. 209.

Vansweringen, Mary Smith

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Mary Vansweringen of St Maryes County Widdow being Sick of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Allmighty for the Same and Considering the uncertainty of this transitory life we are in and that all mortalls must dye do think convenient to settle all such temporall Benefitts as it hath pleased Allmighty God to bless me with in order thereunto doe make my last will and Testament Revokeing Renowncing and makeing void all former will or Wills by me made and this only to be my last will and testament first and principally I give and bequeath my Soul to Allmighty God that gave it Constantly beleiving that
through the Meritorious Death and passion of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ I shall receive full pardon and remission of my Sins and transgretions past and my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it Came to be buried in Decent and Christian Maner as my Executor hereafter named shall think fitt.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter Dorithy VanSweringen four negroes two feather bedds two Ruggs two pair of blanketts, two pair of Sheets and two bolsters one Silver pint Cupp, Six Silver Spoons one Small English Table to be Delivered to her at the Day of her marriage by my Executor hereafter Named;...
Item I Give and bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Tereshea VanSweringen four Negroes, two feather bedds two Ruggs two pair of Blanketts, two pair of Sheets two bolsters one Pint Silver tankered Six Silver Spoones a Chest of Drawers and a Small Looking Glass: and to Each of them my Said Daughtersa Suite of table linen all which to be Delivered to my said Daughters by my Executor at the Day of their Marriage the above said Legacies being in full
satisfaction for their part or portion of their fathers and my Estate.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my loveing Son Joseph VanSweringen all that tract or parcell of Land lying in St. Maryes County near St Maryes Called the point containing two hundred acres or thereabouts to him and his heirs and assignes for Ever; my Said Son being and is to maintain my Said two Daughters handsomly untill they are married.
Item I Give unto my loveing Son in Law Mr William Bladen and my Daughter Bladen a Ring of thirty shillings price to Each of them; Item I Give and Bequeath unto My Loveing Daughter Elinor Carroll two Thousand pound of Tobacco to be paid by my Executor in Convenient time after my decease, it is my Desire that the Negroes which I have Given to My two Daughters Shall be Such as my Said Executor Shall think fitt they not Exceeding forty years a piece; Item I Give and Bequeath all the Rest of My Estate both Real and person unto my Said Son Joseph VanSweringen after all my Just Debts are paid and lastly I doe hereby Constitute and appoint my loving Son Joseph
VanSweringen my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale this Seaventeenthday of Febry 1712/13

Signed Sealed and Delivered in thepresence of Wm Aisquith, Ann Moloni, Hannah (Her Mark) Bantom

At ye foot of the aforegoing will was thus written, Sept 5th 1713
Then Came Ann Moloni and Hannah Bantom two of the Witnesses to the within will and made oath that they saw the within Named Mary VanSwearingen Signe Seale and Deliver the Same as her last will and Testament...

Veale, William

Veale, William,St. Mary's Co.,4th Jan., 1737;
30th Jan., 1737.
To wife Margaret, extx., entire estate during life; at her decease to be divided bet. William son of William Harrison, and William son of Morris Veale. Shd. either of these boys die before they possess sd. estate decease's part to pass to William Veale Rigg, son of James Rigg.
Test: William Harrison, John Stevens, John Kennedy. 21. 841.

Vowles, Cyrus

Vowles, Cyrus, ST. MARY'S CO. PROVED DECEMBER 16, 1777 INPRIMIS. I give and bequeath unto my loving son John Vowles, my now dwelling plantation to him and his heirs forever...

ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my loving son Matthew Vowles

all that plantation which I bought of William Newton, my dear and loving wife Victoria Vowles to have her third in it, then the whole to him and his heirs forever...

ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my loving son Thomas Vowles, twelve hogsheads of tobacco, in Leonard Town Warehouse, and one hogshead of tobacco now in my own tobacco house at home, to him and his heirs forever....

ITEM. My will and desire is that the tobacco made at my lower plantation be applyed to pay levys and the remainder to the use of the family and to keep the same hands at the same place, and to work as usual, as also, the hands at my home plantation, to be kept and work there as usual, and that my daughter Jane have a negro boy named Charles to wait on her till an alteration...

LASTLY. I constitute make and ordain my dear and loving wife Victoria Vowles, and my loving son John Vowles whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly disallow revoke, and disannul all every other testament by me in any wise before named ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year aforesaid....
Signed sealed and delivered
by the said Cyrus Vowles as his
last will and testament in
the presence of us.
William Mareman Cyrus Vowles
Charles Russell
William Russell

Vowles, Richard

Vowles, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1724;
22nd April, 1724.
To son Richard and hrs., tract on w. side Trap Ck. (bounded by “Rocky Point,” now in poss. of George Thompson, land of William Bradbon, “The Fox” and Brittons Bay), 2 tracts nr. St. Williams Ck. and personalty.
To son James and hrs., land bet. that devised son Richard and Clemonts Bay (for desc. see will), and personalty.
To son Matthew and hrs., residue of “Vowles' Purchase,” 80 A. “Vowles' Addition” and “Hattfield's Hills” (bou. of Wm. Thompson). To be in care of wife Mary till of age at 21.
To son John and dau. Mary (wife of John Chunn, Jr.), personalty, in lieu of their shere in estate.
To wife Mary, use of dwelling house, ¼ of lands and personalty; to divide residue of estate with sons Richard, James and Matthew.
Exs.: Sons Richard and James.
Test: John Bowles, Robt. Elliot, Philip Key. 18, 258.

Wain (Waine), Charles

Wain (Waine), Charles,St. Mary's Co.,19th Feb., 1722-3;
18th Mch., 1722-3.
To Rebecca (wife of Benjamin Chum) and god-dau. Eliza. Richard, personalty.
To Laurence Lants, of sd. Co., ex., residue of estate.
Test: Jno. Edward, Wm. Higgs, Jr. 18, 101.

Waker, George

Waker, George, St. Jerome's,St. Mary's Co.,—– July, 1674;
10th Mch., 1675.
To Mr. Lucas, Jane Paine, widow, and Isaac, son of sd. Jane Paine, personalty.
William Newport, residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Exs.: Jno. Smallpeece, Wm. Newport.
Test: Richard Chapman. 2. 42.

Walker, Richard

Walker, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,11th May, 1698;
6th June, 1698.
To eld. son Thomas and hrs., 500 A., “Walker's Hollow,” on n. side Brittain's Bay.
To wife Ann, extx., life interest in ½ plantation afsd, and 1/3 of personalty.
To sons Richard and William, 2 tracts, viz., 65 A., “Berry,” and 200 A., (unnamed) bonght of Luke Gardner.
To son Richard and hrs., 56 A., “Walker's Delight,” at hd. of Brittain's Bay.
Residue of personalty in equal shares to 3 sons afsd.
Test: Henry Spinke, Thos. Dent, Thos. Lowe. 7. 385.

Walker, Richard

Walker, Richard, planter,St. Mary's Co.,10th Oct., 1717;
7th Nov., 1717.
To son James and hrs., land on s. side branch —, and personalty.
To dau. Mary and hrs., land on n. side sd. branch, and personalty. Shd. either die during minority or without issue, survivor to inherit portion of deceased. Shd. both die during minority or without issue, dau.'s portion to pass to nephew Thomas Walker, the part on s. side to pass to nephew Thomas (son of Thomas).
To nephew Richard Walker and hrs.,Berry.”
To wife Ann, extx., residue of personal estate.
Test: Peter Browne, Anthony Browne, Thos. Dillon. 14. 652.

Walker, Thomas

Walker, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,10th June, 1727;
2nd Aug., 1727.
To son Thomas and hrs., plan. —— at e. side of hd. of St. Clements Bay, where John Brown lives.
To Michael Thompson, interest in lease of 49 A. ——.
To dau. Susanna and hrs., plan. ——, where Thos. Howard lives.
To son Joseph and hrs., plan. ——, where Jno. Winifrett lives; 40 A. leased land: and residue of real estate; shd. sons and daus. die without issue, portion of dec'd to dau. Heneretter Clark and survivors.
To wife Mary, extx., 1/3 personal estate, residue to 4 child. equally; shd. wife die, son-in-law James Clark to act as ex. Sons to be educated and of age at 21 yrs.
Test: Richard Melton, John Johnson, Edward Clark. 19, 234.

Walls, Pearce

Walls, Pearce,St. Mary's Co.,18th May, 1685;
26th Aug., 1685.
To John Pennington and Thomas Gavin, personalty.
To Anne Young, 100 A., “New Castle.”
To Thomas Dillon, ex., and hrs., part of “Morrisses Mount” and residue of estate, real and personal.
Test: Raphall Haywood, Edward Cole, Honnor Cole. 4. 155.

Walter, William

William Walter – St. Mary’s County, Maryland – b. 4 May 1741  d. Nov 1802

St. Mary’s Will No. JJ#2 F 307, 11/6/1802; 11/22/1802




Wife, Ann 1/3 dwelling. Plantation and all of land I own in Maryland and slave Charity. Daughter Elizabeth slave, Harriet, 1/3 household and 1/3 crops son, John Thomas Walter 1/2 land in Maryland and slave Henry. Son, Richard Craddock, 58 3/4 acres in Fauquier County, Virginia which is now in possession and adjoins land of my son, Walter Bragg Walter. Children: Eleanor, Elizabeth Walter, Ann Smoot, John and Richard Walter what I have already given them. Children: Walter, Eleanor Walter, Ann Smoot, Elizabeth, John Thomas, William Shanks Walter and Richard Craddock Walter slaves Thomas and Charity. Executors: Wife, Ann & son William Shanks Walter. Witnesses: Henry Gardiner, Andrew Mills, James A. Callis, and Lawrence Walter.





The last will of In the name of God amen. I William Walter of Saint Mary’s                                           County in the State of Maryland, being sick in body, but of

William Walter  sound mind and memory, do make this my last will & testament

                                    in the following form ~~~  I Give and bequeath to my ling wife Ann

Walter 1/3 of my dwelling plantation and all the land I hold and possess in the State of Maryland, during the term of her natural life, and no longer--- also I give my loving Wife Ann Walter to her and heirs forever one negro woman Charity ------ also one third part of all my house and kitchen furniture plantation utensils and crop now on the land~~~~~  I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Walter to her and her heirs one negro girl named Harriet, also one third part of my house & kitchen furniture, plantation utensils, and crop now on the land __  I give and bequeath to my son John Thomas Walter to his and his heirs forever, one half of all the Lands I hold and possess in the State of Maryland,  I give and bequeath to my son Richard Craddock Walter to him and his heirs forever, a tract of Land lying in Fauquier County State of Virginia adjoining the Lands of my son  Walter Bragg Walter which is now in the possession and occupation of my said son Richard Craddock Walter supposed to contain Fifty eight and three quarter acres___  ,  I give and bequeath to my son William Shanks Walter to him and his heirs forever __ one half of all the Lands I hold and possess in the State of Maryland, I also give to my son William Shanks Walter one bed and furniture being part of the remaining third of my house furniture not before bequeathed. I give and bequeath to my three daughters and two sons, to wit; Eleanor Walter, Ann Smoot, and Elizabeth Walter and John Thomas Walter and Richard Craddock Walter in addition to what I have heretofore given them__ all in equal proportions, the residue of the remaining third part of my house furniture, kitchen furniture & plantation utensils after deducting the above mentioned Bed & furniture bequeathed to my son William Shanks Walter ~~~ I give and bequeath to my son John Thos Walter to him & his heirs one negro man named Harry ~~~ I give and bequeath to my three sons and three daughters, to wit: Walter Bragg Walter, Richard C. Walter & William Walter and Eleanor, Ann Smoot & Elizabeth Walter _ in addition to what I have already given them _ all six in equal proportion to be divided among them the three following negros, to wit; boy Gordon Girl Charity and boy Thomas, to them and their heirs. --- I give and bequeath to my loving wife Ann Walter and my son William Shanks Walter, in order to enable them to settle my estate and pay all my Just debts – the residence of my estate, including the outstanding debts – and lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my loving wife Ann Walter and my son William Shanks Walter to be Executrix and Executor of this my last will and Testament, revoking and setting aside all other will or wills heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and two --  ~~


Signed, sealed, published & declared by William

Walter the above named Tester as his Last will

& Testament in the presence of us the subscribers                                             Wm Walter        seal      

who have signed our names thereto at his request

& in the presence of each other

Henry Gardiner   James A. Callis  }

Andrew Mills      Lawrence Walter}                                        


                                      On the back of the foregoing was the following, to wit. Saint Mary’s         County, to wit; 22d day of November 1802, then came Ann Walter & William Shanks Walter & severally made oath on the evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing id the true and whole will & Testament William Walter late of Saint Mary’s County deceased, that have come to their hands or possession & that they do not of any others.

                                                                                                                  Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Reg. Wills

                                                                                                                                          for Saint Mary’s County

                              Saint Mary’s County so, the 22d day of November 1802 __ Then came Henry Gardiner, James A. Callis, Andrew Mills & Lawrence Walter, the four subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last Will & Testament of William Walter late of Saint Mary’s County, deceased, and severally made Oath on the Evangels of almighty God, that they did see the testator therein named sign his Will & that they heard him publish, pronounce & declare the same to be his last Will & Testament; that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind, memory & understanding; that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this Will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of each other. ~~

                                                                                                                  Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Reg. Wills

                                                                                                                                          for Saint Mary’s County



Walterling, Walter

Walterling, Walter,St. Mary's Co.,30th Aug., 1672;
14th Sept., 1672.
To dau. Mary Walterling, granddaus. Grace and Eliza: Barnes, personalty.
Ex.: Son John Barnes.
Test: Wm. Asbeston, Henry Smith. 1. 502.

Walters, John

The last will of          In the name of God amen. I John Walter of St. Marys County in the

                                   Province of Maryland, being of an sick and weak body though of a

John Walter               sound mind memory and understanding Blessed be Almighty God

                                   for the same, and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and that it behoveth everyone to settle their affairs while it pleaseth the Almighty_____ them so to do: I do hereby give devise and bequeath the worldly goods and chattels it hath pleased the Almighty to bless me with in manner and form following. First I give devise and bequeath to my oldest son William all that my plantation in Chaptico Forrest to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever. I also give to my said son William my young Horse ____ and saddle, my great coat and boots, and also my watch together with my Tradesmans tools excepting those out the necessary plantation tools. Secondly I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca a certain negro girl named Julia also my horse called Silver and womens saddle and bridle. Thirdly I give devise and bequeath to my son Laurence these two my negros known by the names of Dinah and Clem, and also the lap ears mare. Fourthly I give devise and bequeath to my son Richard a certain negro _____ Abraham. Fifthly I give devise and bequeath to my youngest son James a certain negro girl called Molle. Sixthly my will is that my servant man, John Burch be free from my service on the fifth day of April one thousand seven hundred and sixty two, and I also give to the said John Burch, my german sage waistcoat and breeches, my best coat, my fine hat, a pair new stockings knit by Mrs.Musgrove a pair of new shoes, and a new fine shirt, my will is that instead of wages which will be due to my ______women Jane McMillen at Christmas next she be paid six hundred pounds of crop tobacco out of my estate. I also give to my son James my colt by the Lap Ears mare. I also give to my son Richard the horse called Grey. I also give to my daughter Rebecca my wifes wedding ring, and also a pair silver shoe buckle clasps. I also give to my son Richard two pair silver shoe buckles and a broken gold ring with a pair silver stock clasps. I also give to my said son William the bed and furniture in the Forest Plantation and also a basket of feathers, now at my dwelling house and half the feathers that shall come from the next plucking of geese to be put into the said bed and also my will is that a new tick be bought out of my estate  for the said bed. I also give to my daughter Rebecca the bed, the linen with the furniture there to belonging. I also give to my son Laurence the bed I lie on and the furniture there to belonging. I also give to my son Richard the bed John Burch lies on with the furniture there to belonging, and a basket of feathers and one half of the next plucking of the geese and in addition to the said bed, and my will also is that a new tick be also bought out of my estate for the said bed. I also give to my son James the bed called willys bed and furniture there to belonging. I also give to my daughter Rebecca my tea kettle and coffee pot and trunk called Beccas trunk. I also give to my son Richard  my looking glass and claw table, I also give to my son James my largest desk and five framed pictures hanging over the same, my will also is that a new tick be bought out of my estate for the bed known before given to my son James and all the rest divided and remained of my personal estate, whatsoever and wheresoever together with my farm in the plantation where on I now live. I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca and my sons Laurence, Richard, and James equally to be divided between them, and I will and order that my three sons Laurence, Richard, and James be kept _____to school till their respective ages of sixteen years and then be bound out to such trades as they shall respectively choose till they severaly arrive to the age of twenty and one years. And my will is, and my true intent  and meaning of this my last will and testament. I do declare to be that no devise gift or legacy in this my last will shall operate or be of any effect till the boys shall be severaly entitled to the same, by their respective arrival to the age of twenty and one years, now my daughter to be entitled to the several bequests and legacy herein given her till she arrives to the age of sixteen years, and if any or either of my three younger sons or my daughter Rebecca should die before he or she arrives the age aforesaid, then my will and intention is that the legacies and bequests of the party so dying together with his or her part of my estate be equally divided among the surviving younger children, only but if two or more of my said children shall die before their respective arrival to the age aforesaid then the parts that would be due to the parties so dying shall be equally divided among all my children, and my will and desire is that my goods, chattels and effects herein devised and given be kept together the same as in my life time and or the marriage event of my said son William and my daughter Rebecca till the children respectively be entitled to their several shares and that then they be severally paid of, and I do hereby named my said son William to take the management of the children’s estate upon ___ever as myself, and to continue with and maintain and provide for them and pay their respective schooling out of the increase  of the said estate and yearly  amount for the profits thereof, and which increase I will and order to be applied to the use of the children, and to be an addition to the principle parts of my estate, and as an encouragement for his so doing. I will that he be entitled to his board out of my estate, without being accountable for the expenses of my estate ________ there on, and I do nominate and appoint  my said son William and my daughter Rebecca joint executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made. Proclaiming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness where as I have to this ___ ___ of my will affixed my hand and seal, and to each of the others ______ my name on this twenty seventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty, before the execution of this will it is also declared by the said John Walter that the said Rebecca be ____ with the said William no longer than she continues single and unmarried and from and immediately after marriage the whole power shall revolve upon the said William.                                                                                          

                                                                                             John Walter        seal


Signed sealed and delivered                               Nov 10, 1760

By the said John Walter as and

for his last will and testament                             Then George Reeves and Owen Allen two of the

in the presence of us; wherein                            subscribing witness to this foregoing will being

his presence and at his ____                               duly and solemnly sworn on the holy evangelcal  

have subscribed our names as                             of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the

witness is thereto:                                                testator John Walter sign the foregoing will and

Henry Jernagan                                                    heard him publish and declare the same to be his

George Reeves                                                     last will and testament, that at the time of his so

Owen Allen                                                          doing he was to the best of their apprehension of

                                                                              sound  and disposing mind and memory, and that

                                                                              they subscribed their respective names as witness

                                                                              to the said will in the presence of the said testator

                                                                              and at ___ and that they saw Henry Jernagan sign

at the same time as a witness to the said will in the presence of the said testator and at his request. Sworn to before me Tho. Aisquith deputy commissioner.

                                                                                   St. Marys County



TA1 p.401-403 St Marys County, Maryland     9/27/1760—11/10/1760                                                                                   



Walton, Stephen

Walton, Stephen,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Feb., 1697;
—– —– —–.
To daughter-in-law Mary Brewer, personalty; sd. daughter-in-law to be in charge of Elenor Harverd.
To son-in-law James Brewer, personalty.
Son William, residuary legatee.
To Father John Hall, priest, and his successors is left the care of son-in-law James Brewer and son William afsd.
Exs.: Wm. Harper, Thos. Haddock.
Test: Jas. Pattison, Henry Royle, Thos. Haddock. 7. 337.

Wardner, Warner, Andrew

Wardner, Warner, Andrew,St. Mary's Co.,5th Oct., 1660;
27th Mch., 1662.
To wife Mary, execx., land at hd. of St. Clear's Branch until son George attain age of 21 yrs. If wife should die, dau. Isabel to be committed to care of William Lucas, and son George to John Vanheck.
Overseers: Wm. Lucas, Wm. Cole, John Vanheck.
Test: Wm. Kelly, Geo. Mee. 1. 156.

Wardner (Warner), Andrew

Wardner, Warner, Andrew,St. Mary's Co.,5th Oct., 1660; 27th Mch., 1662.
To wife Mary, execx., land at hd. of St. Clear's Branch until son George
attain age of 21 yrs. If wife should die, dau. Isabel to be committed to
care of William Lucas, and son George to John Vanheck. Overseers: Wm. Lucas,
Wm. Cole, John Vanheck. Test: Wm. Kelly, Geo. Mee. 1. 156.

Warren, Thomas

Warren, Thomas,Newtowne, St. Mary's Co.,30th Mch., 1698;
6th June, 1698.
To son John and dau. Rebecca, and to Sarah, dau. of Robert Cole, dec'd, and their hrs., personal estate equally.
Thos. Daft, ex. and guardian of testator's child.; son to be of age at 18 yrs. and dau. at 16 yrs.
Test: Wm. Husband, Jos. Clarke, Jno. Noble. 7. 383.

Warren, Thomas

Warren, Thomas, St. Mary's Co., March 13, 1745; June the 4th 1745
In the Name of God Amen, I Thomas Warren of St. Marys County being sick of body but of perfect mind and memory doe make and ordain this to be my last will and Testament revoking and making void all Other wills Either Verbell or in writing before by me made. First and principally I Give my soul to Almighty God and my body to the Earth.

2ndly I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Ketting one heifer provided her husband delivers my young horse to George Warren.

3rdly I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Susanna Strong, one mare which she has now in possession.

4thly I Give to my Daughter Monica Hill one shilling Sterling in full
satisfaction of her part of my whole Estate.

5thly I Give to the heir of my Daughter Elizabeth Hyatt Deceased one
shilling Sterling in full Satisfaction of his or her part of my whole

6thly I Give and bequeath to my son George Warren all the remainder of my Estate both reall and personall and for the Execution of this my will and testament I do Appoint my said
son George Warren Executor as Witness my hand and seal this 13th Day of
March 1744/45

Signed Sealed and Do in presence of us
Thomas (his mark) Warren SEAL
Thos Spalding, Junior
Leonard Mattingly On the back
of the foregoing will was thus written
Edward Mattingly Viz

St Marys County

June the 4th 1745 ? then Thomas Spalding Junior, Leonard Mattingly and Edward Mattingly the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being duly and Solemnly Sworn on the holy Evangel of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the Testator Thomas Warren sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament that at the Time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and
disposing mind and memory and that they subscribe their respective names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the said Testator and at his request

Sworn to before me.

Thos Aisquith Deputy Comsry
Of St Marys County

Waters, John

Waters, John,St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1692;
—– —– —–.
To sons James, Joseph, and Lewis, and their hrs., 50 A., “Bristol,” and 100 A., “James' Gift.”
To sons Thomas and William, sd. lands in event of death of sons afsd. without issue.
To son John, personalty.
To wife Penelope, extx., residue of personal estate during widowhood; in event of her marriage to be divided among 7 child.
Test: Jno. Dent, Jno. Harrison, Geo. Dimond. 6. 30.

Waters, Joseph

Joseph Waters, Sr., Charles Co., 10/29/1775-1777.
To: Wife, Mary and daughters Sarah and Elizabeth, the use of my dwelling house with 50 ac.; 1 negro, 9 cattle, and all my personal estate during my wife's natural life and as long as my wife, Sarah and Elizabeth live single and choose to live with my wife or after her death while either of them is single.
Daughter: Mary, 1 heifer. Son: Thomas, 50 ac. "Waters' Risque" where his dwelling now is on the condition that he gives my grandson Elias Waters, 1 year schooling.
Son: William, 110 ac. "Waters' Risque", the place where my daughter now lives and also the afsd. 50 ac. which I have already given my wife and daughters provided he gives my grandson Elias Waters 2 years schooling and 1 horse and saddle to be paid him at his coming to age.
To: Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth and granddaughter, Elizabeth Canter, all my personal estate after the death of my wife.
Execs.: Son William and daughter Sarah.
Wit: James Waters, William Montgomery (of Peter) and Benjamin Montgomery. Probate was taken in the presence of Thomas Waters, the heir at law, who did not object.

Watkins (Watkinson), Cornelius

Watkins (Watkinson), Cornelins,St. Mary's Co.,15th Apr., 1697;
9th Apr., 1698.
To James, son of Geo. Keeth, of All Faith Parish, personalty.
To wife Eliza:, extx., residue of estate, real and personal, during life; at her decease to pass to Cornelius Watkinson, son of Peter Watkinson, of Accomac.
Test: Rich'd Southoron, Jno. Gillem, Mary Comptton. 7. 365.

Watson, James

James Watson, SMC, 1/26/1795-12/31/1795. Whereas I have given my two eldest sons, Eleazer Watson and Azariah Watson, 70 lbs. each in real and personal property, and to my other children who are married, to wit, Zachariah Watson, James Green Watson, Margaret Reeves, Susanna Cooke, and Muriel Brookbank, 10 lbs. each in personal property, it is now my intention that the whole of my children, as well as those already married as those unmarried or them that may now at my death be dead, should have an equal share of my estate including what I have already given as above mentioned. Sons: Henry and Joseph, as long as each or either of them remain single, a joint and equal interest with my 3 daughters Elizabeth Watson, Sarah Watson, and Mary Watson, during the natural life of each, all of my lands and tenements. After the lives of my 3 daughters, all of my land is to be sold and the money divided among my children so they have an equal share of my estate. My Execs. to pay a legacy of 10 lbs. each to Zepheniah Watson, Elizabeth Watson, Sarah Watson, and Mary Watson immediately after my death. Execs: Sons, Henry and Joseph, Wit: Stephen Cawood, William Somerhill, John Watson.

Watson, John

Watson, John,St. Mary's Co.,21st June, 1696;
15th Apr., 1699.
To brother-in-law Thomas Mittford and to Thomas his son, and Robert, son of Robert Graham, personalty.
To John, son of Capt. Edward Greenhalgh, 200 A., part of “New Bottle,” Prince George's Co.
To Thomas, son of Capt. Edward Greenhalgh, residue of “New Bottle.”
Wife Jans, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Edward Miller, Mary Miller, Jane Rose. 6. 337.

Watson, Joseph

Watson, Joseph,St. Mary's Co.,3rd Nov., 1742;
1st Feb., 1742.
To oldest son James, 79 A. “Hodge Barren”.
To sons Joseph and John, dwell. plan. “Partnership”.
Extx.: Wife Sarah.
Test: Samuel Amery, Philip Briscoe, Mark Winnott.
23. 17.
Note: Widow claims her legal third.

Watts, Mary ??? Breeden

Mary Watts, SMC, 11/13/1764-3/3/1775.
Son: Thomas Watts, Exec., plantation "Road's Rest", 100 ac. and residue of estate after legacies are paid.
Granddaughter: Clarano Breeden, stock.
Children: James Breeden, Mark Breeden, Matthew Breeden, Abraham Breeden, Elizabeth Warren, Mary Smith, and Ann Hilton, 12 pence each.
To: Children of daughter, Rebecca Watts--Thomas Dillon, Daniel Watts, Elizabeth Watts, and James Watts, 12 pence between
Wit: Henry Jenkins, Thomas Wynn Taylor, Abbenton Shermantine.

Watts, Peter

Watts, Peter,St. Mary's Co.,—– —– 1692;
23rd July, 1692.
To sons Thomas, William, and John, equally, 300 A., “Nitopsen.”
To son Peter, personalty.
To wife (unnamed), extx., and her child. (unnamed), residue of estate, real and personal. Sons afsd. to be of age at 18 yrs.
Test: Jno. Lowe, Robt. Vargison, Wm. Thomas, Peter Watts.
6. 1.

Watts, Peter

Watts, Peter, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,12th Mar., 1718;
27th July, 1719.
To grandson Thomas and hrs. (son of Thomas Waughap), two tracts, “Bennets Delight” and “Jenifer's Gift,” at decease of wife ––. Shd. sd. grandson die without issue, lands to pass to James and hrs. (son of James Watts); shd. he die without issue, sd. lands to pass to next male hr. of dau. Mary Waughap, and she lacking such issue, to revert to rightful hrs. of testator.
To 2 granddaus., Elizabeth Waughop and Hannah Clarke, 1 pistole each, to be sent to Annapolis for purchase of rings.
To wife ––, extx., use of dwelling plantation and estate during life. Shd. sd. wife be disturbed in possession of same (inasmuch as sd. plantation belonged to former wife ––), to have use of other two tracts during life, she being an aged woman; the personalty on sd. tracts at her decease to sons-in-law Thos. Waughop and George Clark, trustees, equally, for use of grandehild ––.
To wife ––, £20 and use of mother's great ring during life; at her decease to return to dau. Waughop.
Test: Maj. Wm. Watts, Archbald Johnstone, George Clarke, Richard Forrest. 15. 147.
Note–Codicil: To bro. Stephen Watts, Richard Forrest and Maj. Wm. Watts, personalty.

Watts, Richard


In the name of God Amen I Richard Watts of St Mary’s County in the province of Maryland, being of perfect mind, memory and understanding, but calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life that all flesh must yield to death, when it pleases God to call them do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say that I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Watts, all that Tract of Land being part of this will include called Plum Point containing between three and four hundred acres, to him and his body lawfully begotten. Likewise I give unto my son Richard Watts, a Tract of Land and houses in and near Brigham in the County of Cumberland in old England, the deed of which land and houses in and near Brigham, bother William Watts has in possession. Said land subject to the payment of one hundred pound sterling to my daughter Susanna Watts. Item I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Watts, such of my wearing apparel as he thinks proper, and thirty pounds as a token of my love and affection for him. My will and desire is, if my son Richard Watts, and my (daughter) Susanna Watts should die without children or before they arrive to the age of twenty one years that my Estate both personal and Real go to my brother Robert Watts subject to the payment of twenty pounds sterling to Brother William Watts, Twenty pounds sterling to sister Frances Harrison and Twenty pounds sterling to Sister Sonia Fawcet or the survivors of them. Item I give and to my dear wife Sarah Watts a third part of my lands during life and my personal to be divided as the law directs after my just debts, legacies and funeral expenses are paid. Item I do appoint my wife Sarah Watts and my loving brother Robert Watts Guardians of my son Richard Watts, and my Daughter Susanna Watts. I do nominate, consitute and appoint my said wife Sarah Watts and by brother Robert Watts Loyal Executors in trust of this my Last will and testament, and lastly I do revoke, dismiss and make void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and so desire this to be my last will and testament In writing of whereof the said Richard Watts herunto set my hand and seal, this second day of December on thousand seven hundred and seventy one.

Richard Watts (seal)

Signed sealed and deposed by the testators as his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our hands as witness.

Will Taylor
John Taylor
Christopher Taylor (seal)

Saint Mary’s County, to wit, on the 24th day of February 1772 came William Taylor, John Taylor and Christian Taylor the those subscribing witnesses to the within last will and testament of Richard Watts late of the county aforesaid deceased, and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see Richard Watts the testator therein named sign and seal this will and hand.

Transcribed by Joanne W. Mcfadden, April 15, 2001

Watts, Thomas

Watts, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,12th Oct., 1721;
20th Nov., 1723.
To 2 sons Daniel and William and their hrs., dwelling plantation “Watts Lodge” equally. They failing issue, to pass successively to Thomas (a minor) and hrs. and Joshua and hrs. Shd. son William afsd. be left any land by his uncle —–, portion bequeathed him to pass to his bro. Thomas.
Wife Elizabeth extx.
Test: Thomas Hebb, Jr., John Elleson (Allison), Elizabeth Morgan. 18, 194.

Watts, Thomas Jr.

Watts, Thomas Jr., St. Mary's Co, 9/19/1752; 7/11/1752
To Bro. William, slaves
To br. George, 1 slave and all my pt. of slaves merchant in a contract of marriage made by my mother; personality
Br. Wm. ex.
wit: Mary Waughop, Thos. Palm. Waughop, Katherine Waughop.

Watts, William

Watts, William,St. Mary's Co.,8th Mch., 1677-8;
19th Apr., 1678.
To 3 child., viz., eld. son Charles (8 yrs. of age), 2nd son William (6 yrs. of age), and 3rd son Edmond (4 yrs. of age), entire estate equally.
Ex., Capt. Gerrard Slye.
Test: Corine Makenzie, Abraham Price. 9. 6.

Watts, William

Watts, William,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1723-4;
22nd Jan., 1723-4.
To son-in-law John Mich. Thomas Taney and hrs. and dau.-in-law Margaret Taney, personalty, and rest of household goods at Patuxen equally.
To cousin William and hrs., 150 A. “Bushell's Rest,” 100 A. “Timber Swamp,” 60 A. “Addition to Timber Swamp.” He failing issue, sd. lands to pass in succession to cousins Daniel, Thomas and Joshua and their hrs.; personalty.
To John, son of Wm. Canady, Mary Morgan and Katherine Forrest, personalty.
Ex.: Son-in-law William Canady.
Test: Thos. Waughhop, Peter Rule, Richard Forest. 18, 211.

Waughop, John

Waughop, John, Piney Point,St. Mary's Co.,—– —–, 1677;
18th Mch., 1677-8.
To wife Anne, execx., ½ plantation, “Piney Point” at St. Mary's Co.
To son Thomas and hrs., residue plantation at 18 yrs. of age.
To dau. Rebecca and hrs., 800 A., “Piney Point” in Pocomoke, Somerset Co.; to be of age at 15 yrs.
To grandson Thomas Hatton and to the child. (unnamed) of Henry Hyde, dec'd, and hrs., sd. real estate should child. afsd. of testator die without issue.
To Ame Mountford, personalty.
Overseers: Robt. Grahame, Henry Williams.
Test: Jo: Watson, Jno. Wynne, Wm. Brewerton. 5. 343.

Waughop, Thomas

Waughop, Thomas, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,11th Apr., 1735;
17th Apr., 1735.
To daus. Johanna, Anne, Katherine and Elizabeth and their hrs., “Piney Point,” except part given heretofore to dau. Mary. Should any of sd. daus. or their hrs., profess the religion of the Church of Rome, they are to have no benefit by this devise, but their part to vest in the hrs. of the other of afsd. daus, being Protestants.
To grandson John Waughop and dau. Mary Guyther, personalty.
To wife Katherine, 1/3 of personal estate. Residue of personalty to four daus.: Johanna, Anne, Katherine and Elizabeth. Brother John to have the care of three last named.
Exs. Wife and brothers James and John.
Test: Justinian Jordan, Philip Key, Henry Holland Hawkins. 21. 370.

Welch (Welsh), Thomas

Welch (Welsh), Thomas, planter,St. Mary's Co.,25th Mar., 1724;
4th April, 1724.
To son William and hrs., dwelling plantation —–. He dying without issue, to son Thomas and hrs.
To sons William and Thomas and dau. Mary, residue of estate. Mr. Barnaby Anetell, ex., to have charge of sons until of age at 20; shd. he refuse, Robert Rawson to act.
Test: Gillbert Anderson, John Cole, Darby Moriss, Francis Hopewell, Wm. Innes, James Baker. 18, 237.

Wellman, Joseph

Wellman, Joseph, planter,St. Mary's Co.,13th Nov., 1733;
16th Mar., 1740-41.
To son Michael and male hrs., 50 A. land “Wellmans Chance.” In lieu of such hrs. afsd. property to pass to son Joseph and male hrs. and in turn to son William and male hrs. In event of their death without male hrs., to daus. Susannah and Anne and their hrs. and in event of their death without male hrs. to bro. Thomas.
To son Joseph and male hrs., “Brothers Dread.”
To son William and male hrs., “Sisters To Have and Hold.”
To wife Ann, extx., 1/3 estate.
Test: George Reade, William Feilder, Richard Wise.
Note: By Codicil on 29th Nov. 1733, wife Ann having died meanwhile testator appoints his bro. Thomas and Adam Wise as joint exs.
Test: George Reade, Anthony Brokle, Edward Silence.
22. 316.

Wellman, Michael

Wellman, Michael, planter,St. Mary's Co.,18th Apr., 1715;
19th Apr., 1718.
To son Joseph and hrs., dwel. plan., “Siles Chance,” and personalty.
To wife Martha, 1/3 personal estate. Residue of est. to be divided equally among testator's 5 child., ––.
Exs.: Thos. and Joseph Wellman, jointly.
Test: Anthony Brocklehorst, Chas. Waldron, Grace Watkins, Jno. Watkins. 14. 474.

Welsh, Edward

Edward Welsh, SMC, 9/1766-7/8/1767. Daughter: Sarah Welsh, negro wench Mary and negro boy James; horse and saddle; cow and calf; furniture. Daughter: Elizabeth Waters, negro woman Jean; negro boy Leonard and after her death my granddaughter, Susan Waters to be possessed of negro boy Leonard. Daughter: Elizabeth Waters, cow and calf and furniture. Grandson: John Welsh, a negro boy Baptist when he arrives at age 21. Granddaughter: Mary Welsh, a negro boy Basil when she becomes age 16 and if she dies before then to grandson, Edward Waters. To: Birdgin Mitchell, 10 lbs. current money at age 21. Wife: Mary, "Ensfield" and "Ensfield's Addition" and after her death to daughter, Sarah Welsh. Wife: Mary, negro man Ben; negro girl Charity; and negro lad Gerard. Remaining furniture to be divided amongst Elizabeth Waters, Sarah Welsh, and my grandson and granddaughter, John Welsh and Mary Welsh. Exec: Wife, Mary. Wit: William Bruce, James Billingsley, Benjamin Burroughs.

Wheatley, Francis

Francis Wheatley, Sr., SMC, wheelwright, 1/8/1772-7/20/1774. Son: Ignatius, Exec., 50 ac., pt. of "Buckland Plain". Son: Francis, 46 ac., pt. of "Wheatley's Content with Addition". Sons: Ignatius and Francis, equally, 21 ac. of "Bob's Discovery". Daughters: Ann Peake and Winifred Delahay, 50 lbs. sterling equally, any balance to be equally divided between my four children. Wit: Michael Wellman, Elizabeth Wellman, Jared Wellman

Wheatley, John

Wheatley, John,St. Mary's Co.,25th Apr., 1717;
8th Aug., 1717.
To son James, 500 lbs. tobacco.
To son John and hrs., 110 A., “Wheatley's Meadows,” and 50 A., “Hiccory Plaines.”
To son Joseph and hrs., 114 A., “Umtiguint.”
To wife Elizabeth, extx., dwelling plantation with tract of land belonging thereto during life; at her decease to pass to sons Thomas and Francis and their hrs., equally divided bet. them. If wife shd. marry, sons Thomas and Francis to be of age at 18; if she remains a widow, to be under her tuition until 21 yrs. of age.
Also to wife Elizabeth, ½ of personal estate, the other half to be equally divided amongst 5 daus., viz.: Winifride, Anne, Elizabeth, Susannah and Mary, at age of 16 or day of marriage.
Test: Wm. Hoard, Susannah Norrice, John Norrice, Henry Spinke. 14. 388.

Wheatley, Joseph

Wheatley, Joseph,St. Mary's Co.,15th Oct., 1739;
21st Jan., 1739.
To son James and hrs., 122 A. “Intequent” and 23 A. “Wheatley's Addition.” Shd. he die without hrs. to pass to son Joseph and hrs.
To wife Martha, extx., 64 A. dwelling plantation, at her death to pass to son Joseph.
Test: Robert Hammett, Francis Cole, Leadey Nowell.
22. 140.

Wheatly, Andrew

Wheatly, Andrew,St. Mary's Co.,28th Nov., 1693;
2nd Feb., 1693.
To Mary Wheatly and hrs., “Wheatly's Hills” on Brittain's Bay.
To cousins James and John Wheatly, cous. Winifrede, and Mr. Hunter, priest, personalty.
Brother John, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal; he to have charge of Mary Wheatly afsd.
Test: Millesent Nevett, Susanna Norris, Stephen Gough.
2. 235.

Wheeler, Luke

Wheeler, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,30th Nov., 1741;
3rd March, 1741.
To son Ignatius, dwell. plan., 250 A. “Maiden's Bower”.
To son William, “Planter's Delight”, Charles Co., where Thomas Mitchell now lives.
To son Clement, “Planter's Delight” where Joshua Alford lives.
To son Raphell, “Planter's Delight” where John Delozour lives.
To son Bennet, any of afsd. estates if the owner should die without hrs.
To wife Protheser, extx., and daus. –– personalty.
Test: Richard Cooper, Mary Cooper, Ignatius Wheeler (Cooper), Elizabeth Cooper, James Thompson.
22. 437.

Whislor, Thomas

Whislor, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1729;
8th Dec., 1729.
To Catherine Welsh (an orphan girl desc. as living with testator), entire estate at age of 16 or day of marriage.
Ex.: James Conen.
Test: William Keating, Martha Warrin. 19, 824.

White, James

White, James, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,27th May, 1732;
24th June, 1732.
To wife Sarah, entire personal estate during life; at her decease to be divided among children ——.
To 2 sons James and William, real estate, equally, after decease of wife.
Test: Patrick Forest, Nicholas Richardson. 20, 438.

White, John

White, John,St. Mary's Co.,10th Apr., 1734;
17th June, 1734.
To 2 sons Joseph and John and their hrs., 228 A., dwelling plantation —–, divided equally, eld. son Joseph to have the part where testator now lives; sd. son dying without issue his portion to son John, and sd. son John's portion to son Moses.
To sons afsd., personalty.
Wife Martha, extx., empowered to sell 100 A. in Virginia for benefit of estate.
Test: John Langley, Daniel Duggens, Thomas Pain. 21. 147

White, Nicholas

White, Nicholas,St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1688;
26th Jan., 1688.
To Francis Pennington, Cous. Capt, Robert Jordan, Thomas Haddock, and Cous. Frances Bouye, personalty.
John Bouye, residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Ex.: Jas. Cullen.
Test: Nieh. Prest, Eliza: Procter, Wm. Lowrey. 6. 48.

White, Nicholas

White, Nicholas, St. Inigoes,St. Mary's Co.,22nd May, 1659;
15th Nov., 1659. To wife Mary, execx., and dau. Ellinor, entire estate equally.
In event of birth of 2nd child, sd. child to share in estate equally. Overseers:
Nicholas Keiting, Marke Pheype. Test: Peter Bathe, Richard Russell. 1. 69.

White, William

White, William, planter,St. Mary's Co.,3rd April, 1732;
17th April, 1732.
To John Guyther and John White, personalty.
To bro.-in-law George Beaverlye, ex., residue of estate.
Test: Daniel Duggens, John Thomas. 20, 368.

Whittle, William

Whittle, William, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,4th Mch., 1673;
13th Mch., 1673.
To wife Katherine and child., entire estate.
Test: Katharine Whittle. 1. 597.

Wildman, James

Wildman, James,St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1724-5.
1st March, 1724-5.
To sister Mary Moony and hrs., “Saint Edwards,” “Idnstead” and “Tradesmans Lott.” She dying without issue, to uncle John Wildman and hrs. He dying without issue, to George Thorrold and hrs.; and entire personal estate.
To godsons James Southron Compton and Leonard Thurkeliffe, at 12 yrs., and Monica Price, personalty.
To uncle John Wildman and mother-in-law Martha Wildman, £4 each.
Ex.: Bro.-in-law Thomas Mooney.
Test: Clemt. Gardiner, John Miles, Jr., Nicholas Miles, John Spalding. 18, 346.

Wilkeson (Wilkinson), William

Wilkeson, William,St. Mary's Co.,16th Aug., 1738;
18th Dec., 1738.
To wife Rebecca, extx., entire estate during life, after her death land divided bet. sons John and James and their hrs.
To daus. Elizabeth, Mary, Jane, Catherine and Sarah, and grandchild. William, Benet Dawkins and Mary, sons and dau. of son William, personalty. Grandson Benet Dawkins Wilkeson to son John until age of 21. Residue of personalty to the two bros., John and James.
Exs.: Wife Rebecca and son John.
Test: Charles Joy, Judiah Hennen, Robert Silance.
22. 14.

Williams, Elizabeth

St. Mary's September the 23d 1736

In the name of God Amen I Eliz. Williams being weak of body but of sound and perfect memory do make ordain and constitute this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me first I give my Soul to God that gave it my body to the Dust from whence it came first my will is that all my Just Debts be paid

Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Philip Evans five Shillings for his part of my Estate

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Anthony Evans five Pound for his part of my Estate

Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Pearce ten Shilling for her part...

Item I give and bequeath to my Son William Williams five Shillings for his part of my Estate and as for the rest of my Estate both Real and Personal I give and bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Williams as also I do appoint my said Son Benj Williams my Executor and Administrator of this my last Will and Testament

ELIZ (her
mark) WILLIAMS (Seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the Presence of us
Testis John Stevens
Elener (her mark) Pearce
Joseph (his mark) Carmichall

On the back of the foregoing
Will was the following
Probate thus written SS

December the 6th 1736 John
Stevens & Ellenor Pearce two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoingWill being duely and solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God Depose and say that they saw the Testatrix Elizabeth Williams Sign the foregoing Will and heard her publish and declare the same to be her last Will and Testament that at the time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehension of sound & disposing mind and memory and that they Subscribed their Respective names as Witnesses to the said Will in the
Presence of the said Testatrix and at her request and at the same time they saw Joseph Carmichael Sign as a Witness to the said Will in the Presence of the said Testatrix Sworn to before me.
Tho: Aisquith Dep Comry of
St Mary's County

Williams, Francis

In the name of God, amen March the 1789...
her last will ) I Francis Williams of Saint Mary's County
in the State of Maryland being weak of body but of sound and perfect, sense and memory thanks be to god, do make this my last will and Testament.
First, I bequeath my soul to god and my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as to my wordly Estate I give and bequeath as follows..

Item, I give and bequeath to my loving nephew Henry Ford one Bed & furniture two Cows & Calves six houghs one small Oval Table one stone Dish six stone plats to him and his heirs forever..

Item, I give and bequeath to my loving neas Bibianen Pike one Cow and Calf one yearling one large seal skin Trunk one looking glass one middle sise pot and pot hooks to her and her heirs forever..,

Item, I give & bequeath to my loving Neas Ann Ford my Riding Chair and horse one Bed and furniture too flag Chears to her and her heirs forever..

Item, I give and bequeath to my loving Neas Annistase Mattingly one Bed and furniture one Cow and Calf one Dish one Sinning Wheel to her and her heirs forever..

Item, I give and bequeath to my loving Nephew Francis Greenwell son of John one yearling Colt to him and his heirs forever..

Item, I give and bequeath to my loving Godson John Woten one Cow and Calf two houghs to him and his heirs forever..

Item, I give and bequeath Ten pounds Current money to the Revd John Boarman to be at his disposal

Item, I give and bequeath six pounds to the poor to be given them at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named..

Item, my will and Desire is that my two Negroes Dick and Sam shall be at there Liberties after my deceas..

Item I give and bequeath to my loving Nephew John Greenwell of Ignatius all the residue or remaining part of my Estate And Lastly I doo hereby constitute and appoint my loving Nephew John Greenwell of Ignatius to be hole Executor of this my last will & Testament revoking and disannulling all former wills ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament, In testimone whearof I have hereunto set my hand and affixt my seal the day and year above ritten...
FRANCES (her mark) WILLIAMS (Seal)

Signed sealed published & declared by Frances
Williams the above named Testator and for his last
will & Testament, and in her presence have subscribed our
names as Witnesses thereto...Bennet Combs..John Boon

On the back of the aforegoing was as follows to wit..

Saint Mary's County, to wit, the 6th day of March 1792 Then Came John Greenwell of Ignatius, & made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the aforegoing instrument of writing, is the true & whole will and Testament of Frances Williams, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to his possession & that he Doth not know of any other.
Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
for Saint Mary's County

Saint Mary's County, SS, the 6th day of March, 1792 Then Came Bennet Combs one of the two subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will & Testament of Frances Williams late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, & made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he Did see the Testatrix therein named sign & seal this will & that he heard her publish publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be her last will and Testament, that at
the time of her so doing, she was to the best of His apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, memory & understanding, & that he subscribed his name as a witness to this will, in the presence, & at the request of the Testatrix and also, that he did see John Boon, subscribe the same as a witness.
Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
for Saint Mary's County

Williams, Jacob

Williams, Jacob, planter,St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1725;
1st Jan., 1725.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., real estate during life; at her decease to 2 sons equally; personal estate to wife and 2 sons William and Benjamin.
Test: Philip Evans, James Williams, Jno. Baker. 18, 435.

Williams, Rice

Williams, Rice,St. Mary's Co.,6th Feb., 1684;
25th Mch., 1685.
To Rose Pinner, personalty.
Brother-in-law Henry Franckham at age, residuary legatee.
Ex. Col. Wm. Diggs.
Test: Patrick Innis, Thos. Nation, Thos. Coulson. 4. 153.

Williams, William

In the name of God Amen, I William Williams of St Marys County in the province of Maryland, being weak of body, but of perfect mind, and memory, do make ordain Constitute and appoint, this to be my last will and Testament in m anner and form following..

Imprimis I Recommend my soul to the mercy of that all gracious being from whom I received it, my body to the dust from whence it came, there to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be named; and for my worldly goods my will is that they may be disposed of in manner, and form following--

Item I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife, Frances Williams, my Dwelling plantation whereon I now live, containing ninety two acres, known by the name of Roberts' Neck, during her natural Life, with the priviledge of gitting from any of my other Lands, what timber or fire wood may be necessary, for the support of the said plantation, as also my Clock, during her natural Life, as also my Riding Chaiza and horse, one Bed & furniture, two negro fellows, named Sam, and Dick to her & her heirs forever...

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved sons James and Joseph Williams, all my other Lands, and Tenements, to be divided between them in such manner, that my son James may have seventy five acres, more by the said division than my son Joseph, Otherwise that the said Land may be equally with Respect to Value & Convenience, Divid between them, as possible, and further my will is, that after the deceas of my beloved Wife, Frances
Williams, my dwelling plantation divised to her, during her natural Life, be Equally divided, between my two sons James, and Joseph Williams which said Land & Tenements, I give and bequeath, unto them and their heirs forever..

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son James Williams, one negro called Barton to him and his heirs forever..

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Joseph Williams one negro called Watt, to him & his heirs forever..

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Grand Daughter Nancy Williams, one young negro, not less than six years of age, to be delivered to her at the age of Sixteen, or day of Marriage, to be to her, and her heirs forever..

Item I will and bequeath, unto Elenor Ray, two pound Common Currancy of Maryland

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Children, Monica Williams, James Williams and Joseph Williams, All my Remaining negroes, not heretofore divised to be Equally divided among them, to them, and their heirs forever..

Item I Give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Wife, Frances Williams, one third part of the residue, or Remaining part of my Estate, to her, and her heirs forever..

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Children, Monica Williams, James Williams & Joseph Williams all Residue, or Remaining part of my Estate (save four Sheep) to be equally Divided Among them, to be to them, and their heirs forever..

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Nancy James four Sheep..

Item Lastly I do nominate and appoint, my dearly beloved wife, Frances Williams, and my beloved Son James Williams, whole and sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this 21st day of november Anno Domini 1775..

Signed sealed & delivered
in presence of George Medley;
Bennet Combs; John Greenwell, Junr

March 12th 1776
Then came Frances Williams and James Williams, and made Oath that the above instrument of writing is the true, and, and whole Will and Testament of William Williams, late of St Marys County deceased that hath come to their hands or possession, and that they dont know of no other...

Certified for Hugh Hopewell Jr Deputy Coms of St Marys County

Saint Marys County SS
The 12th day of March 1776 Then came George Medley, Bennet Combs, and John Greenwell Junr, the three Subscribing Witnesses to the within Last will and Testament of William Williams Late of St Marys County deceased, and severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator therein named, sign & seal this will, and that they heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his Last Will and
Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their
apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding and that they respectively Subscribed, their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence, and at the request of the Testator, and in the presence of Each other...

Certified by Hugh Hopewell Junr, deputy Commissary of St Marys County

Williamson, Samuel

Williamson, Samuel, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,19th June, 1713.
(Articles of agreement with Judith Swann, widow.)
In consideration of marriage to be consummated bet. sd. parties, the sd. Samuel agrees as follows:
1st. Denies for himself and hrs. any rights or interest to any pt. of personal estate of sd. Judith, and gives his free consent for sd. Judith to dispose of personal estate poss. by her before marriage to her child. as to her shall seem fit.
2nd. Should sd. Judith survive him, the sd. Samuel agrees that she shall poss. his entire personal estate during her lifetime, relinquishing for herself and hrs. all interest in his real estate, excepting a certain rent to be pd. to her annually during her widowhood. The afsd. Wilkinson gives bond for £500, dated 19th June, 1713, to Thomas Swan, carpenter, of Charles Co., trustee of Judith Swann, of Saint Mary's Co., widow of Capt. James Swann, of sd. co., dec'd.
Test: Philip Briscoe, Edward Lorde. 19, 857.

Wilson, Susannah

Wilson, Susannah,St. Mary's Co.,26th Jan., 1739;
16th Apr., 1740.
To sons John and Abraham Langly, dau. Susannah Wildman and grand-dau. Mary Ann Wildman, personalty.
Ex.: Son Abraham Langly.
Test: John Miles, Clement Hill. 22. 166.

Wimsatt, Richard

Richard Wimsatt,Signed: February 10, 1752; Proved: February 26, 1752 TA-1 Pg. 289-90

--Item-I give and bequeath to my first son, Richard Wimsatt a Tract of Land ye was my fathers called Williams indeavor, one hundred twenty and five acres, & to him & his heirs.
Item I give and bequeath to my two second, sons Robert and Henry Wimsatt my Dwelling plantation containing two hundred, and forty one acres, called Wimsatts Frollicke to be equally divided to them & their heirs--
Item I give my fourth son Ignatius Wimsatt twenty pounds of Maryland------
Item I give my four Daughters Viz. Mary Monica Dorothy, Susanna, Wimsatt. Each a feather bead and furniture---
Item I give my spouse Teresa Wimsatt, a feather Bed and furniture----
Lastly I appoint my wife Teresa, and my two first sons, Rich. and Robt. Wimsatt my wholo & solo Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and do hereby, disallow all other will or wills by me made Ratifying and confirming, this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year afore written---

Richd X Wimsatt

Signed Sealed & acknowledged
To be the Last Will & Testament
Of ye Richd Wimsatt in presence
Of us ye subscribers, Peter Ford
Ignatius Jarboe
William Jackson
Susanna Fenwick
Robt X Wimsatt

St. Mary's County Ss Febry the 26th 1752~~~~~~
Then Peter Ford Ignatius Jarboe & Susanna Fenwick three of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will being dualy and solomenly sworn on the holy Evangels of almighty God depose and say that they saw the Testator, Richard Wimsatt sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they subscribed their respective manes as witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and at his request~~~~
Sworn to before me, Tho. Aisquith Depty Comisser~~~~~~~~~~
of St. Marys County~~~~~~~~~~

The day and year aforesd the deceast
Widow made her Election & takes her third
Certified by me ~ Tho; Aisquith Depty Comisser of St Marys County~~~~~~~~~

Transcribed , by Judith A. Burger December 12, 2000 from a photocopy of the original court record obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing legible. I made no corrections of any kind.

Wise, Richard

Wise, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,10th Mch., 1728-9;
16th Jan., 1732.
To sons William, Adam and Mathew, personalty; residue of estate divided equally among children. Son Mathew to care of his bro. William until 18 yrs. of age.
Ex.: son William and son-in-law John Newton.
Test: John Lewis, Sarah Goldsbery (Golsbery). 20. 625.

Wiseman, John

Wiseman, John,St. Mary's Co.,26th Jan., 1716;
18th Apr., 1716-7.
To father, Richard Shirley, ex., and mother, Katherine, his wife, personalty for life.
To bros. Robert Wiseman, Richard Shirley, sister Catherine Greenwell, cousin Francis Miles, personalty.
Test: Nich. Richardson, Francis Miles, Mary Miles. 14. 238.

Wiseman, John

The Last Will of John Wiseman
In the name of God Amen, the sixth day of December, Anno Seventeen hundred and three, I John Wiseman of St. Mary's County in the province of Maryland being sick of body but of good & perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to rememberance the uncertaine Estate of this transitory life, and that all flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call, doe make constitute, ordaine, and declare, this my last will & Testament in manner and form following. Jusp. I give and commit, my soul unto Allmighty God my Savior & Redeemer in ____ and by the merits, of Jesus Christ, I trust, and believe, assuredly, to be saved and my body to be buried, at the Chappell of St. Maries; and now for ___ setting, my temporall Estate, I doe order give and dispose the same in manner and Form Following. 1st I give & bequeath unto my eldest son John Wiseman, all the plantation & Land I now live on, together with the one, _orty of land I bought of Hugh Hopewell, next adjoyning to the same to him the said John Wiseman, his heirs, and assignes forever. 2ndly I give & bequeath, unto my youngest son Robert Wiseman, the uppermost half of the land I bought of Hugh Hopewell, to him & his heirs forever. 3rdly I give unto my youngest daughter, my youngest negro boy, to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen or day of marriage and in case if said boy should, dye before she arrives at __ age of eighteen or day of marriage, then my will is that she be paid by my Executrix, the sum of ten pounds Sterling 4thly my eldest negro boy I give unto my eldest son John Wiseman, to be delivered him, at the age of one & twenty. 5thly I give my negro man and Woman with all their future, encrease, to be equally devided, between my two sons, to be delivered them at the age of one and twenty years. 6Thly I give unto my Daughter Mary Wiseman one hundred acres of Land, being near anomak Valley on Pattux out maine Roade to her & her heirs forever. 7Thly and lastly I leave my loving wife Catherine Wiseman, my whole, and sole Executrix and the whole management of my personall Estate for the good of herself, and my children, during her widowhood. And in case she marry, then my will is, that she give good & suffiecient, secrity for two thirs, therof, to be delivered, and paid, equally to my two youngest children, at ages, herein before mentioned, for the performance, whereof I leave my son in law, Cornelius Manning Trustee to demand, require, and see, the same Legally performed accoeding to the true intent, and meaning of this my last will, and testament, In Witness wherof I have hereunto, sett my hand, and seall, the day, and year, first within mentioned.
Signed sealed & dd
in presense of
Tho Courtney
George Mason
Gilbert Robinson
C. Butler
July 18th 1704 Then came Thomas Courtney, & George Mason, Gilbert Robinson, three of the witnesses to the
within written will, and made Oath, that they saw the above, named John Wiseman the testator, signe seale publish and declare the above and within written, to be his last will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof, he was of, sound perfect, mind & memory.
Jurat die & anno Sup Corann me Maryland Regr ls

Wiseman, Robert

Wiseman, Robert, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–; 16th Apr., 1650. Son
John Wiseman, sole legatee. Ex., Jos. Celoure, Celowe. Test: Jos. Celoure.
1. 24.

Witter, George

Witter, George,St. Mary's Co.,13th Nov., 1743;
12th March, 1743-4.
To wife Margaret, extx., life interest in personal and real estate. At her death to go to granddau. Sarah Estep. Shd. she die without heirs to go to the next hr. of testator's dau. Mary Estep.
To dau. Mary Estep, shd. she outlive her husband, Joseph, estate given formerly to her dau. Sarah. Shd. she not like this she is to receive 2s.
Test: James Taylor, Wm. Maddox, John Fanning, John Balley. 23. 415.

Wood, Samuel

Will of Samuel Wood, St. Mary's Co., planter 2/22/1758-7/4/1758. Daughter: Ann Briscoe, large church Bible. Son: Samuel Wood, wearing apparel and a mare and saddle. Grandson: Gerard Briscoe, 2 silver spoons. Residue to estate to son Jonathan Wood, desiring him not to forget his two poor sisters, Susanna Suite and Elizabeth Banner and for the rest of my children not mentioned, I hope they will be content with what they have had. Exec: Son, Jonathan Wood. Wit: David Dick, James Brady, Jr., James Broadey, Jr.

Woodcocke, William

Woodcocke, William, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,27th Apr., 1683;
14th Sept., 1683.
To Anne Young and William Brewer, personalty.
Luke Gardner, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Honory Cole, Tim. Carrall. 4. 22.

Woodward, John

Woodward, John,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Feb., 1719-20;
28th Feb., 1719-20.
To daus. Margt. and Anne, personalty at age of 16 or marriage.
To son John, personalty at age of 18.
To son James and hrs., residue of estate.
Ex.: Edward King.
Test: Thos. Asquith, James King.
Note: 24th Feb., 1719, Edwd. King renounces executorship.
Test: Richd. Hopewell, John Seager. 16, 9 old and new.

Woodward, Thomas

Woodward, Thomas,Poplar Hill Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,27th Apr., 1718;
—– —– —–.
To dau. Johanna, ½ of real estate.
To dau. Mary, residue of real estate. Lands bequeathed daus. afsd. to be entailed.
Wife Bachel extx.
Test: John Hammond, Samuel Johnson, Barbara Mosly.
14. 616.

Wright, George

Wright, George, St. Inigoes,St. Mary's Co.,25th Aug., 1679;
22nd Apr., 1680.
To James and Shuny Thompson, child. of John Thompson, personalty.
To grandson John Asken, Jr., all real estate.
Ex. not named.
Test: Anthony Evans, Jno. Evans. 2. 83.

Wright, John

Wright, John, Newtowne,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Nov., 1663;
Dec., 1663.
Landlord John Assiter, ex. and sole legatee.
Test: John Davis, Gaberell Woodmarsone. 1. 198.

Wright, Thomas

Wright, Thomas, St. Jerome's,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Aug., 1673;
3rd Sept., 1673.
To Joseph Edloe, John and Thomas, sons of Joseph Hackney, and William Lucas, Jr., personalty.
Wife (unnamed), residuary legatee.
Ex. not named.
Test: Jos. Hackney, Wm. Newport. 1. 553.

Wright, William

Wright, William,St. Mary's Co.,3rd June, 1660;
23rd Apr., 1662.
To wife Mary, execx., and 3 child., (unnamed) and possible unborn child, personal estate equally.
To son William, seat of land.
To eld. dau. (unnamed), sd. land in event of death of son William afsd. and no other son being born.
Overseers: Randall Hinson, John Lawson, of Poplar Hill.
Test: Richard Banks, Richard Bennett, John Cammell. 1. 153.

Wright, William

Wright, William,St. Mary's Co.,3rd June, 1660; 23rd Apr., 1662. To wife
Mary, execx., and 3 child., (unnamed) and possible unborn child, personal
estate equally. To son William, seat of land. To eld. dau. (unnamed), sd.
land in event of death of son William afsd. and no other son being born.
Overseers: Randall Hinson, John Lawson, of Poplar Hill. Test: Richard Banks,
Richard Bennett, John Cammell. 1. 153.

Wynne, John

Wynne, John, Dr., Poplar Hill,St. Mary's Co.,22d Jan., 1683;
10th Mch., 1684.
To wife Anne, execx., “Governor's Gust.”
To son John at 18 yrs. of age, “Bennett's Delight.”
To wife Anne and son John afsd., all personal estate, sd wife to have care of sd. son and of rest of children, (unnamed).
Test: Kenelm Cheseldyn, Stephen Corwood, Chierfitz Geffrey, Dorothy Boone. 4. 58

Yeates, Martin

Yeates, Martin, innholder,St. Mary's Co.,28th Sept., 1722;
23rd April, 1724.
To son William, personalty.
To sons Martin, Thomas, John and Elextions and their hrs., real estate equally.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., use of lands afsd. during life. Residue of estate.
Test: Robert Ford, Sr., Thomas Cooper, Thomas Wootton. 18, 261.

Yeedon, George

Yeedon, George,St. Mary's Co.,1st Sept., 1685;
19th Jan., 1685.
To brother Thomas at Galloway, Ireland, personalty.
Mrs. Eliza: Shankes and her son John, residuary legatees of estate, real and personal.
Ex. not named.
Test: Wm. Sandys, Wm. Mody, Thos. Waringe. 4. 159.

Young, Nicholas

Young, Nicholas,St. Mary's Co.,11th Jan., 1669;
29th Jan., 1669.
Wife Eliza: execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal, including land at Cedar Point, Chas. Co., and “Fresh Pond Neck,” bequeathed testator by son-in-law Edward Parker, deceased.
Test: Humphrey Warren, Robt. Carville. 1. 365.





These pages maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).