updated 2/2003

St. Mary's County Will Abstracts, 1638-1800



Lampton, Mark

Lampton, Mark, planter,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1733;
6th Nov., 1733.
To cousin James Pye, personalty.
To Robert Ford, Jr., ex., residue of estate in trust and for sole use of aunt Susan Thomson and her hrs.
Test: Peter Attwood, John Cole, John Manning. 20. 830.

Langham, William

Langham, William,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,2nd Oct., 1717;
—– Nov., 1717.
To bro.-in-law Anthony Browne and William, his son; bros.-in-law Richard Walker and Nicholas Miles, James Thompson, Richard Phinice and Edward Spinke, personalty.
To wife Annastatia**** extx., residue of personal estate.
Test: Henry Spinke, Wm. Abell, Elizabeth Spinke. 14. 643.

Langley, Henry

Last Will & Testament of Henry M LANGLEY.

I Henry M. LANGLY being in feeble health of body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do hereby make and publish this my last will and testament in manner form following.

Principally I commit my soul to God, from whence it came. And my body to the earth to be decently interred by my executor hereinafter named and after the payment of my just debts. I will and bequeath as follows to with.

Item 1. I bequeath to Thomas K. LANGLY all my estate both personal and real during his natural life. At his death the land shall be sold, one half of the proceeds to go to my nephew Jame ALLEN, the other half to the children of Thomas K. LANGLY, if any, if not then I bequeath it to the balance of Susan ALLEN's children. James ALLEN being no further heir than above named.

Item 2. I bequeath to Lafiett Colison (lold?) the canoe no claimed by him to be put in complete order with sails paddle and tongs by my executor.

Item 3. I bequeath to Louisa HOPEWELL (lold?) the South end of the Kitchen up stairs and down during her natural life.

Lastly. I constitute & appoint Thomas K. LANGLY sole executor of this my last will and testament revoking and annuling all former wills by me heretofor made, ratifying this one and none other, to be my last will and testament in testimony whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this fourteenth of May eighteen hundred and Seventy.

H. M. Langley (seal)

Filed 14th June 1870, Test. James T. M. Raley, register of Wills for St. Mary's County.

Langley, William

William Langley, SMC, 10/20/1775-4/17/1776:
Son, William Langley, the tobacco and other things he already has; Daughter: Ann Smith, two negroes named Fatty and Vincy that she already has;
Daughter: Mary Clarke,
Exec: Son-in-Law, Thomas Clarke.
Wit: Thomas Griffin, John Elmore, John Clarke.

Langly, John

Langly, John, Sr.,St. Mary's Co.,29th Feb., 1723;
26th May, 1729.
To wife Susannah, extx., entire estate during life; at her decease to child., viz. John, Abraham and Susnanah and their hrs.
Test: Henry Janson, William King, David Hickey. 19, 692.

Langworth, William

Langworth, William,St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1693;
1st May, 1694.
To wife Ann, plantation, 150 A., and 150 A., “Mills Marsh.
To dau. Agatha, 240 A., “Highpark.”
To dau. Eliza:, 120 A., “St. Barbaries Addition.”
To dau. Mary and hrs., residue of land in St. Mary's Co.
in Charles Co., 600 A., “Widow's Mite,” testator orders to be sold.
To Sarah Bower, personalty.
Residue of estate, real and personal, wife's dower excepted, to 3 daus. afsd., viz., Mary, Eliza:, and Agatha, equally.
To brother Sampel Lucket's 3 sons, viz., Samuel, Thomas, and Ignatins, estate bequeathed sd. daus. in event of their death during minority.
Ex., Father-in-law Thos. Hussey.
By memorandam attached to will, testator decrees that certain personalty belonging to dec'd wife Mary and given to her by her mother, –– Hussey, shall not be appraised with his estate, it having already been given to three daus. afsd. by their mother Mary.
Test: Walter Ross, Mary Dorrell, Chas. Charles. 2. 282.

Lawrence, Richard

Lawrence, Richard,St. Mary's Co.,26th Nov., 1655; —– —– —–
To Peter Peakes, personalty. Frances Peakes, wife of Walter Peakes, execx. and residuary legatee. Test: Robt. Thomas, John Bouge. 1. 65.

Lawrence, Thomas

Lawrence, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,9th Mch., 1699-1700;
19th Apr., 1701.
To mother, brothers and sisters (all unnamed), John Freeman and his wife and Comfort Simpson, personalty.
Father (unnamed), residuary legatee of estate.
Ex.: Maj. Wm. Dent.
Test: Nath'l Blackiston, Margaret Freemen. 11. 1.

Lawton, Thomas

Lawton (Laton, Latton), Thos.,St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–;
4th Mar., 1718.
To sons Jno., Thos. and Joseph, daus. Mary and Anne, personalty.
To servt. Aaron Nesley, liberty to enstock children, and personalty when at liberty.
Extx.: Wife Jemine. Should she marry again, sons to be free at 18; if she remains a widow, to be free at age of 21.
Test: Alex. Clealeand, Luke Wheeler. 15. 74.

Leake, John

Leake, John, innholder, Leonard Town,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Oct., 1731;
14th Jan., 1731.
To son Richard and hrs., 3 lots and houses in Leonard Town and land bou. of John Baptist Carberry; sd. son dying during minority, sd. land to his mother during her life, at her decease to dau. Catherine and son John and their hrs. Catherine to have the plan. in her portion; and personalty, some of which des. as bou. of Oswald Thompson and bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Parnham. Sd. son to remain with his mother, she to keep him at school until 19 yrs. of age and endeavor to bring him up in faith of the Church of England. Shd. sd. son die during minority, his portion of real and personal estate to wife Katherine during her life, at her decease to be divided bet. son John and dau. Katherine and their hrs.
To son William and hrs., 50 A. bou. of Thomas Williams; and personalty.
To dau. Mary Brewer, 1s.
To dau. Katherine and John Tole, personalty.
To wife Katherine, extx., residue of real and personal estate.
Test: William Russell, Jacob Delan (Detan), Mary Williamson. 20, 318.

Lee, John

John Lee, SMC 1/17/1757-6/9/1757.
Eldest daughter: Elizabeth Gibson, breeding sow.
Daughter: Susanna Bowling, breeding sow.
Daughter: Henrietta Hobson, 1 ewe and lamb.
Daughter: Sarah Tippett, 1 ewe and lamb.
Daughter: Jane Tippett, 1 ewe and lamb. Daughter: Mary Fanning, ewe and lamb.
Son: thomas, bed and covering.
Son: John, bed and covering.
Wife: Mary Lee, rest of estate. If wife marries, then she should have no more than her thirds and the rest to be divided between my two sons Thomoas Lee and John Lee.
Exec: Wife, Mary.
Wit: Thomas Coad, Francis Yates.

Lee, Luke

Lee, Luke, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1736;
18th Oct., 1737.
To wife Sarah, extx., and hrs., entire estate.
Test: Andrew Eaton, James Macferell (McFerell), Robert Elliot. 21. 824.

Lee, Mary

Mary Lee, SMC 5/4/1761-9/29/1761.
Sons: Thomas and John Lee, slaves.
Daughters: Henrietta Hobson and Susanna Maddox, the tobacco notes that were burned at Llewellen's Warehouse in 1759 to be divided between them.
Daughter: Jane Tippett, slaves. Daughter: Sarah Tippett, 2000 lbs. tobacco.
Daughter: Elizabeth Gibson, my riding chair. Daughter: Mary Fanning, 2000 lbs. tobacco.
Son: Thomas to pay the above tobacco legacies, except the burned tobacco, out of his part and to have the land I now live on and if no heirs, the same to son John Lee.
Sons: Thomas and John Lee, remainder of estate.
Exec: Thomas Lee.
Wit: James Jordan, Thomas McWilliams, Joshua Gibson.

Lee, Richard

Lee, Richard, St. John's,St. Mary's Co.,31st March, 1639; 17th Apr., 1639.
To Mrs. Lewger, personal property. Mrs. Hubersteined, of England, residuary
legatee. Exs.: Messrs. Lewger and Egerton. Test: Thomas Gerrard, Henry Hooper.
1. 5.

Lee, Robert

Lee, Robert,St. Mary's Co.,28th Dec., 1687;
4th Jan., 1687.
To Henry Darnall and wife, Col. Diggs and wife, Maj. Nicholas Sewall and wife, Mrs. Eliza: Baker, Mrs. Eliza: Beale, Mr. Heath, Thomas Grunwin, John Powell, Mrs. Van Sweringen, Maria Van Sweringen, Franeis Pennington, Mrs. Ellinor Brookes and her sister Mary Darnall, and to Henry Darnall, Jr., personalty.
To father and mother, Michael and Christian Lee, in Waterford, Eng., personalty.
To John Beall, Jr., son of Thomas Beall, and hrs., 200 A., “Low's Gift,” in Dorchester Co.
Ex.: Col. Honry Darnall. 4. 280.

Lee, Samuel

Lee, Samuel, planter,St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,16th Nov., 1706;
29th Apr., 1713.
To wife ––, 1/3 personal estate.
To son Luke, ex., residue of personal estate.
Overseer: Thos. Griffen. In event of his death, Richard Griffen to act.
Test: Jon. Miller, Wm. Johnson, Anne Miller, Rebecca Miller.
15. 89.

Lee, Samuel

Samuel Lee, SMC, 10/1/1780-2/17/1783. Grandsons: Samuel Martin,
Thomas Martin, James Martin, and Wilfred Martin (children of my daughter,
Dorothy Martin), five pounds current money each. Daughter: Mary Goodrum,
half of a tract of land I bought from James Jordan called "St. Dorothy's"
being part of the land she now lives on; a negro boy named Jerry; two sheep;
and one cow and calf. Daughter: Elizabeth Thompson, a negro boy named Jack;
one cow and calf; and two sheep. My children and grandchildren are to be
excused of any debts they owe me. Son: Philip Lee, the balance of my
estate. Exec.: Son, Philip Lee. Wit.: Jeremiah Jordan, Kenelm McWilliams,
Peregrine Long.

Leigh, John

Leigh, John,St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1736;
15th Oct., 1736.
To eldest dau. Margret Brooke, 20s.
To eldest son John and hrs, dwelling plantation, 495 A., bou. of Capt. John Hyde, of London.
To second son George and hrs., 88 A. “Hills,” bou. of Nicholas Guyther (sd. tract being pt. of “Halley's Manner”). Shd. eldest son John die without issue his land to go to son George and land bequeathed him to go to third son Joseph and hrs.; shd. two eldest sons die without issue land bequeathed son John to pass to son Joseph and that bequeathed son George to fourth son Massey and hrs., shd. three eldest sons die without issue, land bequeathed eldest son to pass to fourth son Massey and land bequeathed second son to go to fifth son William and hrs. Wife to keep sons or apprentice them until of age at 21 yrs., to educate and bring them up in Protestant Religion.
To wife Dorothy, extx., 1/3 personal estate; residue to be divided among seven children.
Test: William Thompson, Ann Thompson, Ann Sewall. 21, 715.

Leonardson, Leonard

Leonardson, Leonard, St. Leonard's,St. Mary's Co.,24th Mch., 1640; 4th
Jan., 1641. To Mother, Alice Cales, personalty. In event of her death to
pass to brother (unnamed) or the next of kin. Henry Bishop and Simon Demibiel,
exs. and residuary legatees. Test: Walter Cothell. 1. 5.

Liewellin, Jane

Liewellin, Jane, widow,Charles Co.,7th Aug., 1722;
22nd Dec., 1722.
To dau. Margaret and hrs., all real estate except “Green Spring,” St. Mary's Co., bequeathed to Richard Rodgers and hrs. Mr. Alex. Contee to take into his hands all father —– Orrell's estate, for use of sd. Richard. Dau. Margaret to care of Mrs. Jane Doyne.
To son John, 5s., to be in care of Mr. Wm. Chandler, ex.
To the church at Mr. Boarman's, personalty.
Test: Richard Bell, Elizabeth Noble.
Note: Codicil 27th Aug. Mrs. Ann Johnson to hold “Brambry” till dau. Margaret is of age.
Test: Mrs. Jane Brent, Mrs. Anne Thompson, Jane Ross. 18, 7.

Litell (Little, Littell), John

Litell (Little, Littell), John,St. Mary's Co.,31st March, 1729;
3rd June, 1729.
To godson Robert Thomas, personalty.
To wife Mary, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Robert Ford, Francis Hopewell, Robert Jackson. 19, 730.

Little, John

Little, John, (nunc,)St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1695;
22nd Dec., 1695.
To wife Mary, real estate (unnamed) during life.
To son John, sd. estate at death of wife afsd.
To dau. Johanna, sd. cstate in event of death of son John without issue.
To Thomas Cole and Richard Clarke, personalty.
Ex. not given.
Test: Philip Jones, Hannah Morris. 7. 137.

Lloyd, John

Lloyd, John,St. Mary's Co.,27th July, 1658;
—– —– —–
To Thomas Eare, Capt. John Price, and Robert Jeanes, personalty.
Wife Margaret, execx. and residuary legatee, of estate, real and personal.
In event of death of sd. Margaret, intestate, all afsd. estate to Philip Calvert and Thomas Eare in trust for the English College of Secular Priests at Doway, Flanders, except a gift of personalty to sister-in-law, Margery Molins.
Test: Geo. Briton, Will, Harper, Wm. Bretton. P. C., No. 1, 1, St. Mary's Co., Records.

Locke, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Locke, SMC, 12/12/1783-10/23/1784.
Daughter: Mary Smoot, a negro woman named Christmas. Daughter: Ann Barber, a negro woman named Asamath. Grandson, Thomas Cooke, a negro boy named Stephen; if Thomas dies without heirs, to my daughter, Elizabeth Cooke; if no heirs, to my son, Thomas Locke.
Son: Meverell Locke, my eight days clock.
Son: Thomas Locke, the remainder of my estate.
No Executors named.
Wit: Jesse Davis and William Hunt.

Locke, Meverell

Meverell Locke, SMC, 4/20/1764-5/5/1764.
Son: Meverell, two tracts I bought of Stourton Edwards called "St. Thomas with Addition", 455 ac. and "Doe Park", 69 ac.; a sow and shoats.
Wife: Elizabeth, "Hulston" 100 ac., "Truman's Lodge", 150 ac.; "Part of Keech and Price Rest", 58 ac.; "Part of John Edwards' Discovery", 165 ac.; "Truman" and "Truman's Hunting Quarter" 200 ac. during her her life and at her decease to his sons, Jesse Locke, George Locke, and Thomas Locke.
Remainder of estate to my six children: Jesse, George, Anne, Mary, Elizabeth, and Thomas.
Wit: John Edwards, John Locke, Thomas Dent.

Look, Philip

Look, Philip,St. Mary's Co.,23rd March, 1717-18;
16th Aug., 1722.
To eldest son William and son James Hulse (Lock) and their hrs., “Good Pennyworth” equally.
To daus. Mary (at marriage) and Priscilla (at 16 yrs. or marriage) and sons Wm. and Philip, personalty.
To wife Mary, extx., residue of personal estate. Dwell. plan. “Hulston” during life. At her decease to 2 sons Philip and Meverall (Mevewell) and their hrs. equally.
Test: Lau. Lann (Layont), John Edwards, Giles Hill. 17, 304.

Lord, Edwd

Lord, Edwd.,St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec., 1718;
4th Mar., 1718.
To James Swan, ex., entire estate.
Test: Thos. Chambers, Eliza: Farmeorth (Farmleorch). 15. 78.

Lord, William

Lord, William,St. Mary's Co.,18th June, 1726;
15th Aug., 1726.
To eldest son William, personalty; to be bound to Michael Nouney, tailor, for 10 yrs.; to be kept 4 yrs. at school and 6 at trade of tailor.
Wife Susana extx.
Test: William Davis, Samuel Barbar, William Smith. 18, 526.

Loughlin, Anthony

Loughlin, Anthony,St. Mary's Co.,20th Nov., 1684;
23rd Feb., 1684.
To wife Margaret, 1/3 of estate, real and personal, during life.
To son Anthony, residue of land during life of mother, and to inherit all land at her death. Sd. son to be of age at 18 yrs.
To dau. Mary, personalty at 15 yrs. of age. In event of death of either child without hrs., survivor to inherit entire estate.
To John Mouran and hrs., estate afsd. in event of death of child. without issue.
To the Catholic Priest personalty.
Exs.: Richd. Gardner, Jno. Heard.
Test: Anthony Murty, Wm. Farthing„ Jno. Bright, Thos. Sigsworth. 4. 116.

Low, John

Low, John,St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1698;
15th July, 1701.
To wife Rebeoca, extx., personalty including testator's interest in certain vessels.
To daus. Elisa:, Alice and Ellinor, personalty.
To son John at majority and hrs., “Brothers' Joint Interest” in Prince George's Co. In event of his death during minority or without issue to revert to wife Rebecca.
To dau Rebecca, “The Guardian,” In event of her death during minority or without issue to revert to son John afsd.
Test: Henry Phipps, Robt. Mason.
By note attached to afsd. Will testator binds his kinsman Marshall Low to Chas. Beckwith for term of 5 yrs., desiring that he be brought up a Protestant. 11. 175.

Lowe, Anne

Lowe, Anne,late of St. Mary's Co., now of Prince George's Co.,14th June, 1718;
23rd May, 1718.
To bro. Nicholas Lowe, 500 A., pt. of “Golden Grove” (cont. 1,500 A.), Dorset Co.
To sister Jane (wife of Mr. James Bowles), 25s. for mourning ring.
To sister Dorothy, £100 and personalty at age of 16 or marriage.
To Mildred (wife of Denis Mehony), of St. Mary's Co., £5.
To sisters Susanna Maria Diggs, Elizabeth and Mary, bros. Henry, Bennett and Nicho., godson Henry Diggs (2nd son of sister Susanna Maria Diggs, afsd.), residue of estate, equally.
Testatrix desires to be buried according to rites of Roman Catholic Church.
Exs.: Bros. Henry and Bennett.
Test: Luke Gardiner, Benj. Wheeler, Eliza: Wheeler. 15. 115.

Lowe, Bennet

Will of Bennet Lowe, SMC, 5/4/1801-6/9/1801. Daughter: Susanna McKay,
all of the property I have already given her; a negro girl named Heath;
and one cow. Daughter: Sarah Bean, the stock and furniture I have
already given her; two negro boys named George and John; a mare; a colt,
two years old; and one cow. Daughter: Henny Lowe, a negro woman named
Rose; a negro woman named Nell and her three children named Isaac, Anna,
and Henny; all of my household furniture, stock of sheep, cattle, and
horses; and the remaining part of my estate. Exec: Daughter, Henny.
Wit: Stephen and Thomas Lynch

Lowe, Henry

Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717;
6th Nov., 1717.
To son Henry, Jr., and hrs., tract where he now lives, 1,300 A.
To son Bennett and hrs., tract where he now lives.
To son Thos. and hrs., old plan. in the Freshes.
To son Nicolas and hrs., dwel. plan., with all lands belonging thereto.
To daus. Ann, Elizabeth and Henrietta Maria and their hrs., “Golden Grove” equally among them.
To dau. Dorothy and hrs., “New Design” in the Freshes.
To dau. Mary and hrs., “Woods Quarter.”
To son Henry and hrs., “Green Oak” and £300.
To son Bennett and hrs., all lands in Balto. Co. held between Mr. Darnall and testator, and £200.
To dau. Susanna Maria, wife of Chas. Diggs, £100 in full of her portion of estate. Residue of personal estate in England and in this province equally divided between child. (with the exception of dau. Susanna Maria Diggs).
Ex.: Sons Henry and Bennett.
Test: Samuel Grasty, Rich. Brooks, Michall Jenefer. 14. 453.

Lowe, Nicholas

Lowe, Nicholas, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–;
22nd May, 1729.
To sister Susannah Diggs and hrs., “Bennetts Lowe,” Kent Co., “Green Oak,” in sd. co., and “Spries Hills,” Cecil Co., on condition that her husband Charles Diggs will make over to sister Mary Neale and hrs. all rights and interests in lands in Prince George's Co., where his dwelling now stands; shd. he refuse, 2 tracts last named to revert to sd. sister Mary and hrs.
To sister Mary Neale and hrs., 1,500 A. “Barbados,” Charles Co., exchanged with Mr. John Diggs.
To sister Elizabeth Darnall and hrs., dwell. plan. pt. of “Delabrook Mannor”; 3 tracts nr. St. Mary's C. H., which Maria Farthing formerly had, and tract adjoining.
To sister Dorothy and hrs., “Golden Grove,” Dorchester Co.
To Mrs. Mary Young, St. Mary's Co., “Workinton” during life; after her decease to revert to sister Elizabeth afsd.; and personalty.
To sisters afsd., residue of personal estate.
Exs.: Charles Diggs and Henry Darnall.
Note: Above will not signed or witnessed, proven by depositions of Robert Elliott, gent., St. Mary's Co.; Christian Geist, gent., Annapolis (30 yrs.); Philip Key, St. Mary's Co. (32 yrs.), and Edward Cole, gent., St. Mary's Co. 19, 707.

Lowery, William

Lowery, William,St. Mary's Co.,28th Aug., 1698;
9th Dec., 1698.
Testator leaves £20 to purchase sacred vessels for the Roman Catholic Church.
To John Hall of St. Inigoes, Ann Squire, to 3 child. (annamed) of Alice Wheeler, Samuel Wheeler, Richard Carroll, Messrs. Hunter, Guylick and Brookes, and to Robert Ridgely, personalty.
Thomas Grunwyn, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Robt. Ridgely, Rich'd Cawill, Ann Squire. 6. 208.

Lucas, William

Lucas, William,St. Mary's Co.,30th Nov., 1675;
12th Jan., 1675.
To wife Frances, execx., personalty, and to have charge of entire estate during minority of child.
To son William, all real estate at majority.
Test: Alexander Winson, Thos. Baile. 2. 377.

Lums, Michael

Lums, Michael, St. Jerome's,St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–; 4th Jan., 1639. Cuthbert
Fenwick, ex. and sole legatee. Test: Robert Perch. 1. 7.

Lydell, Robert

Will of Robert Liddal, SMC 2/2/1752-7/24/1753. To be buried at the discretion of my wife Mary. Wife: Mary, Exec., my plantation where I now dwell. Wit: James Foster, James Brady, Richard Hilton

Lynch, Isabel

Isabel Lynch, SMC, 10/4/1790-3/6/1792.
Son: Barton Lynch, a negro lad named Jerry; my best bed, bedstead, and furniture; one cow and calf; and my young mare in full part of what I am due him.
Niece: Mary Biscoe, one young heifer.
Niece: Ann Pembroke, my calico short gown.
Niece: Brittania Pembroke, my saddle.
Daughter: Eleanor Taylor, all the rest of my estate except a negro named Thomas who she is to have the use of for two years and then she is to become the property of my daughter, Ann Price.
Exec: Daughter, Eleanor Taylor.
Wit: Joseph Artis and George Pembroke.

Lynes, George

Lynes, George,St. Mary's Co.4th May, 1733;
22d Aug., 1733.
To Benja. Morgan, ex., and hrs., 2/3 of real estate in Virginia or elsewhere, and entire personal estate.
To Micha. Taney of Calvert Co., 1/3 of lands in Virginia, and also to be paid all the costs and charges for the afsd. lands which may accrue concerning a law suit in Va. according to agreement.
Test: Thomas Taney (Temey), Susanah Lucas, Mary Taney. 20. 744.

Mattingly, Luke

Luke Mattingly, Signed: March 7, 1783; Proved: December 9, 1783

Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife all my Real Estate during her natural Life, and after her demise I give the same to my son Bennet Mattingly, and his heirs forever his paying within twelve months after the death of my wife Six thousand pounds of Crop Tobacco to my son Zachariah Mattingly but if my son Bennett should neglect or refuse to pay the said securitity of Tobacco, by the time mentioned, then and in such case I give and desire all my Real Estate to be Equally divided between them, the said Bennett & Zachariah, and their heirs forever
Item. I give to my Daughter Anastatia Spalding Wife of Joseph Spalding, one negro Girl named Jenny
---Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Spalding, Wife of Thomas Spalding, one negro Girl named Sandor
--- Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Wimsatt, Wife of Richd Wimsatt, one negro Girl named Ally, and one negro Girl named Lucy
----Item. I give and bequeath to my son Bennett Mattingly, one negro man named Joseph, and my handmill and still but my wife to be allowed to make use of the still when she wants it.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Zachariah Mattingly one negro man called Basil-------
Item I will and desire that my Daughter in Law Dorothy Knott may as long as she chooses live in my Dwelling House and that she Horse & Servant to attend her at all times when she chooses and to be supported in every thing while she chooses to stay and I will and desire that my son Bennett have the care of her, and I desire that he will see this part of my will punctually performed.
------Item I will and desire that my aforesaid Daughter in Law, Dorothy Knott have the sole use of the following negroes, to wit, Sarah and her Children, to wit, Jack, Daniel, and James, during her life
--Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Ford Mattingly one negro Girl named Henny and one negro Boy called Harry
---------Item. I give and desire to my beloved wife a mare that she generally Rides--
Item. Item I Will and Desire, that all my Household furniture and stock except such parts thereof as my be disposed of in Specific Legecys, Should remain in the plantation, during the life of my wife, and after her death I desire the same to be Equally Divided first deducting my wife's thirds part to between my two sons: Bennett & Zachariah, and my daughter Mary -
-----Item. I give and bequeath to my three Daughters, Anastatia, Elizabeth and Anne nine head of Cattle, none of them to be under two years old, non more then Eight years to be Equally divided, among them
-------Item I give and bequeath unto my three sons in law, Joseph Spalding, Thomas Spalding, and Richard Wimsatt, three Horses, none to be under two years old, non more than ten years old
-------Item. I desire that my Executors, when called upon should pay and Hogshead of Crop Tobacco, towards Repairing of Saint Josephs Chapel
--------Item I will and desire that all the Residue of my Estate remain, and be kept on the plantation for the use of my wife and family during my wifes life, and after her decease I leave the same after deducting my wifes thirds to be equally Divided between my two sons Bennett And Zachariah, and my Daughter Mary, to be equally divided between them-
-----Lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint, my beloved wife And my two Sons Bennett and Zachariah whole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking, all other wills by me heretofore made, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this Seventh day of March, one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three------

Luke X Mattingly (((seal)))

Signed Sealed published and declared
By the said Luke Mattingly as & for his Last
Will and Testament in the presence of us who
In his presence and at his Request, and in
The presence of each other, have hereunto Subscribed our
Names as witnesses
J A. Thomas, Elenore Miles
Tho Shiercliffe

Saint May's County to wit the 9th Day of December 1783---Then came Priscilla Mattingly, Bennett Mattingly & Zachariah Mattingly and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing Instrument of writing is the True and whole Will of Luke Mattingly Late of Saint Marys County Deceased that hath come to their hands or possession and and that they do not know of any other----Certified (illegible) Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills

Saint Marys County of the 9th Day of December 1783-----------------Then came John Allen Thomas, Elenor Miles & Thomas Sheircliffe the three subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing Last Will and Testament of Luke Mattingly, Late of saint Marys county deceased, and severally made a Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator there in named, sign and seal this will, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they Respectively Subscribed their names as witnesses to this Will in the presence & at the Request of the Testator & in the presence of each other-------
Certified ByJeremiah Jordan Reg Wills

December the 9th 1773----
The widow agrees to stand to this will before.
Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 17, 2000 from a photocopy, courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of the original Court document from Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good. The writing was ill formed so the spelling of the names may be questioned. I made no corrections of any kind. All Names were underlined on the photocopy of the original document.

Norris, Luke

Luke Norris, SMC probated 5/1/1767. Son: John, pt. of "Wheatley's Contentment". Son: McKelvie, 1 shilling sterling. Daughter: Susanna Poole, 1 shilling sterling. Son: Joseph, same. After death of wife and myself, to daughter, Jane Norris. Execs: Wife, and dau., Jane Norris. Wit: John and Susanna Heard, Hery Cararto Jarboe

Oakely, Lyonell

Oakely, Lyonell,St. Mary's Co.,7th June, 1688;
27th July, 1688.
To sisters Ann, Eliza:, and Mary Oakely, personalty.
To John Bullock, ex., and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal.
Test: Henry Poulter, Susanna Baxter, Benj. Reader, Jno. Skipper. 6. 2.

Reeves, Lydia

Lydia Reeves, SMC, 5/5/1795-8/10/1795.
Sister: Sarah Edwards, my largest trunk with the wearing apparel it now contains and my silver buckles.
Sister: Elizabeth Mills, wife of John Mills, Sr., the balance of my estate.
Exec: Brother-in-law, John Mills, Sr.,
Wit: Mary Boulds and William Mills

Russel (Russell), Luke

Russel (Russell), Luke,St. Mary's Co.,15th March, 1728-9;
3rd June, 1729.
To son Luke and hrs., 50 A. ——.
To wife Mary, to possess ½ of sd. 50 A. called “Brough,” on Cooks race, during life; at her decease to revert to son Luke.
To sons, viz. Thomas and Robert Russell and Joseph Watkins and their hrs., “Golden Springs” equally; they to lay out to Elias Hannington his pt. of sd. lands.
Exs.: Wife and son Thomas.
Test: Samuel Hurst, Hudson Wathen, Marmaduke Simmes. 19, 731

Starkey, Lawrence

Starkey, Lawrence,St. Mary's Co.,29th Jan., 1656; 19th Nov., 1659. Ralph
Crouch, ex. and sole legatee of personal estate. Test: Henry Parnall, Geo.
Thomsone, Wm. Boarman. 1. 68.

Tettersell (Totersell), Lawrence

Tettersell (Totersell), Lawrence,St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1701;
16th Mch., 1701.
To goddaus. Ann Taut and Mary Nottingham, and to Nicholas Gulick, personalty.
Brother-in-law James Tant, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Robt. Hammett, Jane Davis, Mary Taut. 11. 185.

Thomas, Luke

Thomas, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,6th Feb., 1739;
5th Mar., 1739.
To son Robert, dwelling plantation, “Brown's Woodhouse” also “Luxus Hardships” at wife's decease and 30 A. “Ponancey.”
To son James, residue of “Ponancey.”
To 5 child. Thomas, James, Robert, Mary and Luke, residue of estate.
Testator desires that Robert, James and Mary be in the care of John Taylor, Jr., until sons reach 16 and dau. 18 yrs.
Exs.: Wife Winifred and John Taylor, Jr.
Test: John Pike, William Williams, Robert Russell.
Note: Widow makes her election and takes her third.
22. 164.

Wheeler, Luke

Wheeler, Luke,St. Mary's Co.,30th Nov., 1741;
3rd March, 1741.
To son Ignatius, dwell. plan., 250 A. “Maiden's Bower”.
To son William, “Planter's Delight”, Charles Co., where Thomas Mitchell now lives.
To son Clement, “Planter's Delight” where Joshua Alford lives.
To son Raphell, “Planter's Delight” where John Delozour lives.
To son Bennet, any of afsd. estates if the owner should die without hrs.
To wife Protheser, extx., and daus. –– personalty.
Test: Richard Cooper, Mary Cooper, Ignatius Wheeler (Cooper), Elizabeth Cooper, James Thompson.
22. 437.

These pages maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).