updated 2/2003

St. Mary's County Will Abstracts, 1638-1800




Keech, Elizabeth

Keech, Elizabeth,St. Mary's Co.,30th Oct., 1718;
24th Nov., 1730.
To son Courts, ex., land —— given by father John Courts to testatrix and her dec'd husband ——.
Test: James Keech, Mary Keech, Ann Daine. 20, 134.

Keech, James

Keech, James, gent.,St. Mary's Co.,14th Jan., 1725;
2nd Mch., 1725-6.
To wife Mary, extx., entire real estate from the River to “Hill Fields,” formerly “Kennedy,” during life; use of entire personal estate during widowhood; shd. she marry, 2/3s thereof to all living ehildren by sd. wife Mary equally.
To son Samuel and hrs., “Hills Fields” and “Draiton.”
To 2 daus. Mary and Dorothy and unborn child and their hrs., “Charles' Lot”; shd. all die without issue, to pass to son James and hrs.
To daus. Elizabeth and Martha, personalty.
Overseer: Bro. Courts Keech.
Test: Charles Ashcom, James Crooke, Phillip Key (James Crooke dec'd at date of probate). 18, 473.

Kendeloe, Thomas

Kendeloe, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,18th May, 1719; 2nd June, 1719.
To godson Thomas Addersson, 1s.
To John, ex., Thomas and Joanna Jeane, entire estate.
Test: Richd. Gattes, Jno. Bullock, James Vowles. 15. 127.

Key, Philip

Will of Philip Key, SMC, son of Richard and Mary Key, born in the Parish of St. Pauls Covent Garden, London, 3/21/1696. 3/10/1764-9/1/1764. To be buried in the vault at Chaptico Church and the coffin of my late wife to be put upon mine. I hereby confirm and establish the marriage agreement I entered into before I was married to my present wife. Wife: Use of my dwelling plantation and all the houses thereon except the old and new stone house with each brick chimney which I give to my son Thomas. Wife: "Maiden" Bower"; cattle, furniture, and negroes (named); after her death the negroes to be divided among my several children. To: The two children of my son John Key (deceased) silverware. If both dead, then to son Francis and if he be dead then to his eldest son. The manor land where John Harring now lives and negroes (named) belong to my wife. Eldest son: Richard Ward Key, tract where he now lives and that adjoining to it which I bought from John and Richard Shercliffe; that pt. of "Diniard's" which I bought from Matthew Guibert; pt. of "Finchley" I bought from John Medley Thompson; land in Charles Co. I bought from John Gales, Sr., Joseph Gales, John Gales, Jr., Peter Gales, and Robert Gales, 361 ac. (surname should be Gates); land I bought from George Ward in Charles Co.; my manor land in Charles Co. near Zachia, 300 ac.; a slave called Sam the Smith; my steel seal with my coat of arms; my family pictures drawn in England; and silver utensils. The land I devise by this will to my two grandchildren (children of son John) are to descend to my heirs at law if they die during their minority. Grandson: Philip Key, lands at or near Chaptico that I bought from Thomas Scott, Richard Halliwell, and John Halliwell called "Melton's Hope" and that I bought from John Johnson and that I bought from John Mattingly and that I bought from Edward Welsh and to which Matthew Cartwright and John Cartwright released their right and I bought from the same Matthew Cartwright and that I bought from Thomas Melton and that I bought from William Moore and Richard Melton and that I bought from John Bennet Taylor and Charles Gaven. If he dies without issue then to my son, Francis Key. Granddaughter: Susanna Gardiner Key, all of tract lately patented by me "Weems", 355 ac. and also that I bought from Thomas Scott where Richard Melton now lives; for want of heirs to her brother Philip. Whereas I have lately entered into an agreement with Thomas Bond who married the widow of my son John Key in relation to the wardship of the same children and since then he has been appointed their guardian. My Executors to have care and guardianship of sd. children. Grandson: Philip Key, use of 4 slaves (named). Granddaughter: Susanna Gardiner Key, use of 4 slaves (named). Son: Francis Key, land in Frederick Co. "Epping Forest", 1070 ac.; 1/2 of tract in same co. "Terra Rubia" patented for 2798 ac. and of 50 ac. I bought from Uncle Uncles (sic); family pictures drawn by Mr. Hessellius and that drawn for Mr. Ross. Grandson: John Ross Key, slave. Grandson: Philip Barton Key, slave. To: Elizabeth Scott Key, slave. Son: Edmund Key, "Paradise Regained", 530 ac. and "Friendship", 206 ac., both in Frederick Co. Son: Thomas Key, after my wife's death or remarriage, the land where I live called "Bushwood Lodge" and that I bought from Mrs. Cole and Thomas and Luke Gardiner and lately from John Gardiner called "Maiden Bower" and to have immediately the tracts called "Addition to Guibert's Chance" which I bought from Matthew Guibert and also immediately to her upon the death of Thomas Coode, "Penryn" which I bought from sd. Coode; the land I bought from Mr. Thomas Perry in SMC and Charles Co.; "Somerfield" I bought from John Mills; land I bought from Sam Willis and from William, John, and James Bailey and from Arat (?) Thompson and from Abraham Wood and from William Cumming and from Dr. Talley and my lot in Leonard Town; the chimney glasses in my dwelling house; lands I bought from Mr. Parry, "Bushwood Lodge", "Penryn", and "Maiden Bower". Son: Thomas, 33 negroes (named); pictures; clock and plate; stock. Daughter: Susanna Gardiner Bruce, wife of Normand Bruce, the other half of the land "Terra" and that I bought from Uncle Uncles, in all 1424 ac.; chest; plat; harpsichord I bought for her; and goods and money Mr. Bruce has already which will appear in my books. Sons: Richard Ward Key and Thomas Key, the water mill at the head of St. Clement's Bay and the land belonging to it. Sister-in-law: Mrs. Elizabeth Miles, goods out of my stock of tobacco, wheat, and corn. To: Mrs. Gosling, with whom I formerly made an agreement to pay her 2000 lbs. tobacco yearly during her life, having died lately, I am now by the agreement obliged to pay Roger Copsey, the wife he held at the time of my agreement with Mrs. Gosling having died since then, 1000 lbs. crop tobacco each Christmas during his life. Friends: Rev. Mr. Alexander Williamson, John Ross, Esq., Daniel Dulany, Esq., and Rev. Upton Scott, a gold ring of a guinea price to be sent for to London with inscription. Execs. to collect money due me and divide into 8 equal parts and divided between my eldest son, Richard Ward Key; my daughter, Susanna Gardiner Bruce; grandson, Philip Key; granddaughter, Susanna Gardiner Key; son, Edmund Key; and the other half part to sons Francis and Thomas Key. Execs: Sons, Richard Ward Key, Edmund Key, Thomas Key. Wit: John Chesley Rogers, James Key, William Goodwin.

King, Charles

King, Charles,St. Mary's Co.,20th—–, —–;
5th Apr., 1739.
To son Charles, ex., and hrs., 80 A. dwelling plantation ––; 300 A. “Dedfort;” and personalty.
To son Richard and hrs., 129 A. “Charles' Park,” 100 A. “Fox Grape Barron,” 100 A. “Persimmon Branch;” and personalty.
To grandson Samuel Thomson and hrs., 109 A. “Parkee's Addition” adj. to Mr. Debut's mill; and personalty des. as in possession of John Thomson; shd. sd. Samuel die during his minority personalty to pass to his sister Susannah Thomson.
To dau. Susannah Aisquith and hrs., 80 A. of “T. B.,” lying by T. B. bridge; and personalty.
To dau. Hellen and granddau. Susannah Thomson, personalty. Certain personalty to be divided among 6 children. Residue of estate to be divided among five children.
To dau. Nuethall, 1s.
Test: Sarah King, William Litherland, Summer Cox.
22. 43.

King, Thomas

King, Thomas,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1737;
9th Mch., 1737.
To wife Elizabeth, dwelling plantation —– during life; after her decease to 3 sons, viz: William, Charles and Thomas. Son William to have portion where he is now settled and after his decease his pt. to two youngest sons Charles and Thomas; entire personal estate during life and after her decease to be divided between nine child., viz: William, Charles, Thomas, Eliza., Margret, Mary, Susana, Jean and Ann.
Extr.: Wife Elizabeth; in event of her death sons Charles and Thomas to act.
Test: Elizabeth Herbert, John Baxley, Edward Cole. 21. 864.

King, Walter

King, Walter, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–; 21st Oct., 1653. To James
Lindsay, admr., Henry Fox, Robert Cager, and Lawrence Starkey, personalty.
Test: John Jarbo, John Medley.

Kirby (Kerby), William

Kirby (Kerby), William, planter,St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1724;
26th Jan., 1724.
To dau. Anne, 50 A. “Longs Point,” bon. of John Aurthure, St. Michael's Hundred, joining on land of Thomas Loaker, Sr., dec'd. Shd. sd. dau. die without issue, to pass to son-in-law Thomas Loaker and hrs.; and entire personal estate. Shd. sd. dau. die without hrs. or before marriage, personal estate to be divided bet. wife Frances, extx., and her 3 child, viz. Thomas and William Loaker and James Watts.
Test: Daniel Duggens, Henry Attwood, John Langley. 18, 345.

Kirby, William

Kirby, William, plasterer,St. Mary's Co.,29th May, 1710;
13th Apr., 1720.
To 2 sons, Thomas and William, and their male hrs., lands entailed for them (son Thomas to have 1st choice), and personal estate, equally.
To grandchild William Adams, personalty.
To dau. Jane Adams, 2s. 6d.
Ex.: ––.
Test: Taren Sweeney, Stephen Milbourn, Sarah Milbourn.
15. 356.

Kirk, Mary

Kirk, Mary, widow,St. Mary's Co.,10th Dec., 1734;
21st Jan., 1734.
To dau. Mary, personalty.
To son Joseph, dau. Barbary Calvert, and grandchild. —–, each I s.
Ex.: Son James.
Test: Charles Rawlins, Catherine Kirk, Richard Campbell. 21. 356.

Knight, William

Knight, William,St. Mary's Co.,5th May, 1698;
17th June, 1698.
To orphan boy, Charles Dealmon, and hrs., part of plantation.
Son Clement. residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including part of plantation afsd.
To James Martin, ex., estate afsd. should son die during minority or without issue.
Test: Jno. Baley, Eliza: Dash, Clement Parke. 7. 379.

Knott, James

Knot, James, planter,St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec., 1733;
6th Mch., 1733-4.
To eld. son Francis and hrs., 68 A. “Hazard.”
To wife ——, certain personalty during life; after her decease to son Francis and Susannah, Elizabeth, James and Mary Ann Knot. Residue of personalty to 5 child, afsd., also 45 lbs. tob. due from James Mattingly.
Test: William Knot, Sr., Nathan Shepherd. 21. 10.

Knott, Grace Taylor

Grace Knott, SMC, 11/10/1783-11/13/1783.
Granddaughter: Jane
Farrell, one feather bed and furniture; one box; one dish; one basin; two plates; six earthen plates; one chair; one pot; one cow (now at Davy Johnson's to winter); three live hogs now in her possession; two barrels of corn; 200 rods of fodder in the hands of James Parsons; half a barrel of wheat; two bushels of corn in the hands of Samuel Keemer; one small black mare; and a saddle.
Grandson: Nathaniel Knott, one feather bed and furniture; one cupboard; a chest; a desk; two plates; a basin; one chair;
and a walnut table. If the said Nathaniel Knott never returns, this legacy is to fall to the abovesaid Jane Farrell.
Son: Cuthbert Knott, one cooler and one frying pan made of old iron. The remaining part of my estate is to be equally divided between the sd. Cuthbert Knott and his two brothers, Jesse Knott and Basil Knott.
Daughters: Sarah Nevitt and Susanna Price, all of my wearing apparel, equally divided. If Susanna Price should not return, this legacy is to fall to Sarah Nevitt. Mary Keemer, Ann Power, and
Eleanor Walker are not to receive any part of my estate.
Executor: None
named. Wit.: Clement Hayden, William Brown.

Knott (Knot), Edward

Knott (Knot), Edward, planter,St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1733;
6th Mch., 1733-4.
To eld. son George and hrs., 90 A. adjoining land of William and James Knott and Richard Coopper's; and personalty.
To second son Clemment and hrs., 100 A. dwelling plantation during time of lesse; and personalty.
To dau. Monicke, son Edward, son Lexius, brother John and Roger Dougans, personalty. Sons George and Clemment to pay Rebecca Hill 3500 lbs. tob. on account of land.
To sons George and Clement, 517 lbs. due from James Knot, 850 lbs. due from William Knot, 530 lbs. due from John Alvey, and 400 lbs. due from Thomas Graves; sd. sons to pay to John Cheslin 260 lbs. if demanded.
To 4 sons and dau. afsd., household goods divided equally.
Test: John Shirclife, Nathan Shepherd. 21. 7.

Knott, William

Knott, William,St. Mary's Co.,30th Jan., 1737;
7th Mch., 1737.
To daus. Monekey, Mildred, Henareter and Wennefort, John Braffild, sons Benjamin and Thomas and Mary Mattenly, personalty.
To sons John and Ignatius and hrs., each 50 A. of dwelling plantation; and personalty after their mother's decease.
To other 7 children and wife Ann, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Richard Cooper, William Smith, John Baptis Buckmon. 21. 863.

These pages maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

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