St. Mary's County Tract Map: 1705



Name Tract Name Lot # Acres Surv.

Jones 32

St. George's Point 3

St. Lawrence's 4

Thomas Hebden's Land 13

Wicohandick 22

Addison, John Small Hope 31 56 1687
Askin, William Askin's Choice 35 53 1686
Asquith, William Birch Spring 33 125 1683
Baltimore, Lord St. Leonard's 34 2400 1675
Beane, Ralph Piney Point 20 1500 1650
Calvert, Philip Wolsey Manor 24 1900 1664
Causine, Nicholas Causine 7 50 1640
Cheseldyne, Kenelm Dryden 27 483 1/2 1698
Corbett, Hutton Corbett 36 100 1640
Courts, John Court's Freehold 16 200 1647
Edwyn, William St. William's 18 50 1648
Ewards, Isaac Edward's Freehold 14 50 1640
Fleete, Henry West St. Mary's Manor 6

Forrest, Patrick Forest Lodge 25 150 1665
Greene, Leonard Green's Content 29 100 1682
Greene, Thomas Greene's Rest 21 500 1651
Greene, Thomas Plumb Point 21 500 1651
Hebden, Thomas Hebden's Hole 12 700 1641
James, Owen Mount Sinai 37 100 1650
Jones, Robert Jones' Wood 23 100 1658
Kedger, robert Itchcomb's Freehold 17 400 1646
Lee, Henry Lee 11 50 1640
Lowe, John Inclosure 30 75 1700
Nanfin, William Gardiner's Purchase 8 100 1640
Parker, Edward Gardiner's Purchase 8 100 1640
Pope, Francis Court's Freehold 16 200 1647
Price, John1640 Poultshelly 10 300 1640
Pritchard, John Tinkerly 38 350 1648
Revell, Randall Beane's Point 15 100 1640
Revell, Randall Hatch's Neck 15 100 1640
Shore, Thomas Shore's Delight 28 175 1680
Slye, Gerard Weebit 40

Walker, John Crance 24 100 1662
Walker, John Waughop's Walker 24 100 1662
West, Philip Frog Marsh 5 200 1640
Weston, Thomas Westbury Manor 1 1250 1643
Wheatley, John Wheatly 19 50 1648
Whitcliffe, David Wickliff 9 50 1640
Wortley, John Wortley 2 100 1640

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).