St. Mary's County Tract Map: 1705



Name Tract Name Lot # Acres Surv.

Hopewell 143

Newgent 24

Pile's Woodlane 33

Shanks 30

St. Dorothy's 55

St. Thomas's 56

The Fox 39

The Hills 9

Addison, John Long Neck 106 100 1681
Akeeth, George New Castle 82 100 1670
Alvey, Joseph Rome 86 100 1670
Ashbrooke, Thomas Yeildingsbury (Bailey's Fortune) 32 100 1653
Ashman, Richard Ashman's Freehold 67 150 1666
Bayley, John Fibne 144 100 1667
Bayley, John Small Hopes 96 100 1675
Bayley, John The Bottom 141 100 1685
Beard, Robert Beard's Choice 105 50 1680
Beard, Robert St. Margaret's Field 79 100 1667
Beard, Robert St. Margaret's Forest 116 100 1682
Boteler, Charles Dansbury Hill 76 100 1667
Bretton, William Brittains Outlet 16 100 1649
Bretton, William Little Brittain 2 750 1640
Brough, William Brough 3

Brough, William Poplar Neck 3 200 1641
Browne, William Honest Tom's Inheritance 18 150 1649
Browne, William Brown Woodhouse 44 50 1657
Bushell, Thomas Blunt Point 5 100 1642
Cadle, Joseph Cadle 23 200 1650
Clark, Edward Clark's Rest 94 300 1674
Clark, Edward Downham 72 100 1667
Clark, Edward Turvey 91 350 1673
Clark, Robert St. Lawrence's Freehold 29 100 1652
Cole, Robert Cole's Addition 132 50 1686
Cole, William Manly 107 50 1680
Dansey, John Radnor Resurvey 135 331 1703
Dant, Thomas Peterborough 103 100 1680
Davis, John Davis' Rest 61 100 1664
Delahay, Arthur Hopewell 84 75 1670
Drury, Richard Dry Docking Addition 134 100 1683
Drury, Robert Dry Dockings 88 100 1672
Evans, Thomas Cole Brooke 100 50 1676
Evans, William Clipping 13

Evans, William Evan's Freehold 63 550 1665
Evans, William Evan's Quarter (Hopton Park) 13 100 1648
Evans, William

Evan's Quarter (Hopton Park)

28 100 1653
Ford, Robert Long in Dispence 85 75 1670
Ford, Robert May Pole 95 96 1674
Ford, Robert The Strand 75 100 1667
Fossey, John Shock's Park 121 100 1683
Gardiner, Luke St. John's 11 1480 1668
Gary, Richard Hardshift 130 50 1684
Guest, Walter Guest's Neck (Hopton Park) 31 150 1652
Hagon, Thomas Cadock Measure 87 150 1672
Hall, Walter Revell's Backside 57 100 1663
Hammond, Daniel Lewger's Plains 118 433 1682
Hammond, Mordeca St. Bernard's 59 100 1664
Harris, Samuel Whitaker 43 150 1652
Heard, John Coventry 104 100 1680
Heard, John Heard's Choice 108 150 1681
Heard, John Offley 99 180 1676
Heard, William William Heard's Purchase 128 115 1697
Heard, William William Heard's Purchase 128

Hogan, Thomas New Castle 82

Hopkins, John Fair Fountain Delight 83 100 1671
Howard, Thomas Howard's Mount 35 200 1653
Jarbo, John Clipping 13

Jarbo, John Evans Quarter 13 100 1648
Jarboe, John Jarboe 41 150 1658
Lewger, John Philip's Purchase 44 100 1658
Mansell, John Gilmot's Hill 25 600 1652
Marsh, Paul Marshes Hope 64 150 1665
Martin, James Rollery 60 100 1665
Maynard, Charles Leith 74 100 1667
Maynard, Charles Maynard's Comfort 17 100 1668
Maynard, Charles Edenburg 38 100 1657
Meakins, William Wolver Hampton 122 150 1681
Medley, John Robert's Neck 27 100 1651
Medley, John Pococomoco Point 4 100 1641
Medley, John Medley 26 1250 1651
Medley, John Medley 131 1250 1651
Mills, Peter Anstruther 70 32 1667
Mills, Peter Hatfield Hill 77 200 1664
Mills, Peter Minsterdam 73 64 1667
Mills, Peter Pomfret Field 78 150 1667
Murty, Stephen Waterford 98 800 1676
Nevit, John Knevet's Beginning 109 100 1681
Nevitt, Richard Nevet's St. Ann's 8 100 1653
Noble, John Nobles Victor 119 40 1682
Norman. John Yeilding (Bailey's Fortune) 37 300 1658
Nun, John Nun's Oak 7
Obert, Bertman Little St. Lawrence 21

Obert, Bertram Shepherd's Fields 21
Obryan, Mathias Scotland 42 100 1651
Obryon, Mathias Bryon 138 100 1651
Pakes (Peakes), Walter Mill Freehold 146 1100 1651
Pakes (Peakes), Walter Redbud Thicket 47 100 1657
Pakes (Peakes), Walter Redbud Thicket 6 100 1657
Pakes (Peakes), Walter Rocky Point 48 200 1652
Pakes (Peakes), Walter St. Anne 147 100 1649
Pakes (Peakes), Walter St. Francis 65 500 1665
Pakes (Peakes), Walter St. Lawrence 20 300 1649
Pakes (Peakes), Walter St. Margaret's 66 300 1666
Pakes (Peakes), Walter St. Peter's Hill 54 500 1662
Pearch, Simon Hard Adventure 127 276 1695
Revell, Randall Revell 1 300 1641
Rosewell, William Clarken 111 200 1680
Rosewell, William Clarken Addition 112 75 1680
Salmon, Stephen St. Stephen's Spring 12 50 1648
Salmon, Stephen Salmon 12

Salmon, Thomas The Poole 97 120 1675
Salmon, Thomas Rochester 92 200 1672
Scot, Cuthbert Hopton Park 101 2100 1680
Sheppy, Richard Assurace 81 60 1670
Sheppy, Richard Hopewell 68 100 1666
Sheppy, Richard Hopewell 69 100 1666
Sheppy, Richard Sheppy's Rest 113 100 1681
Shertcliffe, John Ferney H.N 145 300 1658
Shertcliffe, John Horton's Hays 22 100 1653
Shertcliffe, John Shertcliff 34 200 1662
Shertcliffe, John Shertcliff 58 100 1652
Shertcliffe, William St. William's 129 90 1685
Simpson, Paul Crackbourne's Purchase 49 200 1652
Spalding, Thomas St. Giles 102 116 1667
Spinke, Henry Twittnam 93 300 1673
Spinke, Henry Linstead 36 100 1653
Spinke, Henry Linstead's Addition 117 100 1682
Spinke, Henry St. William's Hermitage 71 200 1667
Sprigg, Thomas Thomas Sprigg's Land 50 500 1661
Styles, John Styles Chance 142 200 1685
Styles, William Racoon Point 14 100 1649
Tant, John Tant's Mark 136 160 1683
Tant, John Taunton Deane 137 40 1683
Taylor, Frances Fortune 133 50 1684
Taylor, Henry Hampton 89 100 1672
Taylor, Henry Kingston 80 50 1670
Tettershall, William St. Lawrence 62 300 1665
Thompson, Arthur Hamstead 124 200 1682
Thompson, Arthur Hounstow 90 100 1673
Thompson, Arthur St. Oswald 123 200 1683
Thompson, Robert Hard Fortune
100 1695
Thompson, William Indian Quarter (Hopton Park) 15 250 1648
Thompson, William Koaxe's 45 200 1658
Thompson, William
Thompson's Purchase 40

Unknown Bennet's Purchase 26

Unknown Edloe 10

Unknown Favor 10

Unknown Fourth Addition 125

Unknown Gilmot 51

Vowels, Richard
Thompson's Purchase 40

Walker, Richard Berry 120 65 1682
Wheatley, Andrew Nintoquight 139 116 1683
Wheatley, Andrew Wheatly's Hill 140 28 1683
Wheatley, John Batchelor's Comfort 114 190 1682
Wheatley, John Wheatly's Meadows 115 110 1682
Wheatley, John Wheatly's Content 110 297 1681
Wood, William Green Hill 53 250 1662
Wynne, Thomas Denby 39


These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).