Migration from Maryland: 1780 - 1820

Counties: St. Mary's (SMC), Charles (CC), Calvert (CaC), Prince George's (PGC)

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updated 6/2002





















Source information: extensive research of census & land records 1790 Federal Census, Charles County, Maryland 1800 Federal Census, Granville Co., N.C. Granville County, N.C. Land & Deed Records -- place Zachariah in N.C. by 1795 Will of Zachariah Dutton, 1829, Granville Co., N.C. Tombstone of Edmund Dutton, Lawrence Co., Ala. 1850 Federal Census, Lawrence Co., Ala. -- verifies age & birthplace of Stephen & Edmund 1850 Federal Census, Lawrence Co., Ala. -- verifies age & birthplace of William & John 1850 Federal Census, Anson Co., N.C. -- verifies Samuel Dutton born ca. 1797 in N.C.

Penn, Stephen, soldier of the American Revolution, aged 74, and a resident of Lawrence County: private Maryland State Troops; enrolled on May 2, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $31.33 Revolutionary Pension Ross, in Vol XIV, Sen,. doc 514, 23rd Cong. 1st sess., 1833-34. From: History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography Volume IV.

Stephen and Mary Penn and Sarrah Simpson were founding members of what was first known as Birdwells Springs Chruch in Lawrence Co. Al. this was in 1819. Stephen was pastor from 1819 until 1833. Apparently the church name was later changed to Enon Church. It is or was located about ten miles east of Moulton in Lawrence. Co.

1838 Declaration in to attain the benefit of the Act of Congress
State of Alabama Lawrence County
On this day of August in the year 1832 personally appeared in open court before James B Wallace judge of the county court of said county of Lawrence at a session of said now sitting at the Courthouse in said county Stephen Penn aged seventy=two years who being first duly sworn according to law make following au in to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 8, 1839. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. The said Stephen Penn states that in the county of St. Mary in he state of Maryland in the month of May in the year 1778 he became a substitute and took the place of William Compton in the first Maryland Regiment under Capt. Gaiter, the lieutenant being Samuel McPherson that he marched from Maryland under said McPherson to a place called the Valley Forge in the state of Pennsylvania this service was for nine months according to the contract of engagement but he was not discharged until the month of March, 1777. At the time of his discharge he was in the state of New Jersey, the discharge was given by Gen. Green who had the command at the time. He did not get home for two more weeks after being discharged. He was in the battle at Monmouth Courthouse fought in the month of June after he joined the army. Gaiter was Capt, commandant at the time of the battle, the Mayor at the time was by the name of Winder. His understanding was that Georg Washington himself was Commander in Chief at this place. He has lost his discharge and has no documentary evidence of his service and does not know of any person by whom he can prove his service. This nine months service was as a regular soldier on the establishment. After this months service. So the said Stephen Penn again went into the Army as a substitue for a man by the name of Hezikiah Barber who had been drafted for three months under Capt. Waters. I believe his given name was William. this was in Maryland in the County of St. Mary He marched in this Company to a place called Point Lookout in said County. The object was at this place to prevent the British from landing. He does not recollect how long the Company in service but recollects that the Company was out of service a part of the time but they were not discharged but under constant readiness to the end of to three months of the three months this time was out and the Company not being at that time in actual service he did not receive a written discharge but the Company was considered discharged. Arter the of the Company of Ca[Capt. Waters, he volunteered under Capt. Henry Dente in Charles County Maryland for a length of time not but for time of actual service under Capt. Dente was but a few weeks as the British went off. He has no documentary evidence of his service and cannot prove the same except from reputation and his own oath. This was the last of his service in the Revolutionary War. He does not recollect the time of the expiration of his service. After his service expired he lived in Maryland eight or ten years in North Carolina five, six, or seven years in N Y (?) seven or eight years in Tennessee eight or nine years and in Alabama in the County of Morgan just of one year and in Lawrence County in said state fourteen years. He hereby relinquishes every whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed in open court the day & year & Stephen Penn aforesaid. (signature written) We John Harris, Moses Simpson and James Kitchens residing in said county of Lawrence hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Stepehn Penn who has subscribed and sworn to the above action that we believe him to be seventy-two years old as he states. that he is reported and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion & further that since Stephen Penn is a regular Clergyman of the Baptist Church and that he is a man of good character and reputation in his neighborhood. John Harris James Kitchens Moses Simpson And the said court do hereby declare its opinion after the investigation of the matter after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. And the court further certifies that it appears to it that John Harris, James Kitchens, and Moses Simpson who had signed the preceding certificate are residents of said county of Lawrence and are credible and persons and that their statement is entitled to and and then that said Stephen Penn, the applicant is a Clergyman and a reputable person--It appears to the the Court to be inconvenient for the Said Penn to get a clergyman to certify as to the reputation of his Service. James B Wallace Judge Cty Court I John Grigg Clerk of the county court of the county of Lawrence Alabama do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceeding of the said in the matter of the application of Stephen Penn for a pension. his testimony whereof I have herein to set my hands and seal of office this 20th day of August 1932. John Griff Clerk From Mary Penn's application: "War Department "Revolutionary Claim I certify that in conformity with the law of the United States of the 7th June 1832 Stephen Penn of the State of Alabama who was a private in the Army of the Revolution is entitled to receive thirty-one dollars and thirty-three cents per annum during his natural life, commencing on the 4th of March 1831 and payable semi-annually on the 1st day of March and 4th of September in every year. Given at the War Office of the United states this 2nd day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty three Lew ?? Secretary of War Examined and countersigned J L Edwards Commissioner of Pensioners that the deceased pensioner resided in Lawrence County in the State of Alabama for the space of twenty one years before his death and that previous thereto he resided in Bledsoe County in the State of Tennessee. Sworn to and subscribed before me Mary (her mark) Penn the 23 day of April 1839 Zadock Vay J P Richard Day


. Source information Revolutionary pension petitions of Stephen Penn and Mary McKay Penn -- give account of migration Stephen Penn Family Bible 1850 Federal Censuses of Lawrence, Morgan, and Hancock Co., Ala. -- verify birthplaces of children


These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).