Migration from Maryland: 1780 - 1820

Counties: St. Mary's (SMC), Charles (CC), Calvert (CaC), Prince George's (PGC)

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updated 6/2002




















(Note, the Peter O'Neale mentioned below was the firstborn son of John (Jo Owneill) O'Neale who was left a tract of land named CRACKBONE and situated in St. Mary's County, Maryland in 1693.by his grandfather Peter Lemare. We suspect John went to Virginia in 1694, but have not found proof where he went yet.)

Descendants of John O’NEALE & Margaret BARTON

(and where they migrated to)  

John O’Neale, son of Peter O’Neale (1)-and Ann Unknown, was born in 1719.(2-3) in St. Mary’s Co. Maryland (4) and died on April 1, 1785 in Montgomery County, (5) . John married Margaret Barton-about 1748 in Frederick Co. Maryland. (6)  Margaret was born in 1727.(2-3) They had 8 children who lived to maturity: John, Peter, Margaret, Barton, Phebe, Jannet Anna, Joseph and Mary.(2-3)


John O'Neale, St. Mary's County, Maryland migrated to Culpeper County,Virginia before 1782

John O’Neale was born on October 9, 1749 in St. Mary’s County, Maryland (2-3-7) and died about 1800 in Culpeper County, Virginia. (8)


Peter O'Neal, St. Mary's County, Maryland migrated to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, 1779 (10)

Peter O’Neal, was born in 1754 (2-3) in St. Mary’s County,  Maryland, died on October 5, 1832 in Clearville, Bedford County, Pennsylvania., at age 78,(9) and was buried in Clearville, Bedford Co. Pennsylvania. 


Barton O'Neale, St. Mary's County, Maryland migrated to Ross County, Ohio, about 1795-1798  (13)

Barton O’neale was born on February 22, 1758 (11) in St. Mary's County, Maryland and died on October 10, 1838 in Ross County, Ohio, at age 80, and was buried in Old Methodist Cemetery In Adelphi, Ross County, Ohio.(11)  He married Mary Dyson on January 9th, 1786 in Montgomery County, Maryland. (12) Barton took the ‘ Oath of Fidelity and Support ‘ in Montgomery Co.  Maryland 1778 per returns of Edward Burgess (Revolutionary Records’, Brumbaugh and Hodges, pp.4,6 ) He served as a Private in Montgomery Co. Maryland militia, 1st Company under Zadock McGruder, upper Bat. ( Revolutionary Records, unpublished, p. 133, No. 4 of Margaret R.  Hodges, DAR Library) The 1790 Montgomery County Maryland Census shows 2 free white males over 16, 6 free white females  and no slaves living in The Barton Neill household. After the Revolution he went with Forbs building FORBS ROAD to Pittsburgh, he then went on to Ross Co. Ohio, where he raised his family. Barton was the first blacksmith and carpenter in Colerain Township. Ross Co. OH. ( Pioneer Record of Ross County Ohio, I. Finley & R. Putman, Robert Clark Co. , p.1019 Cincinnati, OH ) Barton and Mary his wife, are buried at the Old Methodist Cemetery in Adelphi, Ross Co., OH.

1776 Frederick Co MD Sugar Land Hundred MD Early Census Index: Barton Oneal; Sent by Bev Crowe, 01/12/2001.

Note: Barton may have travelled with his brother, Joseph, who ended up in Monongalia County, West Virginia, Which is quite close to where where Barton ended up in Ross County, Ohio. 

Jannet Anna O'Neal, St. Mary's County, Maryland to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, 1779

 Jannet Anna O’Neal was born on December 21, 1761 in St. Mary’s Co. Maryland and died on June 11, 1827 in Providence Twp; Bedford Co; Pennsylvania., at age 65.  (You already have her listed on the site.) 

Joseph O’Neal, St. Mary's County, Maryland to Monongalia County, West Virginia.

(Already on Web site)

Joseph O’Neal  was born on September 11, 1766 in St. Mary’s Co. Maryland, died on December 7, 1847 in Monongalia County, West Virginia, at age 81, and was buried in Poulson/O’neal Cemetery, Monongalia County, West Virginia.  General Notes: Monongalia County, West Virginia - MARRIAGES 1794 THRU 1800 A courthouse fire resulted in the destruction of the earliest marriage records for Monongalia County.  This list is compiled from ministers returns and Volume A of the Marriage Records of Monongalia County. About ten years ago, the book of marriage bonds for this county was brought from the courthouse basement and photocopied. These bonds may now be ordered from the courthouse. No attempt has been made to coordinate this list with the bonds to ascertain if the bonds for any of these marriages are present. The bonds, if available, have the signatures of the bondsmen and sometimes reveal the parents of the parties involved. Found Marriage Record: Oneal, Joseph, Thompson, Elizabeth, 23 March 1796. Joseph is found in Sept. 2, 1776 Census living in Fredrick County, Sugar Land Hundred, Maryland. He later lived in Green Briar Co. VA.

Census, 1810 Monongalia Co WVA. Jos Oneal; By Bev Crowe, 1/12/2002.

Joseph O’Neal is buried in the Poulson/O’Neal Cemetery in Monongalia County, West Virginia. His birthdate is calculated from the date on his tombstone. Info by Cynthia Wren and Barb Herron, 3/4/2002 


(1) The will of Peter O’Neal was written April 17, 1745. And probated in St. Mary’s Co., MD. Sept. 16, 1747 The Will of Peter Oneale is found in the Calendar of Wills for St. Mary’s Co. MD, Vol. 9, 1744-1749 page 122. From Betti Moore, 11/25/2001, Will is also in the Will Book 25, Liber d d, No. 4, folio 155, Annapolis, Maryland. "Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my loving wife, Ann Oneale that land and plantation wheron I now dwell, being part of Tract of land called CRACKBONE, during the time of her widowhood with all the improvements, rights profits & priveliges therunto belonging, and after her deceasor at the day of her marriage if she should marry again, I give and bequeath the said land & improvements to my son John Oneale and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten……"

(2) Census of Sugar Land Hundred, Frederick County, Maryland, taken September 2, 1776.

The Census shows:

Name               Age  Calculated Birthdate

John O’Neal    57   1719

Peter                22   1754

Barton             16   1758

Joseph             10   1766

Margaret         49   1727

Margaret         18   1758

Phebe              16   1760

Janet               14   1762

Mary              10   1766


(3) “Maryland Records Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources: 

Number of Souls in Sugar Land Hundred by Samuel Blackmore; Sept. 2, 1776. 

John O’Neal age 57,

Peter O’Neal age 22,

Barton O’Neal age 16,

Joseph O’Neal age 10,

Margaret O’Neal age 49,

Margaret O’Neal age 18,

Phebe O’Neal age 16,

Janet O’Neal age 14,

Mary O’Neal age 10.

(4) This statement is based on the fact that John's father, Peter O'Neale was born and died in St. Mary's County. Thus we assume John was also born in St. Mary's.

(5) The Will of John O’Neal, Montgomery County, Maryland, Liber B, Folio 201, 247, Liber D, Folio 324, 325. Will dated April 1, 1785, probated April 3, 1785.

In the name of God Amen, I John Oneale of Montgomery County in the Providence of Maryland being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for this same and calling to mind the uncertianty of this transitory life that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call, doe make this my last will and testament in matter and form following... Impremise, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph my lease during the turns of years that the lease is drawn for.  And it is my will and pleasure that my wife shall not be disturbed of the house and plantation during the terms of the lease. It is also my will and pleasure that my son Barton shall live on the plantation as long as he and his brother Joseph can agree.  After my just debts are paid I give and bequeath the rest of my effects and estate to my wife during her life and after her death to be equally devided between my four children, namely Barton, Jannet, Joseph and Mary, but if my wife upon my child or children marrying should give anything then that child is not to have so much by value of such a thing as so given at her death. Lastly, I constitute, ordain and appoint my loving wife Executrix of this, my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of April, 1785.

Signed, Sealed Published and Pronounced by the sd John O’Neale as his last will and testament in presence of us who in presence of each other have hereunto signed our names... Thos Higdon Frank Tucker John O’neale

(6) This is unproved, and based on the year of birth of their firstborn child, who did not live to adulthood.

(7) In a letter from Bennet O'Neal to his nephew, written in Edmunton, Barren County, Kentucky on May 9, 1859, Bennet wrote the following. "You wanted to know some things about our family. I will give you the best information I can. My Father's name was John. He was born in St. Marys County Maryland the 9th day of Oct. 1749." (Bennet also said, my father... had three brothers Barton, Peter & Joseph."

 (8) Bennet O'Neale Letter written in 1858.  "my Mother died when I was a boy my father died before I was grown, my father married the second time   had three sons & three daughters they all moved to the Ohio state the last account I had from them which is about 12 years past…"  (Bennets mother died after 1788. In order for his father to remarry and have six additional children he must have lived at least until 1795.

(9) General Notes: The Will of Peter O’Neal Peter O’Neal Providence Township 1832   Will Book 3, Page 20 Bedford Courthouse

In the name of God, I PETER O’NEAL of Providence township, Bedford County, being sound in mind, memory and understand do make and publish this my last will & testament as follows - I desire after by decease all my just debts to be paid and my body desently[sic] buried - and my wife Sarah should she survive me to have all my Estate, both real and personal during her natural life - and after the decease of myself and my wife Sarah I give all my real Estate and personal Estate to be equally devided amongst all my children, except SOLOMON O’NEAL, my son. I give him nothing, as he has been otherwise provided for. And my son JOSEPH O’NEAL, I give him an equal share with the rest of my children of the tract of land I live on and my personal estate, but any of my other lands I give him no part. I give my two sons DAVID and SAMUEL O’NEAL fifty dollars more than any of my other children (each one of them) as they have continued to live with me. I desire my Executors hereafter mentioned to sell all my Real Estate to the best advantage and as soon as convenient after myself and my wife’s decease, and convey the same in fee simple - As I have sold a tract of land to my son WILLIAM if I should die before I convey the same to him, I hereby empower my Executors to convey the same to him agreeable to the agreement between us. I appoint my two sons JOHN and JAMES O’NEAL executors of this my last will and testament to carry the same in effect. Witness my hand and seal the 11th day of April

Witness Sealed & Delivery in hands of Charles Ashcom Peter O Neal(e) William Barton Probate:

Charles Ashcom and William Barton appeared 10/5/1832

Inventory taken by Joseph Sparks and David Fletcher 11/3/1832

 (10) Kenneth O’Neal, Internet Addy: kon@hhs.net : September 2, 1776 Peter was living in Fredrick Co. Maryland on Sugar Land Hundred Plantation. Peter and three of his brothers left Southern Maryland at the time of the Revolutionary War. They were born in St. Mary’s Co.  1749-1766. The family moved to Sugar Land Hundred “ west of present day Rockville, Maryland.  Peter went to Bedford Co. Pennsylvania about 1779 where he is listed in a Return of Property for Colerain Township.  as a “ single freeman” And a “single freeman in Providence Township.  in 1783, he paid One pound , 18 shillings “ Federal supply Tax on his 200 acres, one horse and two sheep. He is listed in the census of 1784as a single freeman in Providence Township. He is listed as a Warrantee of Land in Bedford Co. called ‘Hibernia’ in 1786, 1793, 1813. He probably followed or traveled with the Sparks and McDaniels families, who were also from Fredrick Co. Maryland Sarah Sparks possibly traveled with her brothers, Solomon, James, and Joseph Sparks, who were all in Bedford Co. during the Revolutionary War. and were soldiers. Tax records for 1796 Bedford Co. show Peter owns 650 acres of land in Bedford Co. Pennsylvania. Peter and family show on census records for Bedford Co. For the years 1790, 1800, 1810. Peter was the first O’Neal of OUR ancestors to live in Pennsylvania. His name is found spelled as follows Peter Neel, Peter Neil, Peter Neal, Peter O’Neal From 1810 he is found as Peter O’Neal. He received pay for service in the Pennsylvania Continental Line Co. Pennsylvania. in the Revolutionary War as Pvt. Peter O’Neil Pennsylvania Archives Pennsylvania. 5 S V 4 P 247. He is listed on DAR list as Peter O’Neal His will was probated May 10, 1832 Peter was also a member of The Frontier Rangers. A group who fought Indians and recovered captives from the Indians. Peter apparently lived a very active life. Peter is buried in a family cemetery on a farm near Clearville, Bedford Co. Pennsylvania , which was his first homestead. On July 25,1998 a marker, from the Veterans Administration, for his service in The Revolutionary War, was dedicated by his descendents, at the O’Neal reunion at his grave site.

Information on Peter also from “ The O’Neals of Bedford County” by Harry E. Smith, Genealogy report by William Robert O’Neal, and census and courthouse records found in Bedford Co., and Peters Will Bedford Co Courthouse, Book # 3 page # 20

 (11) Dates from his tombstone. I have photos on the web site.

 (12) Marriage info. from Marriage License of Fredrick Co. 1778-1810 by Margret E. Myers Family Line Publications page 111.

(13) Based on Probate records in Md in 1795 and son Samuel being born in Ohio in 1799.

NOTE: Because so much of the 3rd, 4th & 5th generations revolve around the Bennet Letter I have included a transcript of the  letter below.

The original is in the hands of Clifford O'Neal of Pennsylvania, who gave me a photocopy on 7/29/2002. I have scanned images of the letter on The O'Neal web Site. <http://www.onealwebsite.com>

 Edmunton, Barren County, Kentucky       May 9, 1859

 Dear nephew   I received your letter of March the 3 it give me much pleasure to hear from you once more and to learn where you are living for its bin a good many years since I heard from any of the relations   I am still living in Edmunton Barren Co Ky   my family consists of myself and one daughter about 48 years of age   she has bin sickly a grate many years and neve would marry I must let you know about 5 years past my house got burnt down and nealy evory thing I had   I have bought an old house weather boarded it and sealed it which makes it quite comfortable   we are both tolerable well at present   we both are afflicted with what is called asthma I have had of it of and on about 12 years   I am better at this time than I have bin in this 12 years   There have been a grate deal of sickoneys last fall and winter and many deaths   I made 22 coffins beside what other made corn dried muffins are remarkable scarse   Corn sells at 3 dollars per barrel  wheat from 75 to 1 dollar per bushel  flour 5 dollars per barrel money is verry scarse   I feel thankful under all my tryals and difficulties I have plenty to live on   I owe about 30 dollars toward my house yet when I git that paid I shall feal like a free man. You wanted to know something about our family I will give you the best information I can My father's name was John  he was born in St. Marys County Maryland the 9th day of Oct 1749   his father's name was John and I think from Ireland   my father came from Maryland to Culpepper County Virginia where he lived and died   he had three brothers Barton Peter & Joseph Barton and Peter moved from Maryland to Bedford County Pensylvania Joseph moved to what was call green brier county in new Virginia


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my father had six sisters I have seen two of them but can't tell any thing about them and from history you may see this same name they were once some of the leading men of Ireland this is as far as I can give my Mother's name was Rachil Wood her foreparents was from Wales, England So you may see we are mixed up of Irish and Welch   my Mother was born in St Marys County Maryland the 14th day of February 1752 and married to my Father 16th day of February 1781  my Mother died when I was a boy my father died before I was grown, my father married the second time   had three sons & three daughters they all moved to the Ohio state the last account I had from them which is about 12 years past three of them were dead   I will now come to my own Brothers and Sisters my oldest Brother's name was Jonithan Born the 28th day of Sept 1782  then comes my self Born the 20th day of February 1784  nex comes my Brother Daniel Born the 6th day of March 1785, Then comes your Father John Born the 6th day of October 1786 then comes my dear Sister Susannah Born the 6th day of January 1788 my eldest Brother Youngest Brother & Sister are dead my Brother Daniel a few months past was still living in Virginia  So you see from these dates how old we all are  this is as good history as I can give and I believe to be corect.  if you want to know of any  particulars write to me,  my parents were protestans in belief. if any of my fore parents were Catholic I don't know it  I am what is caled a Cumberland Presbyterian I belong to that Denomination. religion is rather cold here at this times we have a good deal of good preaching by Several Different Denominations but for several years speculation and politics run so high that religion the one thing so important has bin neglected to the ruing of many pore souls I fear.   I have a shop and work some at the Cabinate busyness. I can make plenty to live on as yet


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we have a Steem Saw mill and two pares of Burs Stones  to grind Wheat & Corn joining our little village we have 2 stores 2 blacksmith shops one saddle shop one dogery & two Doctors one good Meating house where we have regular preaching we have had abundance of rain this winter and spring farmers is rather backward in planting corn   a grate many people are getting the Texis fever and are making preperations to move in the fall some of my relations I expect will go. I will (Illegible)let you know when Harvey lives, he lives in Bath Mason County, Ill on the Illinois River he is a doctor of medistion & a manager of a rail road runing through his county it seems he is rather a noted man So you may know now where to send a letter to him. when you get this letter I want you to answer it and let us try to keep up a correspondence with each other you must excuse my bad writing my middle finger has broke and is a little stiff to guide a pen or move. 

Give my respects to your family with respect I remain yours till death 

Bennet ONeale

These pages authored and maintained by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas.

.Copyright © 1995 .Linda Reno.Leonardtown, Maryland and Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.. No part of these pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the author(s).